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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Twilight Forge Raid

    hey guys, i went through the torture of getting a sigil made a while ago and have been browsing the LFMs every chance i get

    i understand twilight forge isnt very popular but i would still love to learn the raid and be able to teach it to my friends and guildies

    if there is some sort of "inner circle" or a special time to try and catch these runs that i must be missing, will someone please pm me and give me a heads up?

    also if your just interested in trying the raid out (like myself) and even if you dont know how to do it please post here and let's try to go learn it ourselves i guess, i'm sure theres enough guides/videos out there to get it done

    btw im usually early on central time, like 7-12 am so again, post here if your interested!

    thanks guys

  2. #2
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    Best way to do it is to host your own guild run of this. There are enough guides, etc, to be able to muddle through it.

    I find that very few people know how to run it (I certainly don't), but with enough practice, you should be able to do it. Stick with your guild first, until you get more comfortable with it.
    Brigette; Completionist! || Aoeryn; Wiz20(3rd life).

  3. #3
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    The problem with PUGging this raid is that it only takes one to ruin it. Both the pre-raid and the raid itself.

    That and the absolutely horrid loot. Yes, there are some goodies in there, but with the low drop rate and the dilution from the crud, you've got to have loads of patience.

    I seem to recall Deadpugs running it fairly often as of late... I recommend looking for one of his LFMs. Either that, or start a signup on the Sarlona forums for a specific date/time.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  4. #4
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    The 4 or 5 major PUG leaders have all picked up everything they wanted, so someone new will have to step up to the plate.

  5. #5
    Community Member Grieve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    The problem with PUGging this raid is that it only takes one to ruin it. Both the pre-raid and the raid itself.

    That and the absolutely horrid loot. Yes, there are some goodies in there, but with the low drop rate and the dilution from the crud, you've got to have loads of patience.

    I seem to recall Deadpugs running it fairly often as of late... I recommend looking for one of his LFMs. Either that, or start a signup on the Sarlona forums for a specific date/time.
    Sigh... Now I'm gonna have to run that raid even more.
    Characters: Cardan | Rifte | Feylicia | Warmin | Reimi | Catrini | Deadpugs | Crankthis
    "A" of Team BAS, High scorers at PAX East 2011 | High Score at PAX East 2012
    Raiding for Dummies

  6. #6
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grieve View Post
    Sigh... Now I'm gonna have to run that raid even more.
    Make sure to send /tells, PMs, and in-game mails to Deadpugs anytime that you need help flagging, or running, the Titan Raid.

  7. #7
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Both the preraid and raid are extremely easy, if you see an lfm just make sure you tell the leader you're new and if they're any good they will tell you what to do/not do. (Ran one today and the only non-guildy that was paying any attention and actually doing what they were supposed to do amd being active had never done the quest before...)

    There have been few Titans lately. I myself will only run one more before TRing but they are out there, you just have to keep your eyes peeled and try to learn as much as you can so you can lead your own. The preraid is very easy, you can go in solo and figure out the general layout and use guides online to figure out the details

  8. #8
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Getting a sigil for the Twilight Forge is quite easy, and takes easily less than an hour. That said, finding 12 people that know what they're doing in that raid can easily take more than an hour.

    No, you don't need 12 people that know what they're doing, you only really need 3 or 4. But having 12 means that someone might not run down a corridor, start taking damge, stand still to read their combat log and die and then ask if someone can come and get them when we're waiting to kill the mind flayer.

  9. #9
    Hero Hellllboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braqe View Post
    hey guys, i went through the torture of getting a sigil made a while ago and have been browsing the LFMs every chance i get

    i understand twilight forge isnt very popular but i would still love to learn the raid and be able to teach it to my friends and guildies

    if there is some sort of "inner circle" or a special time to try and catch these runs that i must be missing, will someone please pm me and give me a heads up?

    also if your just interested in trying the raid out (like myself) and even if you dont know how to do it please post here and let's try to go learn it ourselves i guess, i'm sure theres enough guides/videos out there to get it done

    btw im usually early on central time, like 7-12 am so again, post here if your interested!

    thanks guys
    I havent ran Twilight Forge in years-but I do have a TR (Redstripe 15) that I would love to get into it.

    Post your run and I would be happy to join.

  10. #10
    Pirate Cursed Raolin_Darksbane's Avatar
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    I would be happy to host/run one tonight if you want but it would have to be elite for xp purposes

    Just send pm me here if you're interested or we could try to coordinate something for later in the week. You can also msg me in game, im generally on Raolin lately.
    Epiitaph - Antivyrus - Mkael - Raolin

  11. #11
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsEricka View Post
    No, you don't need 12 people that know what they're doing, you only really need 3 or 4.
    Sadly I find after 3 or 4 it takes about 12 times longer to run the raid, since I can't just pick up soul stones and go like I used to, and since leaving people dead who didn't listen has earned me warnings. I no longer run this outside a circle of people who won't get me banned.

    Be sure to check the wiki to have a basic understanding of the raid before you go it. There's a lot of reading and it's hard to make sense of it without having run the quest, but If you read that through, and bookmark it, you'll be one of the better players a pug twilight forge.

    Failing all else though, I've heard that Deadpugs is an awesome patient dude who will teach you till you can host your own.

  12. #12
    Community Member Bakarne's Avatar
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    I'm somewhat busy IRL, but this raid is the primary bottleneck preventing my TR (if I ever bother). I'm looking to keep on timer for titan and I'll likely set up groups in the near future. However, as the taxi/ddoor wizard, I'm always in green, and even after about 10 runs, I haven't set foot in the other side yet. If you can manage purple and red, I don't mind helping lost people - though it certainly is a nuisance that every run two or three people run into colored corridors without first picking up the corresponding medallions.

    The raid itself isn't difficult as long as new people just pike - remember, you can practice running crystals and firing the laser after completion. If there's an extra pillar or two after finishing, you can even get a feel for turbine physics.

    For Monday, look for me on Surare, though I play UTC-5 night time.

  13. #13
    Community Member Thaxlsillyia's Avatar
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    Red face

    i have a fighter who would like to pike in there for tomes and loots but i don't have any specific time i like to run it at.

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