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  1. #1
    Community Member Arsont's Avatar
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    Default 6 paladin vs 6 fighter-Dps?

    Greetings. I've been knocking a couple ideas around for my main, the most prominent being 12/6/2 ranger/paladin/monk and 12/6/2 ranger/fighter/monk. The focus of the build is to create a high AC tank with capable twf dps on top of AA ability. Recently, I TR'd my main to a paladin splash (Attempting to go completionist), and I'm greatly enjoying the benefits of 6 paladin-namely Divine Sacrifice, Lay on Hands and Divine Might. I am considering going 12/6/2 ranger/paladin/fighter, but I lose up to 4 points of AC without having actual monk levels (Unless I can figure out how to redistribute stats more towards dex to get a similar AC).

    With my build, I will be spending these feats for the Paladin splash:
    Point Blank Shot
    Weapon Focused Range
    Sorc PL

    For Fighter splash:
    Sorc PL
    Paladin PL
    Completionist or IC:Ranged (Depending when I feel "done" with the toon)

    Both builds are half elves with monk dilly, taking Power Attack and Combat Expertise on the 2 monk levels.

    That being said, I'm unsure how I would compare the 6 fighter to the 6 paladin in terms of dps. The 6 paladin gets Smites, Div Sac, Div Might, +2/+2 Div Favor (Albeit for only 1 min) as well as a few nice side benefits (LoH, HoTD for 10% heal amp, Immunity to Disease, Divine Righteousness). The fighter gets (Using some of the bonus feats for these) +1 hit/+2 damage to favored weapon type with WF and WS, +1/+1 from kensai weapon mastery and 6 uses of Haste Boost II.

    My question is: Which splash is going to yield better sustainable dps?

    If I've left something unclear or raised questions, I'll be happy to fill in the gaps. Any advice/suggestions are appreciated.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
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  2. #2
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    If you want to tank, Divine Righteousness is too good to pass up. This is especially true if you're not taking Tempest.

    You would be better off DPS-wise with 12/7/1 on the fighter split to get Haste Boost 3.

    Comparing the two, fighter would certainly be better TWF DPS before exhausting Action Boosts, and might even be after. There's no short way to do it, you really have to go all the way through the calcs. Smites make only a tiny contribution to DPS, you just don't have enough and they aren't terribly strong. Divine Sacrifice is good, but you can only use it every 3 seconds. Constant +3 damage (plus whatever you get from Strength) is strong.

  3. #3
    Community Member Arsont's Avatar
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    I'm finding it very hard to compare the two splashes, simply because there's too much weirdness going on for me.

    For instance, Divine Sacrifice is adding the +1 crit multi, as well as the light damage. Fighter gets the 6 haste boosts (I or II with 7 fighter), as well as the kensai goodness.

    I'm leaning towards the pally split right now simply because it -seems- like it loses less dps when I have to respec to use the Stance than the fighter does (Both builds will respec to their Defender PrE for the added AC and tanking benefit).

    I have considered the 12/7/1, and that's something I'll consider, depending on how the pally vs. fighter dps looks. As I'm not experienced with the calculator, my numbers will likely be skewed, but hopefully I can get something to work with.

    Things I need to take into account:
    Fighter gets +2 str, haste boost, weapon focus/spec (When applicable).
    Fighter also gets kensai when specced for it.
    Pally gets Divine Might, Div Sac and 4 smites (Regardless).

    Hopefully I'm not missing anything. I'll probably have to do multiple calcs for the pally so that I can average them together for the DS/DM/Smite dps average (Kensai is a set bonus).
    I am the one without the pants!
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Set the bar low. Minimize the risks, and youll always win.

  4. #4
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    To answer your question, 7 fighter 1 monk would be the highest DPS combo. Haste boost III goes great with versatility damage. Even with 25% melee hate from the stance, I still think aggro would be an issue without tempest or kensai. I know you have FE damage can manyshot to jump out to an early lead but your relative DPS will probably still be low depending on what kind of groups you run with.

    6 Pally 2 monk should be much better for tanking, holding aggro would no longer be an issue with righteousness and it should add more to AC and saves. Smites on a 6 Pally are pretty underwhelming but DM I is 2 damage that applies to range as well, unlike weapon spec. Sacrifice is is the real DPS asset, spam it till your keyboard breaks.

    It appears that you have feat problems either way. I'd highly consider losing a little bit of amp and going human. It's a bit ludicrous to put all those feats/APs into AA and not have room for imp crit: ranged.

  5. #5
    Community Member Arsont's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoidRoid View Post
    To answer your question, 7 fighter 1 monk would be the highest DPS combo. Haste boost III goes great with versatility damage. Even with 25% melee hate from the stance, I still think aggro would be an issue without tempest or kensai. I know you have FE damage can manyshot to jump out to an early lead but your relative DPS will probably still be low depending on what kind of groups you run with.

    6 Pally 2 monk should be much better for tanking, holding aggro would no longer be an issue with righteousness and it should add more to AC and saves. Smites on a 6 Pally are pretty underwhelming but DM I is 2 damage that applies to range as well, unlike weapon spec. Sacrifice is is the real DPS asset, spam it till your keyboard breaks.

    It appears that you have feat problems either way. I'd highly consider losing a little bit of amp and going human. It's a bit ludicrous to put all those feats/APs into AA and not have room for imp crit: ranged.
    With the changes to Intimidate, as well as the 25% from Stalwart I and moderate dps, I'm not sure how much hate I'll need to be able to efficiently tank. I don't feel that the 6 paladin splash would have any problems with hate as long as I keep Divine Righteousness active for a while. There's a couple of hate gear setups I can work in as well, but I'm going to hold off until I'm closer to completing the toon (So I can see what gear the next couple of updates bring).

    AC between paladin and fighter splits comes out about 1 point different, assuming there's no other paladins giving me an AC aura (Stalwart I gives a passive +1 ac whereas Defender of Siberys doesn't).

    I -really- like the 6 paladin splash, but I'm a bit inept with the dps tool, so I'm having trouble telling if it's actually more dps than the 6/7 fighter, assuming 5 haste boosts/weapon spec for fighter and constant Divine Sac use/smites for the paladin.

    Human is a non-option; The build will be an Arcane Archer (Unless they drastically change Manyshot to a format that doesn't mesh with how I like to play). Even if this build were tempest, I'd still roll it as helf with monk dilly for the superior heal amp, since feats would be much less of a problem.

    Mentioning feat problems, I don't feel too pressed. Losing IC:Ranged hurts a bit, but considering that I only range for 20 seconds every two minutes (If even; I tend to save Manyshot for big bosses or when I need to pull mobs), it's something I can live with. This is also the reason I'm not comparing the paladin and fighter splashes in regards of ranged damage.
    I am the one without the pants!
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Set the bar low. Minimize the risks, and youll always win.

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