Is there any way that i can save the DDO files to a CD or another part of the hard drive then reformat my computer. then reinstall the DDO again? My OS is win 7 .... i have a Vista too... THank you any help will be appreciated
Is there any way that i can save the DDO files to a CD or another part of the hard drive then reformat my computer. then reinstall the DDO again? My OS is win 7 .... i have a Vista too... THank you any help will be appreciated
I save the ddo install files when i reinstall just to avoid d/l it again if needed.
iirc they are named dndsetup, dndsetup-1a.bin through -1e.bin
ofc you will need to still d/l the patches and such since you d/l.
Hi mugleboy,
It is possible to save the main files to prevent re-downloading them but I advise against it if you originally had an older module install that has been repeatedly patched given the DAT files will be fragmented internally.
lotro's datdefrag will work perfectly if you swap the datexport.dll file with the one from lotro.
ofc turbine will say this isnt good and will mess you up... but havent heard of a single person that happened too.
If a reformat of the OS is being performed I'd say that's an ideal time to download the current module rather than move old DAT files and then defragment them. If you don't have any broadband cap issues I'd definitely give preference to that approach myself - the lotro tool is a utility for fixing existing issues and then only really if you have no alternative as it's not as effective as a fresh install.
thank you guys!! big help!!!!