I believe her point is to contest the line of logic that somehow the Leap of Faith was a "WIN" button. It isn't. Any class can not use wings, of course, and any class can Kite. That is part of the argument, that the Wings somehow made Favored Souls into "Game Deforming Wing-kiting Harbingers of Raid Boss Doom". They Don't. The problem mentioned alongside the words describing the necessity of the Nerf is not resolved, not even a little, by the Change to Leap of Faith.
So, why not do some runs without it, and some runs with, and compare and contrast?
I've tested the Wings; as someone stated, by the time you have used all 5, back to back, 1 has refreshed. Click it again, and 18 seconds in, you're out of Wings. My Favored Soul, Chasmyr, kited the LoB Hounds for a fair long time, using the wings sparingly mostly because I was trying to keep the hounds moderately close to control where they were on the field. As Shade can attest, as well as anyone with us that night, not a whole lot of "Wing-Spam" happening even when the party rolled out with 3 or 4 of us, and I know there wasn't before the Nerf as well. As I said earlier, I don't like it, for the reasons I've stated, but we're not crippled.
Deforming the Game in 5 uses, with a 3 second Cooldown and a 15 second recovery Rate.
Thanks for the clarification. So, if I'm gathering this right, you get back one Leap of Faith every 15 seconds, is that right?
I have a Favored Soul at level 16 and I've been looking forward to the wings. I feel like when I was just turning 18 and they changed the drinking age to 21. Sure is a lot of fuss about this, & the winging around town sure sounds cool.
As Rizzyn pointed out yes, it is my point to show that Wings is not a "WIN" Button and Thus far I have kited without using them... period.
The test tonight is to see which is the better Kiter the One divine Damage kiting AoE Blade Barrier against Arcane milti layerable AoE Acid Rain, Ice Storm, Cloud Kill, Incendiary Cloud etc. Maybe I can rope a TR's Wizard into doing this too to test my no tr Game Deformingness with his TR Magic Missle and crazy spell DCs.
You have 5 uses, 3 second Cool down on each use and to get back one use after your last use takes 15 seconds so if you spam all 5 you wait 1-1.5 seconds to get back the first you spammed then about 6 to get back the second and so on.
Last edited by Venny; 08-26-2011 at 03:29 PM.
Happily Deforming the Game one Leap of Faith at a time.
If I am to understand the Mechanics of the LoF
1st charge – 3s Cool down – 1 charge Recharge 15s from initial Game deforming 'Winging'
2nd charge – 3s cool down – 2 charge now on 15s Timer - 1 charge recharging in 12s
3c – 3s – 2c 12s – 1c 9s
4c – 3s – 3c 12s – 2c 9s – 1c 6s
5c – 3s – 4c 12s – 3c 9s – 2c 6s – 1c 3s
1c Return.... By the Mechanics If I hit my wings again I SHOULD have the return of the Second charge after the Cool down but that doesn't happen. The Timer seems to almost reset to count down if you spam to 0 they then come slower it seems. Three seconds After the cool down timer clocks down.
it should if we are going by the recharging mechanics as listed....
1c Reused - 3s cd - 5 12s - 4 9s - 3 6s - 2 3s
But instead it some how goes
1c Reused - 3s cd - 5 15s - 4 12s - 3 9s - 2 6s
2c reused -3s cd - 3 returns about 10s after the 3s cd
If this is so... then the Mechanics are off and the 5charge 3s cool down per 15s timer is bugged.
Last edited by Venny; 08-26-2011 at 04:19 PM.
Happily Deforming the Game one Leap of Faith at a time.
This echoes my experience as well. Perhaps my explanation was an oversimplification.
Assuming your timing is good, and you use all 5 initial "Charges", by the end of the 5th use's three-second cool down, you should have another single use back. By the end of the 1st new charges cooldown, another single charge should be back. IF each INDIVIDUAL charge is on a 15 second cool down rate, it should end up as a consistent return of a single charge until you stop using Leap of Faith. Assuming a use after every 3 seconds, you should have a single charge available in 3-4 seconds.
It seems like the timer is off, or when you hit Zero, it counts down from the use of the 1st charge, but that doesn't seem quite right either. More like the timing is off by -- 3-4 seconds.
Actually, on taking more careful notes, this seems BUGGED after the 1st Recharge. We'll have to test and Bug It! In the game. It seems like the 1st Recharge comes back properly, but the timing is off between for the following ones. Sometimes as much as 10 seconds if our Math is right. Honestly, if this was working properly, you'd always have at least 1 Leap of Faith to use. It will just cost you more SP. At the moment, its not implemented correctly.
Last edited by Rizzyn; 08-26-2011 at 04:39 PM.
Deforming the Game in 5 uses, with a 3 second Cooldown and a 15 second recovery Rate.
I just TR'd to legend on my clonk build. 2/18 and 3/17 mnk/clr in the past...
And this time I went for 2/18 mnk/fvs for 2 reasons: More SP and WINGS.
I'm very unhappy now as I'm lvl4 and a casual player, so I won't make it in time to use my uncliped wings before the nerf...
In time, I guess now there's not much reason not to take 16 or less FVS multiclassing.
Or maybe I'll just grab a d*mn heart and LR to clonk again... to have some fun before they re-nerf the aura too.
between cooldowns
Lol yes... at least on live it isn't bugged but still have a cool down...
In any sense of the word... if the Mechanics worked correctly... wings are still 'spamable' with a spell point increase... if they are true to their word of 5 on a 3s cd with each recharging after 15 seconds after initial use. Simple Math 3 x 5 = 15
if you take into account simple base math... you should always have 1 by the end of your last cool down.
Last edited by Venny; 08-26-2011 at 05:08 PM.
Happily Deforming the Game one Leap of Faith at a time.
I Bug Reported this based on our findings.
I encourage every Favored Soul that reads this to perform the same test, and if our findings bear out, bug report it as well. The DEVs implemented this in a hurry, as it was NOT the initial form of the Nerf. It should not go live as it is, as it does not seem to be functioning as intended. I also submit that if it can't at least be corrected to perform as intended, that it should NOT go LIVE.
Deforming the Game in 5 uses, with a 3 second Cooldown and a 15 second recovery Rate.
If they lowered the sp cost to 0 and allowed the charges to auto fill in public instances, then the change wouldn't be bad for me. The only real annoyance to getting to ADQ, at this point the genie just needs to teleport anyone who has been their before like in tangleroot.
Their is no where, that I have used wings in a quest, that this change will effect me. Wings have been a convenience in moving around for me and the only reason I came back to the game last October. I purchased the class and started fresh after wiping out everything out a year before. I liked the flavor of the FvS, and the enjoyment factor went down. I am pretty surprised by this change. Wings were not breaking anything in the game. Anything that was done before will still be done. All this did was remove a little enjoyment from the class. Not really a good game decision when the goal of any company is too make money and shareholders happy.
Server: Ghallanda
Characters: Wigs (FvS) / Wigz (Acrobat/Ninja)
Guild: Ravensguard
I am thinking of putting up a LFM to count the Seconds
1 person counts the seconds on the first use to it's return
2 person counts the seconds on the second use
3 person counts the seconds on the thrid use
4 person counts the seconds on the forth use
5 person counts the seconds on the fifth use
all to each use's return but I can see where that would get annoying lol
Happily Deforming the Game one Leap of Faith at a time.
People who are saying each charge should recharge every 15 sec... no...
ONE charge recharges every 15 seconds, they don't each have a timer to come back. Charges aren't numbered, they are a pile of the same thing. You use A CHARGE (not charge 1) and then you start the 15 sec timer for regeneration because you're not at the max of 5. You use a second charge, and the timer is still ticking (at 12s) to get one back (not #1 back).
I created my fvs primarly for wings to have fun with him, so please don't stole them.
I never used wings for dot and fly, dot and fly, dot and fly, but for speed, so I can understand an attempt to mitigate the wings and dot tactic in raids (failed for me), but I can't understand where is the "cheating" usage in puplic areas or wilderness...
The loss in fun is way superior than loss in efficiency in raids!!!
Do what I say, don't do what I do!
http://my.ddo.com/character/cannith/claymorep/ broken atm... http://my.ddo.com/character/cannith/claymoref/ and http://my.ddo.com/character/cannith/claymorer/
ac 52.... Game/Tanking with a Pale Master... Healing ourselves and poking at poor pixels
Look at how pretty we make the Hound look...
I needed to catch up to the PM once so.... Cake please as there was death already... hehehehe
The lord of Eyes didn't stand a chance against us but he looks fantastic trying
Last edited by Venny; 08-27-2011 at 06:25 PM.
Happily Deforming the Game one Leap of Faith at a time.
as i understand it, the regenerating abilities starts the counter from when your ability is no longer at maximum capacity, and recharges 1 ever x seconds but stops and resets when you're at max.
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
Either way, in any sense...
Do you see me kiting bosses? Or do you see me tanking them
Not everyone is going to have epic gear and so I as a paying customer have a right to know why the Wings are taking such a hit when it is the 'Fun' of the class... if you are puting such a limit on them and want to keep the Fvs grounded why not just give them the Heavy Prof... sure they will take a hit to ther jump skill but it would allow them to be better tanks without having to as others say 'waste the feat'
though I suppose I have two wasted feats as Extend isn't for anything but buffs now.
Last edited by Venny; 08-27-2011 at 06:32 PM.
Happily Deforming the Game one Leap of Faith at a time.
That seems to be the case. Which wasn't how I read it, but that's about par for the course I suppose. Or perhaps it was hopeful thinking that each use would refresh in 15 seconds. Because that 1st one comes back in 15, but it seems like once the bucket of "LoF" is empty; you get one back every 15 seconds. Effectively, six uses before a roughly 12 second wait for the next single use.
I still await a firm explanation. I hope the Devs give one.
Deforming the Game in 5 uses, with a 3 second Cooldown and a 15 second recovery Rate.