Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
So let me try to clear that up. The current intended functionality which will be limited to the two new raids is thus...

If you die in the boss battle an effect is applied to your dead spirit called “Lingering Grip of Death”, It lasts 60 seconds on hard, 90 on elite, 120 seconds on epic. The effect prevents Rezz effects from working on your spirit. Once it times out your fair game for a rezz. It doesn’t prevent death pact or divine intervention. The effect shouldn't appear on normal difficulty.

We currently have one known issue with it:
While dead in one of these encounters if the effect has already expired and you move away from your soul stone and teleport as a result, the effect will reapply. We are working on a fix now.
Hope this does the job of keeping things interesting for you but doesn't stop the action all together. What we saw opening night did look promising.

This is better than the penalty box in other raids.