There's one thing I'd like to suggest now that we're talking about death.
There are three types of spells that can be cast in order to restore one's body: Raise Dead, Resurrection, and True Resurrection. Right now, there are really only two spells that have strong motivation to use: Raise Dead for the ability to revive someone and potentally fast as well(Quicken), and True Resurrection to efficiently resurrect someone. While back when the level cap was 16(Can you believe that?), there would have been motivation to use resurrection since it restored the most hitpoints, even back then, I still dont see too much use aside from another rez. There should be more motivational factors to use the higher tiers of resurrection spells, and what I propose for changes in resurrection spells is this:
- The higher the rez spell, the less negative effects come through. Raise dead applies the full death penalty that can be applied upon a resurrection, resurrection only limits it to the second penalty, and true resurrection has none at all. Death pact is unique: It restores your HP as a raise dead but only has death penalties up to a resurrection(Or True res, whichever you feel is fine).
- Only a resurrection or true resurrection can resurrect someone who has been hit by a instant death spell or a disintegrate, since both effects destroy the body. While a person can be resurrected with a rez shrine if they get hit by these effects, you will get a error message if you attempt to cast raise dead on someone who has been hit by a disintegrate or death effect.
- Healing lore should effect resurrection spells in unique ways: If it crits, a raise dead restores 50% HP instead of 10%, a resurrection restores full HP instead of 50% HP, and a true resurrection gives a 10% bonus of temporary hitpoints. It only effects HP restored though, and does not effect penalties or conditions of resurrecting(Although it would be nice if it could reduce or remove penalties based on crit %, I think thats something Turbine could twink with later).
I do realize that this may add challenge for UMD'ers, as well as divines with limited spell slots, but if you think about it, resurrection scrolls can still be purchased(Although a bit expensive) at the House Jorasco vendor to revive someone who died of a instant death or disintegrate spell. The one thing that might worry me is that Greensteel clickies of double positive might become a bit worthless now, but in the end, I feel that the idea of whether or not to change the clickie to resurrection or true resurrection(Which it once was, but nerfed for some reason) is up to Turbine.