Spaceships and swords dont usually have much in common but on the Wings nerf topic I think some mechanics from EVE online would be fair in the DDO environ.
In EVE a fast ship could avoid weapons fire and stay out of range of other fast ships. This was balanced by giving some mobs a slowing effect weapon or neutralising your ability to warp around completely, leaving you moving a lot slower either way, and therefore as vulnerable as everyone else.
It seems to me that nerfing wings will ultimately prove fruitless, as veteran players will find other ways to win. Reference to the lord of blades raid; kiting is now know to be a winning tactic. If not FvS with wings, then it will be some other speedy class/multiclass.
Why not give boss guard minions the slow spell and/or hamstring, or specific to LoB, the chains idea? Or, since its a Cannith quest, some piece of tech that effects heavy gravity?
Using slowing debuffs will nerf kiting rather than FvS Wings ability, which, if kiting bosses is the real issue within the dev team, seems to me the fair balance required.
I think the click'n'tick compromise is quite good, I just question its nessessity given that other builds can speed tank well.