Dear Turbine, dves, mods, QA, any person reading this that represents Turbine,
Please update the community guidelines to explicitly say that flaming of ANY type of paying customer will not be tolerated.
This entire and petty pile of cow dung that has arisen over what style of payment is better for Turbine, has gone to the extreme. Players feel that regardless of checking the box at the end of the ToS that says "I agree" implies they have more rights than any other member of the gaming community.
This is not the case, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is not true.
If this were true, and ANY paying customer was less important to Turbine than another paying customer, this game would be finished. . You can do your own search otherwise.
Please update the community forum rules to reflect the fact that ALL players, no matter what payment method they choose, are equally valued customers of Turbine inc, and flaming of any style of payment plan will not be tolerated.
There has been enough of this petty childish behavior over whose money Turbine prefers, as far as my opinion goes, money is money, as long as it is obtained by legal means, and keeps the lights on.
Thank you very much.