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Thread: Paying players

  1. #1
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Default Paying players

    Dear Turbine, dves, mods, QA, any person reading this that represents Turbine,

    Please update the community guidelines to explicitly say that flaming of ANY type of paying customer will not be tolerated.

    This entire and petty pile of cow dung that has arisen over what style of payment is better for Turbine, has gone to the extreme. Players feel that regardless of checking the box at the end of the ToS that says "I agree" implies they have more rights than any other member of the gaming community.

    This is not the case, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is not true.

    If this were true, and ANY paying customer was less important to Turbine than another paying customer, this game would be finished. . You can do your own search otherwise.

    Please update the community forum rules to reflect the fact that ALL players, no matter what payment method they choose, are equally valued customers of Turbine inc, and flaming of any style of payment plan will not be tolerated.

    There has been enough of this petty childish behavior over whose money Turbine prefers, as far as my opinion goes, money is money, as long as it is obtained by legal means, and keeps the lights on.

    Thank you very much.

  2. #2
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    Here you go.

    Brigette; Completionist! || Aoeryn; Wiz20(3rd life).

  3. #3
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by der_kluge View Post
    Here you go.

    What about my wine? I prefer dry red.

  4. #4
    Time Killer Sarcos's Avatar
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    ... Just Sayin'
    You can't spell sarcasm without Sarc
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  5. #5
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarcos View Post

    ... Just Sayin'
    And gladly willing to take any punishment meted out for stating the obvious.

  6. #6
    Community Member PLUGintoTHEpowerLINE's Avatar
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    I agree with this.

    I know it's not necessairily more than anybody else, but I've pumped well over $1000 dollars into Turbine in the several years I've been playing their game, in the form of lifetime memberships for LotRO, as well as several thousand turbine points for both LotRO and DDO. I currently have a premium subscription here. Does that really make me any less of a player? Does that make me any less of a supporter of Turbine? No.

    I think it's the term "VIP" that's misleading. Instead of considering it an alternate program or an alternate method of paying, the VIPs think that they get to put on their Scarlett O'Hara, Lords of the Manor, 'let's squash the proles' attitude and raise outrage over a perceived nerf to their benefits, or a perceived lack of benefits.

    Why should you be be special? Anyone's who's not F2P is supporting Turbine. Their label of P2P/VIP doesn't exactly indicate who's spent more or who's the better/more loyal customer.

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    Qui dicebas in corde tuo: In cælum conscendam, super astra Dei exaltabo solium meum.

  7. #7
    Community Member sdrocky's Avatar
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    Talking Flaming other players

    I dont think that flaming players, in the forums or in game, should be tolerated. I am a premium f2p player and have only been playing ddo for about three months (D&D on the other hand, over 30 years as DM). So far ive spent more money on TP's to get access to premium packs than i would have with a p2p subsription.
    I will play with anyone, f2p premium f2p and p2p. dont care as long as they play nice its never an issue. Ive actualy come accross verry few ignorant players of any type. Just lucky i guess. When i do i just stand back, watch them try and zurg ahead and die, recall out and leave the party. makes a not nice situation more fun.
    Flame the flamers in game with thier own ignorance.

    What the VIP players are forgeting is that the second they go off p2p they also lose access to all the premium content. I dont. I paid for it with my money. Ive probably already put 2 years worth of sub into them. I, in fact, have handed over more than a vip who has been on vip for 2 years. My account is just as, if not more, valuable to Turbine. And you know what. i dont care.

    Its a game. lets play nice.
    Last edited by sdrocky; 08-26-2011 at 01:40 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PLUGintoTHEpowerLINE View Post
    I think it's the term "VIP" that's misleading. Instead of considering it an alternate program or an alternate method of paying, the VIPs think that they get to put on their Scarlett O'Hara, Lords of the Manor, 'let's squash the proles' attitude and raise outrage over a perceived nerf to their benefits, or a perceived lack of benefits.

    Why should you be be special? Anyone's who's not F2P is supporting Turbine. Their label of P2P/VIP doesn't exactly indicate who's spent more or who's the better/more loyal customer.

    The DDO VIP program is the best value for players who want access to everything in DDO! Being a VIP provides unlimited access to all Adventure Packs, premium classes and races, and free Turbine Points to spend in the DDO Store every month. It also provides our highest level of service, from priority login access to additional free character slots. It’s the white glove, velvet rope way to go! A monthly DDO VIP subscription costs £8.99, and even less for multi-month plans!
    Linked here

    Quote Originally Posted by sdrocky View Post
    What the VIP players are forgeting is that the second they go off p2p they also lose access to all the premium content.
    Oh make no mistake, that is very clear and on the fore front of Most VIP players minds.

  9. #9
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    Linked here

    Oh make no mistake, that is very clear and on the fore front of Most VIP players minds.
    who want access to everything in DDO>> Key words right there.

    most premium players do not want EVERYTHING in DDO. I know I sure don't, I am quite happy qith a heck of a lot less, knowing that this year alone I have spent near 2 years worth of VIP monthlies to get ONLY the content that interests myself for my play style.

  10. #10
    Community Member sdrocky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    Linked here

    Oh make no mistake, that is very clear and on the fore front of Most VIP players minds.
    What i think is wrong is the fact that VIP players are unable to purchase premium content while a vip. They should be able to purchase what ever they like.

  11. #11
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdrocky View Post
    What i think is wrong is the fact that VIP players are unable to purchase premium content while a vip. They should be able to purchase what ever they like.
    I completely agree with this, 100%, and in fact, this is what made me drop VIP when I first came to this game.

    A choice I made the same as the choice VIP's make to continue to be VIP regardless.

    EDIT: At the time I was going through constant income issues as the economy was crashing deeper and deeper though, and I would have probably stayed VIP had I been certain I could continue to pay every month, as it was, I did not have that comfort, so I went premium, and I still waited about 1 1/2 years to drop a significant amount of money on the game, largely influenced by the player base in game, and how great they were.

    I wish the same player base was as good on the community sites as they are in game.
    Last edited by puget; 08-26-2011 at 02:16 AM.

  12. #12


    We can sit and argue symantics all day and night. VIPs are better, no Premiums spend more money. Whatever.

    In ANY online community there will ALWAYS be people who like to cause drama and stir things up. Same as in real life. You can either jump into the fray and try to change their minds which will result in an EPIC FAIL on your part, or you can walk away. By bringing attention to them, you fuel the fire that keeps them going. You ignore them, they usually try another tactic, but sometimes move on or go away.

    Now, I agree that VIPs SHOULD get to buy Premium Content or at least get "credit" for content based on how many years they were a monthly subscriber. I have multiple people in my household who play DDO. And between us that's 4 accounts. Not including extra TP purchases, that's nearly $4000. Yes, all 4 accounts were active within the first 2-3 months of the game going live. Ok...about $3800. Is it fair, after paying all that, that I should have to pay MORE if I went Premium just to get the content I had and keep access to my toons? Not to me it's not.

    Somewhere, a long time ago, in a thread far far away.....I broke down the different "groups"; F2P/Premium/VIP and what supposed benefits each group got over the others. And believe me, aside from automatic access to new packs, etc. The rest of the so-called benefits for VIPs is caca to 95% of the VIPs out there. But that's another thread for another time. Maybe I will see if I can find it and repost it here.

    But in the end, you want the issue to go away? Stop posting stuff like this that will only draw those you wish to reprimand like mothes to a flame.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by puget View Post
    who want access to everything in DDO>> Key words right there.
    Everything in DDO (including a total of 10 character slots) cost exactly (to date) 23,715 Turbine Points, so the most this game should ever cost anyone to own the entire thing is: $238 Dollars. Or, put another way, on the worst bargain days anyone can find, they can still spent at most $250 dollars and buy the whole game, and still have 1,200 points left over to spend on frivolous things like exp pots.

    With 20% off scales that is 18,576 Turbine points or $185 Dollars, with Double Bonus Points, giving you 6900 Points per $50, that is 150 dollars to never have to pay another cent to own every quest, race, class, account option, along with 6 extra character slots, and still have 2,124 Points left over to play with in regards to new classes/packs.

    So, It is not the "Best Deal" Not does it seem to be the Highest Level of Customer Service. Nor I feel like I get white glove service, it feels more like a rubber glove!

    Ergo. There is no reason to be a VIP, with the last "Unique" account option being taken away is nothing but a "Pay more for less!" Plan.

  14. #14
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    You start a troll thread to complain about trolls?

    Nice OP.

  15. #15
    Community Member Doomcrew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdrocky View Post
    I paid for it with my money. Ive probably already put 2 years worth of sub into them. I, in fact, have handed over more than a vip who has been on vip for 2 years.
    How do you know?

    How many VIP's spend extra money for TP's?

    If you don't spend another cent on the game, can you still play and enjoy it
    to the degree you do now?
    You see in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.

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