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Thread: New to DDO

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default New to DDO


    I'm new to DDO and trying it out. I haven't done too much so far except explore the first couple of quests. It seems really fun but I'd really like some help with finding people to group with and stuff. I don't really like doing things alone too much.

    I also really like roleplaying and am hoping to find an RP group. My in game name is Annesa.


  2. #2
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Helloooooo

    Good first start is coming here. I would peruse the guild forums and RP forums to get a better handle on how that works. Finding a good guild is a great way to learn the game and have fund.

    After that - don't feel afraid to use the Grouping Window and setup your own parties - just be honest in your notes (new player looking for advice etc.....) and reiterate your newness and desire for RP. People who like your style will come your way.

    Enjoy the game - its fun in here - and they keep telling me there are cookies around here somewhere.

    Edit - if you aren't premium or VIP yet you may not be able to see those forums (not sure since I never had that problem) - if so then consider dropping a few bucks on the game and you will get more access to the community (for better or for worse )
    Last edited by Spoonwelder; 08-25-2011 at 06:31 PM.
    gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
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  3. #3
    Community Member PolarisNC's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Welcome!

    What server are you on? (I'm mostly on Orien myself, but have some lowbie alts on Ghallanda)

    The best way to find people to play with is with the social panel. If you don't see any groups open for your level, or for the quests you want to run, start your own. Include descriptions like "new player", "learing the quest", or "no zergers" and you should get people willing to go slow and help out a new player.

    If you find people in a guild that you like playing with, ask about joining. That's the best way to have a regular group to play with. (Or, if you feel like spinning the roulette wheel, just mention it in general chat and accept the first offer you get.)

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Aug 2011


    Thank you for the responses! I am on the Sarlona server. I picked it because I heard it was the RP server. I've been trying out the social window, no luck yet but I just started. I will look at the guilds too.

  5. #5
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Annesa View Post
    Thank you for the responses! I am on the Sarlona server. I picked it because I heard it was the RP server. I've been trying out the social window, no luck yet but I just started. I will look at the guilds too.
    Look at the bar on the top of your screen. The image with two heads opens the social window. Inside of that you will see a grouping tab, that's where you can post groups you start, or request to join other people's groups be clicking on their posting.

  6. #6
    Community Member seskie1's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Yes, Sarlona is known for it's role-players
    Players such as Intervention (Raphaella, interrogate, and inter) like to play the part of a Ahole.
    But in my guild we have Phaar who usually plays under the names (Faa, ffaa, Pha, Pharbarian and others) is an avid roleplayer even to the point that he skips guild raids so he can join pug rp groups. So please if you see him on send him a tell and he will tell you more about his RP channel.
    The Coolest Person On Orien, I’m a Melee DPS User, Find me On Thorrygg, Thorrwyn, Gorrwyk, Harlophas and Lowharm! I love running all the Content of this Game and Look Forward to being friends with you all, I do not tolerate people badmouthing others or hindering the experience of any new Players in this Game, I will help where I can and When I can. ????

  7. #7
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Community Member Mangloid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PolarisNC View Post
    What server are you on? (I'm mostly on Orien myself, but have some lowbie alts on Ghallanda))
    LOL, but yet you post on the SARLONA forums. It's probably a pretty safe bet that they are on SARLONA.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper View Post
    Hi welcome!

    (I wonder if I'll get banned for this?)

  9. #9
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seskie1 View Post
    Yes, Sarlona is known for it's role-players
    Players such as Intervention (Raphaella, interrogate, and inter) like to play the part of a Ahole.
    But in my guild we have Phaar who usually plays under the names (Faa, ffaa, Pha, Pharbarian and others) is an avid roleplayer even to the point that he skips guild raids so he can join pug rp groups. So please if you see him on send him a tell and he will tell you more about his RP channel.
    I love you.
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