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  1. #1
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Bork your GS weap? Sell it to me.

    I'm looking for a 1 handed GS blank. I don't really care what it is (going to make a defensive item), so I figure I may as well try to find someone who accidentally made a light hammer or something.

    I've got plat, essences, shroud ingreds, boot ingreds, and a variety of other stuff. If you've got the blank, let me know what you're interested in and the price range you're expecting.
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

  2. #2
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Well, ask and ye shall receive.... Someone took me up on my offer, and I'm the proud owner of a GS heavy pick.

    Then... I realized that even after more than a year, I'm just a noob. While I want one for elemental absorption (not sure if I want cold for ToD or fire for VoD), and I expect to go into defensive mode with them (with shield, and thus not-centered).... I really shouldn't spend larges on anything but a kama. In the future I may have some use for it where I'd rather remain centered for saves/DC or hps, and I shouldn't limit my options...

    Fortunately, I never equiped it. If anyone can use a GS heavy pick, I'll trade it for the vale quest ingreds (so whoever gets it basically gets a free pie), or possibly another offer. Or I'll just save it until my wizard can use it for something.
    Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent

    Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)

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