so i proposed this awhile back, but i decided to revisit the idea and rather than necro that thread i thought it would be better to re-post as it is a (somewhat) new idea.
Crackling Cloud:
You call forth a cloud charged with electrical energy, dealing 1d2 electrical damage per caster level (max 15d2) every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. tagets first entering the cloud may make a Reflex save for half, but remaining in the cloud will take damage with no save. Aditionally, targets within the cloud are slowed by 10% and have a 5% chance to be Dazed when damaged by this spell.
aditionally, upon ending this spell releases its remaining charge in a single burst, potentially Stunning targets within for 10 seconds
i'd like to see Air Savs and elec soecced Wizzys get a AOE DOT in thier own element.
lowered the damage (compared to Acid Rain) and added the Daze, Stunning, and movement debuff cause the last thing we need in this game is another pure DPS spell with no utility.
Utility > Pure DPS at this time IMO. we have enough pure DPS already