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  1. #1
    Community Member mutilador's Avatar
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    Default Balancing all classes

    Remove all dps and healer classes and just let us choose Wizards or Sorcs.
    Theres no point have others classes if casters can solo everything in game and the others classes cant.
    You buy a new class and get nerfed, you tr your main toon and get nerfed, this is a really a disrespect with ppl that spend time and money in this game.

    Congrats turbine you totally ruined the game.

  2. #2
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    While I don't agree with the way you are making your point I do congratulate you on seeing the where DDO is at the present time.

    The current state of the game eliminates the need for any class other than a caster. This includes clerics and favored souls along with wizards and sorcerers. This became the de facto status quo with the spell pass.

    Nothing much changes with U11 except that a new class gets added to the list. Even though artificer lists as a specialist class it is really nothing more than another caster class. And, it is the most over powered of all of them.

    This is just the way that it is at the present time. And, it is probably going to remain this way for a long while.

    Is it worth quitting over? Probably not. But, if you do, who gets your stuff?

  3. #3
    Community Member mutilador's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    Is it worth quitting over? Probably not. But, if you do, who gets your stuff?
    Like me fun playing this game, my stuff will disappear.

  4. #4
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Players adapt, perspectives change, solutions present themselves, and the game goes on.

    Why people expect DDO to stay stagnant and never change/alter/adapt is beyond me.

    This whole "All You Need Are Casters" is just a phase. Like fashion and music, it'll go away.

    And we'll complain about something new.

  5. #5
    Community Member Adrian99's Avatar
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    I see your point, but just to be sure we're not exaggerating, let's enumerate which few quests can actually be solo'd with any class, without a significantly greater degree of difficulty than with a caster:

    Heyton's Rest
    Necromancer's Doom
    Stopping the Sahuagin
    The Cannith Crystal
    The Collaborator
    The Grotto
    The Storehouse's Secret
    The Voyage
    Bringing the Light
    Durk's Got A Secret
    Garrison's Missing Pack
    Information is Key
    Misery's Peak
    Missing in Action
    Protect Baudry's Interests
    Recovering the Lost Tome
    Retrieve the Stolen Goods
    Stealthy Repossession
    Stop Hazadill's Shipment
    The Kobolds' New Ringleader
    The Miller's Debt
    The Smuggler's Warehouse
    The Sunken Sewer
    Walk the Butcher's Path
    An Explosive Situation
    Endgame: Marguerite
    First Strike
    Home Sweet Sewer
    Kobold Assault
    Redfang the Unruled
    Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral
    Setting the Wards: The Patriarchs' Crypt
    The Captives
    The Cloven-jaw Scourge: Blockade
    The Crypt of Gerard Dryden
    The Friar's Niece
    The Hobgoblins' Captives
    The Kobold's Den: Clan Gnashtooth
    The Kobold's Den: Rescuing Arlos
    The Old Archives
    The Sacred Helm
    The Swiped Signet
    To Find a Witness: Archbishop Dryden
    To Find a Witness: Return to the Sanctuary
    Where There's Smoke...
    Come Out and Slay
    Dirty Laundry
    Endgame: The Archbishop's Fate
    Freshen the Air
    Irestone Inlet
    Proof is in the Poison
    Rest for the Restless
    Stand Your Ground
    The Bookbinder Rescue
    The Cloven-jaw Scourge: The Caverns of Shaagh
    The Depths of Darkness
    The Depths of Despair
    The Stormreaver Fresco
    Venn's Trail: Clan Tunnelworm
    Venn's Trail: Venn's Fate
    Whisperdoom's Spawn
    Yarkuch's War-plans
    A Small Problem
    Archer Point Defense
    Brood of Flame
    Ghost of a Chance
    Guard Duty
    Halls of Shan-To-Kor
    Legend of Two-Toed Tobias
    Prove Your Worth
    The Chamber of Insanity
    The Deadly Package: Agent of the Darguul
    The Deadly Package: The Stronghold Key
    The Depths of Discord
    The Depths of Doom
    The Lair of Summoning
    The Mystery of Delera's Tomb
    The Snitch
    The Stones Run Red
    Tomb of the Burning Heart
    Tomb of the Crimson Heart
    Tomb of the Immortal Heart
    Tomb of the Sanguine Heart
    Under the Big Top
    Caged Trolls
    Dead Predators
    Doom of the Witch-doctor: The Way to Zulkash
    Doom of the Witch-doctor: Zulkash, Herald of Woe
    Gladewatch Outpost Defense
    Mirra's Sleepless Nights
    Purge the Heretics
    Redwillow's Ruins
    Ruined Halls
    The Bloody Crypt
    The Bounty Hunter
    The Chronoscope
    The Forgotten Caverns
    The Iron Mines: Freeing Achka
    The Iron Mines: Justice for Grust
    The Troglodytes' Get
    Valak's Mausoleum
    Bargain of Blood
    Free Delera
    Gwylan's Stand
    Old Grey Garl
    Storm the Beaches
    Taming the Flames
    The Black Loch
    The Graverobber
    The Grey Moon's Den: Extermination
    The Grey Moon's Den: The Trollish Scourge
    The Last Move: The Way to Yarkuch
    The Last Move: Yarkuch's Last Stand
    The Missing Party
    The Pit
    The Scoundrel's Run
    The Tear of Dhakaan
    The Tide Turns
    Caverns of Korromar
    Haunted Library
    In Need of Supplies
    Prison of the Mind
    Spies in the House
    Stormcleave Outpost
    Stromvauld's Mine
    Tharashk Arena
    The Faithful Departed
    The Path to Madness
    The Rescue
    The Temple Outpost: Captives of the Cult
    The Temple Outpost: The Libram of the Six
    Thrall of the Necromancer
    Tomb of the Shadow Guard
    Tomb of the Shadow King
    Tomb of the Shadow Knight
    Tomb of the Shadow Lord
    Entering the Gate Chamber
    Fathom the Depths
    Gateway to Khyber
    Haywire Foundry
    Into the Deep
    The Church and the Cult
    The Claw of Vulkoor
    The Fane of the Six: Cleansing the Temple
    The Fane of the Six: Fall of the Prelate
    The Keeper's Sanctuary
    The Last Stand
    The Library of Threnal
    The Missing Expedition
    The Shadow Crypt
    Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan!
    Escort the Expedition
    Hiding in Plain Sight
    Hold for Reinforcements
    Secure the Area
    Slavers of the Shrieking Mines
    Sykros' Jewel
    The Chamber of Rahmat
    The Gate Chamber
    The Sanctum: Church of the Fury
    The Sanctum: Quench the Flames
    An Offering of Blood
    Desert Caravan
    Dreams of Insanity
    Maraud the Mines
    Purge the Fallen Shrine
    Raid the Vulkoorim
    The Chamber of Kourush
    The Enemy Within
    A Relic of a Sovereign Past
    Chains of Flame
    Diplomatic Impunity
    Eyes of Stone
    Frame Work
    The Chamber of Raiyum
    The Cursed Crypt
    A Cabal for One
    A Cry for Help
    Assault on Summerfield
    Blockade Buster
    Feast or Famine
    Foundation of Discord
    Mired in Kobolds
    The Maze of Madness
    Trial by Fire
    Desecrated Temple of Vol
    Flesh Maker's Laboratory
    Inferno of the Damned
    Madstone Crater
    The Crucible
    The Prison of the Planes
    Fear Factory
    In The Flesh
    Sinister Storage
    Let Sleeping Dust Lie
    Rainbow in the Dark
    Ritual Sacrifice
    Running with the Devils
    The Coalescence Chamber
    Acute Delirium
    Enter the Kobold
    The Lord of Stone
    The Sane Asylum
    Dream Conspiracy
    Finding the Path
    I Dream of Jeets
    Eye of the Titan
    Mining for Ancient Secrets
    Raiding the Giants' Vault
    Reclaiming Memories
    Wrath of the Flame

    So yeah, I don't even know why DDO has classes other than caster or why anyone would play a class other than caster when only those few quests can be solo'd easily
    On Thelanis: Survo ... Wattr ... Tigerpalm ... Cranefist ... Hobbson ... Grayed ... Shadowstance ... Smashcut

  6. #6
    Community Member Malky's Avatar
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    Ugh, i don't think the new raids are gonna be soloables on live servers, and some others might become much harder to solo as well on some difficulties. Furthermore the recent changes are pushing toward the classic behaviour of raid-heavy mmo's : beefy tanks aggroing and taking the punishment, and DPSers using everything they can to lower their personnal aggro while still DPSing.

    What misses now is a 'summon' ability for raid bosses, so the squishy that inadvertently drew too much aggro faces the ground in the following seconds, ensuring a great raid-wide hilarity.

    Oh, and don't forget that even if a caster can solo 90% of the game's content, some people still wack things with a big heavy 2-handed weapon. Not that they want to be inferior in any dimension, they just like to smash boxes and mobs.
    On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
    Yes, i'm french and i do eat frogs alive, so don't mess with me when i'm hungry
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  7. #7
    Founder & Build Synthesis Battlehawke's Avatar
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    Default agreed

    Giving melees Vorpal back the way it was or Rogues actually being able to assassinate a bosses would balance it.
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  8. #8
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Battlehawke View Post
    Giving melees Vorpal back the way it was or Rogues actually being able to assassinate a bosses would balance it.
    Absolutely. The vorpal nerf was pretty bad, back to the old way I say!

    Wouldn't completely balance things, but would be a step in the right direction bringing melees a bit closer to caster might IMO.

  9. #9
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    But, but.... he can do something I can't! They need to nerf that guy!
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  10. #10
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Let's just all hug and go play 4e!
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  11. #11
    Community Member Alternative's Avatar
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    So what can a caster solo that can't be soloed by a melee? A non-gimp melee should be able to solo all non epic and non raid content. Some specific melee builds solo raids. Not all casters (players) can solo raids. Very few casters can solo hard epics, while melees can't. Casters can solo farm epic scrolls, while melees cannot, but that's a whole another issue with scroll drop mechanics that should be looked into.

    Really I don't have a problem with those couple epic quests where casters seem to have an edge. And not just any caster that hits lvl20 will go in an epic DA and solo it. That takes gear, experience, and couple TRs. After all, they are casters, in fantasy stories it's a caster that would hire a bunch of grunts to follow him, not the other way around. Seems some people got too used to the state where MAGES were just buff bots, that is not how it should be, not at all.

  12. #12
    Community Member Ravoc-DDO's Avatar
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    Casters > Melee, in every respect. Sad but true...

  13. #13
    Community Member Malky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ravoc-DDO View Post
    Casters > Melee, in every respect. Sad but true...
    I think your 'in every respect' hits a wall when it comes to take down a portal
    On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
    Yes, i'm french and i do eat frogs alive, so don't mess with me when i'm hungry
    Argonessen FTW : Leelith ~ Bagdad Cafe ~ Lipp Stick ~ Peroxy Acetone

  14. #14
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    To date I have never been refused entry to a party LFM for not being an Arcane of some sort. I contribute and enjoy myself doing what I do with a wide range of character types.

    When LFM's are only up for WF Arcanes only I will be disappointed but then put up my own LFM and accept the first people to apply.

    Is the game easier with an arcane in the group - maybe - faster - probably - required - almost never.

    I have run all melee and one healer quests in which as the healer I cast maybe 10 cures because we killed stuff so fast and my moderate skill with my spells helped with CC or insta-kill etc....I have been in groups of non-arcanes with my fighter - a couple of divines, a fighter, a ranger, a bard, and a rogue - another cakewalk group through higher level quests.

    Anything can be run in any manner without Arcanes in the group - anyone who gets all elitist and says arcanes are the only tool that works in this game can go pound sand.

    Here's a challenge for you - get a permanent group of 6 fighters together - run through the game - aside from raids see how easy it is at every point due to the mass of damage that can alllllllways be meted out - stuns, trips, saps will allow you to control almost any situation - CSW pots will be sufficient in all but elite end boss scenarios. Could 6 arcanes do as well or better - probably BUT I would bet that the difference would be nominal enough to allow you to ignore it.

    Do the same thing but start with no twink Gear or hand me down plat - I think you would find it even easier for melees to succeed than the arcanes through about L12 due to the difficulty in getting the right gear for Arcanes vs. melees abilty to pick up a stick and be effective.

    The game can be played successfully by any class and player of moderate skill. Stop with the Doooooom and just play and have fun. If anyone tells you there is only one way to play the game then you can honestly tell them they are wrong.
    gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
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  15. #15
    Community Member Hordo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mutilador View Post
    Remove all dps and healer classes and just let us choose Wizards or Sorcs.
    Theres no point have others classes if casters can solo everything in game and the others classes cant.
    You buy a new class and get nerfed, you tr your main toon and get nerfed, this is a really a disrespect with ppl that spend time and money in this game.

    Congrats turbine you totally ruined the game.
    Are you serious or is this sarcasm?

    I ask this because we must have been playing different games.

    I've been here since Beta and there has not ever been a time when Wizards could not solo every single solo-capable (in terms of mechanics) quest in the game, and since level 12 Cap the same goes for Sorc...especially as Warforged with self-healing. Fleshies had to make sure to bring the material resources required to stay alive.

    Further, I also have yet to see any of these quests not able to be soloed on a Cleric for this whole time, or a Favored Soul since the time they were released.

    Granted, melee classes are at a disadvantage but Paladins and Rangers have likewise been able to solo all of the same content as long as they had the material resources needed to heal up between fights, and Fighters and Barbarians so long as they were played with strategy have also been able to solo these same quests. Monks, heck, since they were introduced folks have been proudly displaying their solo achievements on these forums.

    I understand your frustration. I, personally, am not that great a player (and that fact is well-known on Khyber where I am usually the comic relief) and struggle to solo many of these quests on my toons, but I can certainly do so on any of the 4 main casting classes. I see your point, but I have yet to see Turbine introduce a nerf that in any way, shape or form prevented any class from being able to solo mechanically soloable content so long as that toon had the material resources to stay alive and a player with ability.

    For that reason, I cannot agree with your OP...except to say that I, too, do not appreciate many of the nerfs we get from time to time, but I can't see the doom and gloom you are. Like I said, we must be playing two very different games.
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  16. #16
    Community Member flynnjsw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hordo View Post
    Are you serious or is this sarcasm?

    I ask this because we must have been playing different games.

    I've been here since Beta and there has not ever been a time when Wizards could not solo every single solo-capable (in terms of mechanics) quest in the game, and since level 12 Cap the same goes for Sorc...especially as Warforged with self-healing. Fleshies had to make sure to bring the material resources required to stay alive.

    Further, I also have yet to see any of these quests not able to be soloed on a Cleric for this whole time, or a Favored Soul since the time they were released.

    Granted, melee classes are at a disadvantage but Paladins and Rangers have likewise been able to solo all of the same content as long as they had the material resources needed to heal up between fights, and Fighters and Barbarians so long as they were played with strategy have also been able to solo these same quests. Monks, heck, since they were introduced folks have been proudly displaying their solo achievements on these forums.

    I understand your frustration. I, personally, am not that great a player (and that fact is well-known on Khyber where I am usually the comic relief) and struggle to solo many of these quests on my toons, but I can certainly do so on any of the 4 main casting classes. I see your point, but I have yet to see Turbine introduce a nerf that in any way, shape or form prevented any class from being able to solo mechanically soloable content so long as that toon had the material resources to stay alive and a player with ability.

    For that reason, I cannot agree with your OP...except to say that I, too, do not appreciate many of the nerfs we get from time to time, but I can't see the doom and gloom you are. Like I said, we must be playing two very different games.
    I declare this post Kosher.

    Oh wait, that's your job. :P

  17. #17
    Community Member Talias006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alternative View Post
    So what can a caster solo that can't be soloed by a melee? A non-gimp melee should be able to solo all non epic and non raid content. Some specific melee builds solo raids. Not all casters (players) can solo raids. Very few casters can solo hard epics, while melees can't. Casters can solo farm epic scrolls, while melees cannot, but that's a whole another issue with scroll drop mechanics that should be looked into.

    Really I don't have a problem with those couple epic quests where casters seem to have an edge. And not just any caster that hits lvl20 will go in an epic DA and solo it. That takes gear, experience, and couple TRs. After all, they are casters, in fantasy stories it's a caster that would hire a bunch of grunts to follow him, not the other way around. Seems some people got too used to the state where MAGES were just buff bots, that is not how it should be, not at all.
    Emphasis on this point. I recall reading one of the later Feist books where Pug pulled Kelewan's moon into the gravitational path of the planet, obliterating both. Now that's how ungodly powerful epic casters are supposed to be.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Coyle still hates you.

  18. #18
    Community Member rjbutchko's Avatar
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    The only way to TRULY balance everything in the game would be to make sure each class 'type' had a weakness another type could overcome. Conveniently enough we have 3 class types: Melee, Caster and Specialist. There is only one game I can think of where you have 3 options and everything is perfectly balanced, so lets make


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