attack barrels and such was fixed according to the note, along with docents not working right. Also when you zone you no longer have to summon/dismiss your pet to get it working.
Commands are still bugged. When you use the intimdate, the dog will say affirmative, intimidate and then stop fighting and run back to it's master.
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
nice fix dev's ! been having fun playin arti on lama , can't wait for it to go live !
Past Lives : 18pal/2rogue, 20fighter
*A lady asked me one time if I could call her a cab from I didn't move and said "Your a cab"*
Ive had my pet return to me a lot in the middle of fights. It will also ignore enemies if it can't hurt them. I found that out when I was doing Delaras on elite and the DR on the shadow skeletons was around 30 or so. It might be returning when it uses a skill, success or failure, unless it gets hit right afterward.
Sort of pet related, sort of UI related. They got rid of the pic for the compact character stat window but the pet interaction commands do not work with it. If you don't have your pic showing rt-clicking and selecting dismiss pet or open pet window does nothing.
never said all the bugs were fixed. But at least some of the bigger ones are, like the dismiss/resummon one. that was more ofa time waster, especially ify ou got unlucky and they broke in the middle of a quest often. and since they dont go out of their way to break explodie barrels it means less resources and time spent healing them.
Though theyre are a few big ones that still need fixing, at least they are going in the right direction.
It looks like its tied to bluff. When my pet does intimidate it stays and fights them. When it uses bluff it returns to me and follows me around ignoring enemies while it has the bluff skill buff icon on it. It goes back out after the icon runs out.
The icon being the one that reduces hate generation by 25%. I would like it to be tanking for me but I want it give it evasion so I am required to give the pet the bluff line of enhancements.
Yea, but I'm looking at them returning in less then 30 seconds. Closer to 10 or so since I kill most groups of less then 10 mobs in less then a minute. I've had my pet go into combat with 2 mobs and return 10-15 seconds later.
With dungeon scaling, most mobs die in 1-2 volleys of the repeater. The pet does not get enough time to spend 50 seconds fighting any one mob.
Now if they could just make pets attack breakables again.
They did a good job fixing most of the major bugs but I like to keep the word out there. For the pets to be viablenow and in the future they'll have to correct some AI scripting issues. Hirelings do much the same so I'm assuming they're using a general AI script.
Luckily my dog still attacks crates and i hope they leave it that way.![]()
Watching the log, when my pet succeed at using the bluff skill it gets the buff "Mostly Harmless" It will not attack while it has that buff. If you order it to attack it loses "Mostly Harmless".
The effect is repeatable and occurs every time the pet has the buff "mostly harmless".
EDIT: I watched the pets buff list and let it beat on something. As soon as the icon showed up it stopped attacking and returned to me. It did not attack again until the icon had faded. It was not on a success either since the skeleton was immune to the skill.
I have not bug reported it. The bug report system for this game has NEVER liked me, going all the way back to head-start. Any time I try to file a bug I get a black screen.
Last edited by Ikuryo; 08-28-2011 at 11:29 AM.