So I went online today to see how this artificier really works out, I have veteran status, so here I am on the boat trying to look for artificier and yet.... nothing, now I'm stuck
So I went online today to see how this artificier really works out, I have veteran status, so here I am on the boat trying to look for artificier and yet.... nothing, now I'm stuck
Khyber - Nuic (TR), Zapn (TR), Alixer, Nuiq
You have to choose the "it was just a dream" option, and leave as a level 1 Artificer. You can't take Artificer levels on the boat.
If you've already said "I started as an Artificer", you might need to reroll that character. I don't think there's a way to back out then.
Its here in U11 realease notes:
NEW: Artificers are now in DDO as a playable class! For a limited time, all Artificers will need to start at level 1, and play through all levels of the class. Players can True Reincarnate into an Artificer if they have the Artificer class unlocked, but players cannot swap non-Artificer levels for Artificer levels using Lesser or Greater Reincarnations, and cannot take Artificer levels from the Veteran Status boat.
Hope that helps.