You can see the khopesh model and others in my hard completion thread.
You can see the khopesh model and others in my hard completion thread.
Tier 2 earth will rival it, and beat it depending on a character's base damage. A lot of things are resistant to electric in this new pack, but one would need to know how large those resistances are and how widespread to determine how it hurts the lightning strike. The Disintegrate has so far seemed to be significantly ahead of lightning strike.
I'll disagree. I believe these are excellent and excellently designed items, they are not going to be your top DPS weapon (in most situations), but instead allow people to create excellent dps utility weapons. These weapons are very good DPS, but the reason they are going to be some of the best weapons in the game is due to their abilities.Originally Posted by grodon9999
Last edited by Crankymonky; 08-24-2011 at 11:20 PM.
Renowned - Thelanis
Ranit, Ferromagnet, Metamagnet, Pinkponytail, Rinat, Rinatta, Seemur
Khyber: Runforr 13/6/1 Rog/Ftr/Mnk, Bakup 3/3/1 Mnk/Pal/Rog (TR Pal), Faylah 14 Mnk (TR Mnk), Janthyra 12/7/1 Brb/Rog/Ftr, Ainbthech 20 Sor, Fliethas 18/2 Fvs/Mnk, Unfilled 12/6/2 Mnk/Rgr/Ftr, Arcanemark 10 Wiz "Don't eat us dragon! We're like you, but smaller. And fly worse." - Kobold Crewman on the Heart of Wind
With the ingredients, khyber shards, essences, power cells, which is the bound status of all of them?
I'm thinkin' Flametouched Earth/Air/Air will be the default utility weapon, especially for things like bows and crossbows, however I COULD see people running Fire/Air/Air if they don't have another source of seeker, or if they want the slot their current seeker is in for something else w/ a slight upgrade, think Emarilith is seeker 8 right?
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.
Community Member
ok, it seems to me that there are ppl out there that seem to understand how this new crafting works already
so how long till we see a planner/utility so that those of us not able to get on lama-land can check it out.
i see alot of talk of ele/ele/ele. so wat i'm guessing is 3 tiers like GS, with different elemental materials.
now wat i'm also getting is that, unlike GS, wat you get from each tier is set in stone. instead of choosing from a plethora of different effects, you get X effects for X ele on X tier.
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith
Curious if these are coming in handwrap form or if monks will once again get the shaft.
Community Member
Can that Stunning +10 be applied to non-blunt weapons? Can you really craft a Stunning +10 Khopesh or is there some kind of limit as to what can be slotted where.
I don't even know what to say here. Are you really that egotistical? At least I know I can ignore all future opinions you have.
Power-creep is an inevitable reality in games like this. In order to keep us playing, they have to keep giving us new stuff (content, loot, whatever). But in order for us to even care about that, there needs to be a reward for playing that content (loot). If the reward is worse than what we have now, or even par with what we have now, there is almost no incentive to play with the new content. Thus, we keep getting cooler stuff.Power-creep kills games and we're about to crash off a cliff. it was fun while it lasted.
Power-creep only kills games if the designers leave it unchecked. This game has a built in mechanism for dealing with power-creep: difficulty settings. We're seeing the devs, in this update, starting to address the power-creep through messing with what the higher difficulty settings mean. That said, there does need to be some kind of reward put in place to encourage players to play at higher difficulties, even after they're at cap (Bravery is a nice incentive while leveling, but they need something for 20s).
As for the "we're about to crash off a cliff", that's just a "DooooooooM" comment, and I've observed no indication that it's even remotely accurate (ie people leaving the game in droves, serious discontent being expressed in both the forums and, more importantly, in game). And I would ask you to justify yourself, but apparently you believe your opinion is justification in and of itself...
Just put on a feather fall item and it will be ok.
Plus, power creep works both ways. No power creep=no more interest in the game; too much, and well the game ends due to only the most well geared doing anything in most quests (ie no new players will join, and game will eventually fold due to lack of interest/funds)
where are the caster weapons?
Scoobmx Scoobshot Arcscoob Beefscoob : Imperial Assassins : Argonnessen
My Builds : Abbot Raid Manual : Weapon Damage Modeler : My Trades
yes, it is.
I'm sorry, I just think a seeker 10, stunning 10, lightning strike weapon (not sure if that combo is actually possible) is ridiculous. We're almost looking at the original ESoS in terms of insanity. Don't get me wrong I will absolutely craft these on my guys if I don't drown in my own vomit first.
Our guild just did another TMA and we pulled a pair of alchemical handwraps. I believe others have pulled them as well. No one that I know of has crafted on a pair yet, so I can't say if they are currently working as intended. Though it certainly appears to be that Turbine intends for handwraps to be crafted in this new system.Originally Posted by Sirslapemsack
Yes, the stunning +10 can be applied to non-blunt weapons. There are no limitations as to what can be slotted where. It also doesn't matter what combination tiers you have or the order.
It varied by item and by tier, below is not an exhaustive list, but it includes many things.
Parts: these drop in the explorer area when you kill a mob and are BtC.
Melt Downs level 1: These are crafted at the altar near the entrance to the explorer from 4 Parts (different, but specific ones) and one lesser Cannith Power Cell. These are unbound.
Melt Downs level 2: These are crafted at the altar near the entrance to the explorer from 4 Parts (different, but specific ones) and one Cannith Power Cell. These are unbound.
Melt Downs level 3: These are crafted at the altar near the entrance to the explorer from 3 level 1 Melt Downs (different, but specific), 1 level 2 Melt Down, and 1 Greater Cannith Power Cell. These are unbound.
Awakening the set bonus of an item requires 3 level 1 melt downs(always 1 pliable, 1 dense, and 1 glowing ingots), the item, and a Cannith Power Cell. I believe the items are Bound to character once awakened. This is done at the alter on the way to The Master Artificer.
Reforging Alchemical Weapon/Shield: This also requires a dense ingot, a plable ingot, a glowing ingot, the base alchemical weapon/shield, and a Cannith Power Cell. This is done at the alter on the way to The Master Artificer. These stay unbound.
Empty Binding Khyber Dragonshard: Combine 200 Khyber Dragonshard Fragments of binding at the alter on the way to The Master Artificer. Currently unknown if bound.
Empty Refined Binding Khyber Dragonshard: Combine 200 Refined Khyber Dragonshard Fragments of binding at the alter on the way to The Master Artificer. Currently unknown if bound.
Empty Exquisite Binding Khyber Dragonshard: Combine 200 Exquisite Khyber Dragonshard Fragments of binding at the alter on the way to The Master Artificer. Currently unknown if bound.
Tobin's Hammer (a runearm) can also be repaired at the altar on the way to The Master Artificer.
The partial repair (level 2 Tobin's Hammer) requires a cerebral distillation unit, Tobin's Hammer, and a Cannith Power Cell. This upgrade adds +2 exc int.
The complete repair (leevl 3 Tobin's Hammer) requires the elemental motion fixation device, Tobin's Hammer, and a Greater Cannith Power Cell. This upgrade adds Transform Kinetic Energy, the Torc's ability.
The altar doesn't say that the complete repair requires the tier 2 hammer, but I imagine it would be the case. I don't know where the elemental motion fixation device or cerebral distillation unit drop.
Spirit of Air/Earth/Fire/Water these can be dropped when you kill one of the four elementals at the end of The Lord of Blades (after the raid is over). You only get a chance to kill one of these elementals (and get a spirit) once per Lord of Blades completion. These are bound to character.
Khyber Dragonshard of Binding: Combine a spirit with an Empty Binding Khyber Dragonshard at the altar on the way to the Lord of Blades (or at the end of the Lord of Blades). Bound to Character.
Refined Khyber Dragonshard of Binding: Combine a spirit with an Empty Refined Binding Khyber Dragonshard at the altar on the way to the Lord of Blades (or at the end of the Lord of Blades). Bound to Character.
Exquisite Khyber Dragonshard of Binding: Combine a spirit with an Empty Exquisite Binding Khyber Dragonshard at the altar on the way to the Lord of Blades (or at the end of the Lord of Blades). Bound to Account.
Binding an item to tier 1 requires the attuned alchemical item(done at ), a Martial/Mystical Cannith Power Cell (melee or caster effect, respectively), and a Khyber Dragonshard of Binding for the element you want.
A tier 2 item would require a tier 1 item, the Martial/Mystical Cannith Power Cell, and a Refined Khyber Dragonshard of Binding.
A tier 3 item would require a tier 2 item, the Martial/Mystical Cannith Power Cell, and an Exquisite Khyber Dragonshard of Binding.
Cannith Power cells are all unbound, whether they are martial, mystical, lower, regular, or greater.
What we don't know:
Currently, tier 2 and 3 melt downs are not used. There are 2 tier 2 meltdowns: Durable and Volatile Alloys. There are 2 tier 3 meltdowns: Fortified and Mercurial Compounds. What are these used for?
Where does one get the the elemental motion fixation device and cerebral distillation unit? Do we craft them? Do they drop?
Where do we get the power cells(all 5 types)? Where do we get the khyber dragonshard fragments of binding (for all 3 tiers)? Are the Khyber Dragonshard Fragments of Binding going to bind at all? Will it be in a manner similar to the filled ones (tier 1 and 2 BtC, tier 3 BtA)?
Where do the remainder of the set items drop? Is it in the explorer zone from the rares like it was hinted at by a Dev? (No one I have spoken to has been able to loot one, might not be included in loot tables)
Hopefully we'll find this all out tomorrow!
Hope this mini guide to the crafting was helpful.
Last edited by Crankymonky; 08-25-2011 at 11:16 AM.
Renowned - Thelanis
Ranit, Ferromagnet, Metamagnet, Pinkponytail, Rinat, Rinatta, Seemur