Beat Lord of Blades and MA on epic today. Kookie hooked us up with some crafting ingredients including the missing stuff.. So several of us crafted some stuff.
It's pretty much like slightly enhanced GS DPS wise.. But it's way easier to make it all bypass DR, since every weapon can get any material type, righteous (for fire), and even a red slot.
Note the bugged graphic (particles are detached from the weapon, Greatsword suffers the same issue).. Kookie says its a known issue.
So yea it looks pretty nuts.. And it is in some ways.. But yea, tier3 will take quite a few runs to do, so not a lot of ppl will be running around with them too soon.. Tho its steady grinding, every run of LoB gets you a 100% chance at shards, and a high chance at spirits.. So it's not like GS, less luck involved. I imagine tons of these will be floating around in a month or so..
I'd actually recomend moving some of the crazier stuff to tier3 and massively upping the cost.. Seems almost lower then T3 GS atm.
And challenge wise, while LoB is quit tough on elite, MA imo doesn't scale much other then hitpoints...And really qyute trivial on normal once the strategies are learned in a balanced grp... And while you do seem to need possibly 1 or 2 runs on hard, and 1 run on elite LoB to get higher quality spirits.. You can otherwise run only normal to get a tier3. (well except the 10 dungeon tokens, which u can run something real easy like snitch to get..)
Course power cell drop rate/cost is sitl unknown.
Got some other pics im working on converting. stay tuned.