Caveat: I have not followed crafting at any stage of its development. Once I heard that you would have to level in crafting prior to crafting anything good, I knew that it was going to be too grind-tastic for me, and stopped paying attention.

That out of the way:
Some of my more reliable sources of hearsay have been saying that the newest version of crafting on llama alloys for the creation of weapons that not only are significantly better than Green steal but even the few competitive epic weapons. Is this true? Is this really considered a good idea for the game to add even more power-creep to the weapons race, thereby pushing those unwilling to grind for hours at a crafting station out of the DPS running?

I wouldn't post this if the hearsay wasn't from reliable sources, but I am still hoping it is not true. Assuming it is though, I'm curious if anyone sees a bright side to this that can perhaps make me happier in light of the wings fiasco that already has be potentially shelving characters.