As playing my Monk is starting to get a little old, I thought I'd set up a dedicated alt for my now-dedicated main to change it up.
However, the thing that draws me most to Dungeons & Dragons isn't the Dungeons, but the Dragons.
You see, I am a dragon fanatic. Always have been. Always will be.
Unfortunately, makers of adventure games and stories think of dragons as the thing to kill, not the thing you would want to be. Like "That's awesome, now stick a sword in it." Very few adventure game makers think of dragons as something the player would want to be or aligned with.
It is quite the dilemma. And I perfectly understand why DDO does not allow the playing of dragons due to the fact that, friendly or otherwise, they're monster-type characters, a level 20 dragon could squish Korthos just by tripping, and DDO is just not set up for monster play.
So, let's work around that. I want to make a dragon-themed character, one who is aligned with the dragons and draws his power from them. Kinda like a Dragon Shaman, except not a dragon shaman since barely anybody wants one, and thus Turbine will never add one.
...So, yeah. My parameters are dragon-based. I know Sorcerers have the "dragon-blooded" thing going on (which brings into question why the dragons of Eberron don't kill them on sight like they do half dragons) but I want something a little deeper than that.
However, I have no objections to using Sorcerer as a base for this character. Multi-classing, if it works, is fine as well. I would like to be somewhat optimized, but if I end up with a little less DPS than I could have, I'm not going to fret it.
I wish I could provide more definition to that, but unfortunately, I can't.