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  1. #21
    Community Member airavon's Avatar
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    Smile My first post.

    I've been trying to make a Dragon themed character myself. Though it's rather rudimentary, I made an Air Savant I call Ethereal Dragonstorm. He's a Dragon who's taken Elf form and uses Lightning Spells. I chose Air Savant primarily for Wind Dance, since it somewhat mimics a Dragon's flying ability. Also, making a Dragon Knight character and using Scale Armor from GH and the Dragon Helmets from GH could do nicely.
    Madness....YESZ! THIS! IS! XORIAT!

  2. #22
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    "if you have the blood of a dragon in you I can teach you to be a sorceror." One of the trainers.

  3. #23
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DawnofEntropy View Post
    "if you have the blood of a dragon in you I can teach you to be a sorceror." One of the trainers.
    And yet it's a mage-themed character, not a dragon-themed character.

    That being said, why is this thread rated 4 stars? O_o
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  4. #24
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    My PnP Eberron lore is a little rusty but weren't some of the half orc barbarian tribes in tune with the draconic prophecy?

    HO Barb 8/FS 12; Frenzied berserker & angel of vengence

    A simple plainsman and servant of the prophecy increasingly imbued with the irrestistable force of his draconic masters.

    I'm not sure where the "wings" part of FS come into play, possible splash 2 barb & then aim for the power of draconic flight?

  5. #25
    Community Member Diib's Avatar
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    No matter which way you go, I would think you have to plan on wearing on of the dragonscale armors from level 14 onward.

  6. #26
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    Default Dragon theme

    I do believe I know what you are looking for and to be honest I am dissapointed DDO dosnt have the dragon disiple like neverwinter nights 2 has. That would have been perfect for what you are looking for and s the only reason why I can not get into playing arcane classes. Anyways If you find what your loking for let us know, I would be intrested in playing one myself.

  7. #27
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    Smile Dragon disciple

    why don't they put into use the Dragon Disciple prestige class? It would take almost nothing to adapt it the enhancements and it would be comparable to the savants or could be made to be.
    Last edited by silver1k; 09-06-2011 at 10:18 PM.

  8. #28
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silver1k View Post
    why don't they put into use the Dragon Disciple prestige class? It would take almost nothing to adapt it the enhancements and it would be comparable to the savants or could be made to be.
    Because they already laid out all of the prestiges. There's the Savants and Disciple of the Skin (I forget what the third one is) but I don't think they're going to expand beyond the initial three (with Savant counting as a single prestige)

    That being said, there IS Purple Dragon Knight, whenever the hell that is getting released. What do people know about that prestige?
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  9. #29
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    Purple Dragon Knight isn't really Dragon-Themed.

    Apparently, in the Greyhawk setting, there was a knightly order or a mercenary band or something that used a purple dragon as their heraldic banner. Thus the name of the PRC.

    I don't recall what the point of the PrC was in 3.5, to my mind it was not terribly memorable.
    Give a man a fish, and he demands two more tomorrow.
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  10. #30
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    Istaria is an option if you really want a MMO where you can be a dragon. It used to be called Horizons if anyone remembers that, pretty small scale now though.

  11. #31
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Entelech View Post
    Purple Dragon Knight isn't really Dragon-Themed.

    Apparently, in the Greyhawk setting, there was a knightly order or a mercenary band or something that used a purple dragon as their heraldic banner. Thus the name of the PRC.

    I don't recall what the point of the PrC was in 3.5, to my mind it was not terribly memorable.
    Actually it was an order of knights from kingdom of Cormyr in Faerun (Forgotten Realms campaign setting).

  12. #32
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Entelech View Post
    Purple Dragon Knight isn't really Dragon-Themed.
    Deceptive name is deceptive >:[ Well, there goes that idea.

    So we're really not going to have anything dragon themed other than dragontouched armor? Really? For a game called Dungeons and Dragons, there sure isn't a lot of heroic emphasis on dragons, especially in a setting where there's actually a lot of good aligned dragons.

    Also, I'm aware of Istaria, actually. Unfortunately, one of the reasons I play DDO is because I don't have a steady source of income. And you have to pay if you want to play anything more than a single human.
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  13. #33
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    regardless what race/class you end up picking remember there are the dragon scale armors you can make and they also have matching helmets you could grind for too, which I imagine will be the closest you will get to "the look" you can google the pics. I know white helmet even shows a dragons eye. Might not be optimal gear wise depending on the build but seems like your not so worried about what he will do as how he looks.

    Also dragons have been known to take the shape of whatever humanoid form they deem fit on occasion.. So dragons are usually wielders of powerful magic and are exceptionally strong with vast knowledge on many subjects gained by living for ages. I think many builds would be able to fit these parameters.

    Sounds like maybe you just need to pick a build any build, write a backstory and find yourself a static Role Playing group (or guild even)
    Last edited by jandhaer; 09-07-2011 at 05:24 PM.

  14. #34
    Community Member gerardIII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post
    Elf Sorcs kinda suck
    Oh come on! They don't, mine has 17 hp at lvl 7.

  15. #35
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gerardIII View Post
    Oh come on! They don't, mine has 17 hp at lvl 7.
    Wow! You can almost survive an ogre sneezing on you!

    Your Sorc really rocks
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
    Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<

  16. #36
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zachski View Post
    Because they already laid out all of the prestiges. There's the Savants and Disciple of the Skin (I forget what the third one is) but I don't think they're going to expand beyond the initial three (with Savant counting as a single prestige)

    That being said, there IS Purple Dragon Knight, whenever the hell that is getting released. What do people know about that prestige?
    They listed 5 for Sorcerers. All 4 Savants and Acolyte of the Skin (which is a demon/devil themed prestige). If you count the Savants as 1, then sorcerers only have 2 planned.
    And just because they only said so many doesn't mean more can't be done. Just that those are the ones they knew they wanted to do.

    PDK is a fighter that gets non-stacking Inspire Courage and a couple other buff/support-type things.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  17. #37
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letrii View Post
    Actually it was an order of knights from kingdom of Cormyr in Faerun (Forgotten Realms campaign setting).
    Ah. Forgotten Realms, you say? Small wonder I had only a vague recollection of it. The Realms was never my favorite setting. It had too many "iconic NPC's" running around, clogging up the taverns. Although, from the stories I've heard, Ed Greenwood's actual game was nowhere near as bad as what happened to the place once the RPGA and the novelists got done with it.
    Give a man a fish, and he demands two more tomorrow.
    Teach a man to fish, and he'll leave to find somebody who'll just give him a fish.
    Beat him unconscious with the fish, and it's comedy.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zachski View Post
    As playing my Monk is starting to get a little old, I thought I'd set up a dedicated alt for my now-dedicated main to change it up.

    However, the thing that draws me most to Dungeons & Dragons isn't the Dungeons, but the Dragons.

    You see, I am a dragon fanatic. Always have been. Always will be.

    Unfortunately, makers of adventure games and stories think of dragons as the thing to kill, not the thing you would want to be. Like "That's awesome, now stick a sword in it." Very few adventure game makers think of dragons as something the player would want to be or aligned with.

    It is quite the dilemma. And I perfectly understand why DDO does not allow the playing of dragons due to the fact that, friendly or otherwise, they're monster-type characters, a level 20 dragon could squish Korthos just by tripping, and DDO is just not set up for monster play.

    So, let's work around that. I want to make a dragon-themed character, one who is aligned with the dragons and draws his power from them. Kinda like a Dragon Shaman, except not a dragon shaman since barely anybody wants one, and thus Turbine will never add one.

    ...So, yeah. My parameters are dragon-based. I know Sorcerers have the "dragon-blooded" thing going on (which brings into question why the dragons of Eberron don't kill them on sight like they do half dragons) but I want something a little deeper than that.

    However, I have no objections to using Sorcerer as a base for this character. Multi-classing, if it works, is fine as well. I would like to be somewhat optimized, but if I end up with a little less DPS than I could have, I'm not going to fret it.

    I wish I could provide more definition to that, but unfortunately, I can't.
    I was thinking about this, and I came up with an idea that to me sounds really fun, though I will say upfront that it is not optimized, just a basic concept that I came up with.

    The dragon to me has 4 main parts, which is it's breath, it's claws/bite, it's overall toughness, and it's flight. The focus on this build would be based on the Savants, which would cover 3 of the 4 (with air savant covering all 4), and of those 3 the build would focus on 1 specific area.

    The base class would be 16 Sorc/2 Monk, the sorc represents the inherent casting of the dragon, and the SLA could represent the breath attacks, sadly there is no immunity ability, as such the kind of dragon would be the kind of savant, red = Fire, blue = Air, Black/green = Earth, White = Water. In my mind I imagine a fire savant with epic red dragon armor, but that is expensive, and the concept would work with anything. Monk represents the inherent toughness of the dragon (resists, evasion), as well as I think representing the claws the best with handwraps.

    32 pt Half Elf W/ Paladin Dilettante

    15 Str
    15 Dex
    14 Con
    8 Int
    8 Wis
    16 Cha
    Level up's in charisma, racial points into dex/con (fighter enhancement will give even str, and con gives an extra toughness)

    Toughness, Maximize, Empower, SF: Evocation, Force of Will, TWF, ITWF, Power Attack, Other (I would prolly go for another toughness or possibly a tactical feat like sap)

    Past that you would choose to focus on one of the 3 focus's of the savant:

    16 Sorc/2 Monk/ 2 Paladin

    Change Dilettante to favored soul (since chromatic dragons casting divine spells isn't completely unheard of)

    16 Sorc/3 Monk/ 1 Fighter

    Change str to 16, cha to 15 at start, put level up's into str
    The main advantage of this build, is that by taking fighter at level 20 you can get GTWF, since that is when you have BaB of 11. you also gain the fun of monk finishers, most likely going light, since there isn't too much you can do with the weak DC's you would have, and the buffs would be quite useful.

    18 Sorc/2 Monk

    Gives the advantage of level 3 savant PRE, as well as level 9 sorc spells, if going blue dragon, highly suggested, as that would be the combo that would give flight.


    The basic strategy is that of any dragon, study weaken the herd with a few breath attacks, and then finish of any survivors with your claws and fangs, if they prove to be too tough, get to higher ground, and take them out where they can't reach you, if there is no higher ground available (such as in a dungeon), use your superior movement to keep them from catching up to you and destroy them from out of range with breath attacks.

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