it's a pity that you can't understand that you could have already recouped your losses, had you chosen to do so. the fact that you apparently just threw points into crafting so you could leave it to sit there and rot, rather than do something with it and have fun, is your choice.
in the meanwhile, i'll continue to enjoy the characters that already have the equivalent of a better than mineral II weapon (or two weapons) for raids. i'll continue to enjoy the custom-crafted items that have rare abilities, or in some cases abilities that you simply don't ever find on random items at all, built into them. i'll continue to enjoy knowing that should i ever again want a low level underwater action item or feather falling item, i'm not going to be stuck with the choice of either shelling out stupid amounts of plat or going without (and that i can continue to add useful abilities as suffixes to keep those items current to my level later on). i'll continue enjoying not having to worry about finding appropriate skill bonus items on my rogues (and being able to get them all at earlier levels than is normally possible). and i'm quite glad that i have had these advantages for months now, rather than maybe eventually getting them again, in the distant future (after all - if you haven't gotten to the crafting level you want now, after several months time, guess what? odds are good it's going to take you another several month's time just to get your new crafter to where you are now, never mind surpassing your current level).
like i said, sucks to be you - you're miserable, i'm not. you feel cheated and betrayed because the devs are making it easier for you to level up crafting, i don't. i have to say, when someone does something that benefits you and it's making you unhappy, you're in a lousy spot, and i'm certainly glad to not be so ungrateful that i can't recognize a benefit when i see one.