Obviously I was an idiot and focused on getting my crafting levels up on my main original character.
With this absurd new bonus artificers get, plus the dragonmark of making bonuses, people will be far better off just making a gimp new char only for crafting that is an artificer. Anybody who already has worked on on their crafting is screwed (double- and triple- screwed since crafted handwraps, the main reason I worked on crafting, dont work either). A gimp artificer leveled up in a few days gets like +20 to their crafting levels (if I am reading the wiki correctly). How completely absurd, and a bit FU to current players who have worked on crafting.
Turbine really brings out the whiner in me - heh.
But this really is a rediculous decision on Turbine's part. Anybody who already has worked on crafting is basically screwed, relatively speaking, by this huge freebie given to newly made gimp crafting artificers.
And, no, I dont want to turn my epically geared main character into a gimp, for trolls who were going to tell me to just TR my main eventual-completionist with cleansed gs into a human artificer dragonmark of making perma-gimp.