I used to live in Tokyo... you get used to it, but the first decent one is always a shocker.
Had a 6+ hit while playing a few years ago. "Hey guys, AFK a few minutes, earthquake. Need to keep TV from falling over."
I used to live in Tokyo... you get used to it, but the first decent one is always a shocker.
Had a 6+ hit while playing a few years ago. "Hey guys, AFK a few minutes, earthquake. Need to keep TV from falling over."
Shiz - Ghallanda > Orien (Pharoah let my people go!)
Shizmonkey (OG Grand Poo-Bah of R.O.G.U.E. 1st edition) and other various ShizAlts
R.O.G.U.E. Proving Grounds Redux is now defunct. Check out Part Quatre
Work in DC ... felt it. Home in Spotsie (about 15 miles from epicenter) wifey said it was pretty traumatic.
Stillz Azgoth:
11 Dwarf Light Monk - 7th Life
wow, a 5.8 near DC? That must've been scary. I personally probably wouldn't even get out of bed for a 6.0 here in Los Angeles, but that's me, I guess I'm spoiled by Los Angeles earthquakes.
BluCheese And Pickles - WideFlange Beam -Microwaver
Im in new york..i didnt feel it but my wife who is ten minutes from where i am at work felt it..My sons daycare is in the same building as where my wife works and the building was evacuated i guess..still talking to her...never had an earth quake as far as know before..
The USGS website has good up to the minute earthquake information.
Hope everyone is OK.
Kelly's Heroes
On Khyber
Up with People! Down with Sanity!
The news story I read said some folks were afraid it was another plane strike... Pretty sure there's a few minor differences ibetween a mid-range quake and a jet liner landing on ya.
Anyhow. /jealous.
One of these days, if I can't have a tornado, I'll settle for the New Madrid fault here in Mizzery to kick off a good jiggler..
Well it may not have been big but it was enough to shake the glassware in my lab in Columbia SC.
I live in Gaithersburg MD about 15 minutes from DC and I felt it here my whole building shook and we are on the second floor. The funny thing is I didn't even really think about just kept playing! I am from San Diego so I guess I am so used to earth quakes that it did not bother me. But my neighbors all came running out of there apartments screaming it was sorta hilarious to see them freaking out![]()
Naomirose lvl 20 Monk, Tempestrose Lvl 18 Evoker FVS, Summersrose Lvl 21 Drunk, Daenerysrose Lvl 21 PM, Kalanirose Lvl 23 10k Stars AA, Rhianrose Lvl 20 Arti, AubreyFaith Lvl 12 Clonk.
I can now officially say my bed was a rockin'.Live in MD, was my first ever quake. Was a freaky experience, had to turn the fan off I was afraid it was gonna come flying down. No damage here. Hope everyone is okay out there.
I was in an EChrono on Sarlona when it hit. We were waiting for people to get alts for the final chest, when a guy from Virginia goes "My fishtank is vibrating all over the place...we are having an earthquake. Let's open these chests before I lose power!".
Lol. Loot before evacuation ftw!
“No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Earthquake in Colorado where there are no earthquakes. Earthquake in DC where even the government never moves.
You know what that means don't you?????
Yep, absolutely nothing....
(I'd have said DOOM but I can't spell.)
at first i thought it was the Washer shaking the house again (its been known to happen when it gets off-balance)
then i realized the washer wasnt running.
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith
Small, apples; baby.
Love, Whittier Narrows and Northridge
I'm just teasing. I can imagine how outright scary it can be, especially when you're not as well adjusted as those of us in earthquake prone areas. Glad to hear that it looks like everybody and everything is safe, and congrats if it's your first quake!![]()
Quomodo cecidisti de cælo, Lucifer, qui mane oriebaris. corruisti in terram, qui vulnerabas gentes.
Qui dicebas in corde tuo: In cælum conscendam, super astra Dei exaltabo solium meum.
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
Haha, felt it even in the middle of Queens, NY.
Monitor, door, etc. was gently swinging back and forth by a small margin, could even feel it in my body as well.
This is the first Earthquake experience I consciously experienced. Kind of neat, in a way.
I was selling items in the Market at that very moment. A few minutes after I could see everyone making remarks about it happening to them well. One guy said he even felt it in the Canadian side of the Niagara.
Had the strongest earthquake in most of 40 years down Trinidad way in Colorado the night before this happened. No injuries, fortunately, but a lot of building damage.
Nice thing about earthquakes in this region, they don't travel well due to their depth and nature of the geologic formations they pass through.
My best wishes to everyone affected by the recent Eastern earthquake.![]()
Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.
The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
Dee Hock
I agree, people get used to it if it occur often.
Had similar size of earthquake 3-4 days ago when I visited my parents home.
Our reaction was like "Oh god, yet another one..." no panic, no evacuation.
Though, getting "too" used to earthquake is another problem.
People won't try to reach safe ground, that a one of reason why we had grim casualty in tsunami back in March
But that's another topic, hope everything is okay at there.
English is not my primary language, so please excuse my grammar and spelling