On the dev side, it is easier to implement what they already have code for (and I'm going to go out on a limb and say they've already had code that would put the click n' timer debuff in, but no code that will let them snare wings with chains or extend crippling to cover wings) ... so, devs see test results, look at proposals, and take the way out that they know they can implement.
This is understandable, if not acceptable. We just need to make it un-acceptable enough to justify the development time ... I've never met a dev who wanted to make a poor app, but I've also never met one who had the time and $$$ to make the app they wanted to.
So, you see, all devs reading this ... we're helping you make the app you want by being incorrigible, ungrateful, word twisting, never satisfied, unmitigated sons of guns.
Also, you're welcome.