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  1. #1
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default List of level 75+ Crafters

    Forum Name : [None]
    Crafter Name : Misadventure
    Crafting Levels : 150/150/150
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Forum Name : Offinthewoods
    Crafter Name : Nimsie
    Crafting Levels : 150/150/150
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Forum Name : librass
    Crafter Name : Elia
    Crafting Levels : 150/150/150
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Forum Name : TheDearLeader
    Crafter Name : Oschkosch
    Crafting Levels : 150/146/141
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts : Aneist, Hobadash, Kiarnan, McPhail, Dalzeil
    Forum Name : Gempoult
    Crafter Name : Lutse
    Crafting Levels : 149/141/142
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: Rinsewind
    Forum Name : Hawklynn
    Crafter Name : Windkragg
    Crafting Levels : 147/146/147
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: Firekragg
    Forum Name : Slarden
    Crafter Name : Slarden
    Crafting Levels : 147/143/143
    Are you willing to craft for others? No.
    Alts:YMCA, Owlander, Maxemod, Zzarn, Nukingbot
    Forum Name : [None]
    Crafter Name : Dangered
    Crafting Levels : 147/139/141
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Forum Name : pasterqb
    Crafter Name : Niti
    Crafting Levels : 140/138/134
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: Lousypher, Tygr, Elizof, Shawker, Littwo, Elathi
    Forum Name : BoBo2020
    Crafter Name : BgNasty
    Crafting Levels : 139/139/139
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Forum Name : butchb
    Crafter Name : Rama Llama
    Crafting Levels : 134/122/133
    Are you willing to craft for others? No.
    Alts: Buhba
    Forum Name : rest
    Crafter Name : Tserina
    Crafting Levels : 134/131/127
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
    Alts: Krombie, Schadenfreud, Gustavi, Malshier, Khanstantin
    Forum Name : Bat0666
    Crafter Name : Batghost
    Crafting Levels : 132/127/135
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
    Forum Name : xMyst87
    Crafter Name : Explosionbot
    Crafting Levels : 118/116/116
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: Gaii
    Forum Name : lastseer
    Crafter Name : Bazer
    Crafting Levels : 119/113/124
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: Lyraa
    Forum Name : brent_117
    Crafter Name : Wizzzbot
    Crafting Levels : 114/120/107
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: Stupidaso, Robotacus, Sorcccbot, Favhorbot, Diligafaw, Artiman
    Forum name: madmaxhunter
    Crafter name: Lighthardtt
    Crafting levels: 113/116/114
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
    Forum Name : Ilindith
    Crafter Name : Distributed
    Crafting Levels : 110/110/115
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
    Alts: None
    Forum Name : [None]
    Crafter Name : Grymjaw
    Crafting Levels : 105/105/103
    Are you willing to craft for others? No.
    Forum Name : twigzz
    Crafter Name : Favoredgear
    Crafting Levels : 102/105/100
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
    Alts: twigz, twiggzz, Flamestarter, Tarloren, Paletwigz, Imnotugly, Tiinker, Sheanto
    Forum Name : Cheesemilk
    Crafter Name : Nexussix
    Crafting Levels : 101/91/92
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Forum Name : Tizzle58
    Crafter Name : Liljt
    Crafting Levels : 100/100/100
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: Jtezee/Jtmoney/Hennessey
    Forum Name : DrStampede
    Crafter Name : Stampedee
    Crafting Levels : 99/93/96
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
    Alts:Stampede, Stampedeee, Stampedex, Stampedes, Stampedess, Stampeded
    Forum Name : HGM-Chi
    Crafter Name : Yogee
    Crafting Levels : 95/95/95
    Are you willing to craft for others? Sure.
    Alts: Yohgi, Yohgee, Yogibot, YogiSoul, YogiBrawler, Buhdee, Nomer, Yogizot, Yogstradamus, Kryzii, Yogesse, Yogster, etc.
    Forum Name : rieal82
    Crafter Name : Riealcraft
    Crafting Levels : 95/88/90
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: rieal erekeal riealn chunkypants
    Forum Name : nibel
    Crafter Name : Amossa
    Crafting Levels : 85/86/86
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: Herweg, Chapolin, Mecanico, and everyone else on my sig.
    Forum Name : tim19
    Forum Name : LazyTigerLily
    Crafter Name : Tellyo
    Crafting Levels : 85/77/81
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
    Alts: Terpentine, Hajnah, Mercimary, Paltera, Boxcarr
    Crafter Name : Blists
    Crafting Levels : 81/92/77
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
    Alts: Blightt, Blinal, Blists, Bllitz, Chantics, Dwarnn, Fllleet, Kishot, Niscle, Nisscle, Perfectheals
    Forum Name: jwdaniels
    Crafter Name: Uprex
    Crafting Levels : 85/86/85
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
    Alts: None
    Forum Name : Straton
    Crafter Name : Gallar
    Crafting Levels : 80/79/80
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: Galarrd, Galardd, Gallard, Galard, Galar, Gallar
    Forum Name : Jaid413
    Crafter Name : Anatoria
    Crafting Levels : 77/78/82
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: Megghan, Shantrelle, Lalali, Stonesmasher, Carandir, Eikin, Destroid, Galandonel
    Forum Name :
    Crafter Name :
    Crafting Levels : 00/00/00
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes/No.
    Last edited by TheDearLeader; 11-19-2012 at 07:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Hey Folks!

    In the effort of helping all us dedicated crafters out there, I thought it wouldn't hurt to compile a list of us for other people to possibly refer to when in need on an item.

    How it works:

    You reply here with some simple data:
    Your crafter's name.
    Your crafting levels, in order of Arcane/Divine/Elemental.
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes/No. (This part means you can participate in the list, but change your availability status at any time.)
    Alts - Totally optional here.

    And I'll keep the OP updated, and individual users can peruse the people in the list, and send a PM/In-Game Tell to the crafter they wish to work with.

    What this thread is *not* for:
    Gripes about an individual crafter

    If you want to conduct business, please do it with someone through other methods. This is just a reference list. Thanks!
    Last edited by TheDearLeader; 08-23-2011 at 07:59 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    What this thread is *not* for:
    Gripes about an individual crafter

    If you want to conduct business, please do it with someone through other methods. This is just a reference list. Thanks!
    Why'd you put it in the marketplace if you don't wanna sell anything? Shoulda been in the regular Sarlona forum

  4. #4
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    Why'd you put it in the marketplace if you don't wanna sell anything? Shoulda been in the regular Sarlona forum
    It is a reference list to facilitate trades. The assumption is that, given the knowledge provided here, a potential buyer of shards/crafted items can contact sellers that list themselves is "available" through private means. I felt I was rather clear with the nature and intent of this post, and why it is more appropriate for the Marketplace, rather than the generic Sarlona forums.

    In sum, it is no different than putting up a trade thread in Marketplace, but saying "PM/tells only", which we do see on occasion. I'd rather not have the thread cluttered with dozens of trades/barters while I'm trying to compile the list. Or, for that matter, having it cluttered with "why'd you do it this way?" posts.

    So, if anyone else somehow finds offense/issue with the way I've presented this information for public consumption, please correspond with me via PMs. Thank you.
    Last edited by TheDearLeader; 08-23-2011 at 04:13 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Not a bad idea.

    Forum Name : Gempoult
    Crafter Name : Lutse
    Crafting Levels : 121/112/104
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    Alts: Rinsetoe, Pismire
    Last edited by Gempoult; 09-13-2011 at 07:59 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Talking Master Crafter

    Forum Name : Offinthewoods
    Crafter Name : Nimsie
    Crafting Levels : 123/121/122
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
    All Shards Current Shards Unlocked

  7. #7
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    K, thank you for the three participants (other than myself) so far!

    I've organized the OP by highest crafting levels, and I'll try and keep that about the same throughout I think.

    I will also attempt to correspond with individuals after the update, to get their new/modified crafting levels, since the change in crafting XP will mean all of us will get an extra 10 or more levels.

  8. #8
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Still looking for other crafters to post their information here, please. I know we have plenty, and it looks like I'ma have to bug some EW folks to get their stuff up here.. >.>

  9. #9
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    5 crafters on the list nao, 4 willing to craft for others. C'mon, I know we've got other people out there. Don't be shy!

  10. #10
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Forum Name : Slarden
    Crafter Name : Slarden
    Crafting Levels : 96/83/93
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes (currently I am only helping a few friends that ask for help and only when i craft @ 100%- but I always recommend they devote those resources to raising their own crafting level instead)

  11. #11
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Forum Name : Slarden
    Crafter Name : Slarden
    Crafting Levels : 96/83/93
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes (currently I am only helping a few friends that ask for help and only when i craft @ 100%- but I always recommend they devote those resources to raising their own crafting level instead)
    Added. I put you down for "No" as above, though - it sounds to me like you wouldn't be willing to craft for the general populace, and I don't want you getting a bunch of tells from random people if you don't want them.

    If this is in error, let me know, and I'll change it to "Yes".

  12. #12
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    I have to say this is pretty cool of you dude.

  13. #13
    Community Member BoBo2020's Avatar
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    112 Arcane
    106 Divine
    112 Elemental

    Will craft for others as long as you provide the essences.

    Will craft over level as long as you understand there is a chance of failure and don't get cranky with me.


  14. #14
    Community Member BoBo2020's Avatar
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    Examined the list more closely - anyone else notice that Divine levels seems to be lagging a bit compared to other schools?
    Last edited by BoBo2020; 09-06-2011 at 04:14 PM.


  15. #15
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBo2020 View Post
    Examined the list more closely - anyone else notice that Divine levels seems to be lagging a bit compared to other schools?
    I think it's for lack of recipes appropriate at our level. Elemental shards at that level are (relative to the other schools) cheap, and Arcane is easy to level, due to the raw amount of Body essences that can be acquired through deconstruction.

    Divine, however, goes from Bane recipes that require unusual ingredients, right into Spell abilities that take almost 200 Lessers, to Skill +11 items that also take a lot of Lessers. Also, Chaos and Law essences almost exclusively come from Weaponry, which is the most expensive item to buy. Also, if you're the kind that sells weapons (high sale cost @ vendors), and deconstructs the rest, you'd have practically none to do the respective formulas.

    Also, there's only 24 Recipes from level 105 to 125. Arcane has 51 recipes in the same level. Hard to level when recipes are so sparse, and our options are limited to such costly results. A noteworthy exception, also, is Holy Burst: that would be one more recipe to get XP with, but is for some reason not seen Unbound.

    Anarchic Burst is 61 Bound, 111 Unbound.
    Aximatic Burst is 62 Bound, 112 Unbound.
    Holy Burst is 72 Bound, Does not exist Unbound.

    Two of them follow a Bound level + 50 effect, and one does not exist. If it followed the example of the other two "Bursts", it would be 122 - which would be a great level to have a quality recipe.

    But really, in short, we just need more recipes.

  16. #16
    Community Member pasterqb's Avatar
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    Forum Name : pasterqb
    Crafter Name : Niti
    Crafting Levels : 95/91/87
    Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
    Alts: Lousypher, Tygr, Elizof, Shawker, Littwo

  17. #17
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Just thought I'd let everyone know that on the Lammania forums, Eladrin has been so kind as to hook us up with a new XP table. I'll try and compare current XP values to these, and extrapolate where all the Sarlona crafters will be at a minimum after the update.

    Looks like it'll be:
    Nimsie - 142/139/140
    Dangered - 139/136/138
    BgNasty - 130/123/130
    Oschkosch - 124/121/122
    Lutse - 116/111/100
    Slarden - 110/95/107
    Grymjaw - 105/105/103
    Niti - 109/105/100

    Based on the numbers I have in the OP.
    Last edited by TheDearLeader; 09-08-2011 at 08:29 PM.

  18. #18
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Just thought I'd let everyone know that on the Lammania forums, Eladrin has been so kind as to hook us up with a new XP table. I'll try and compare current XP values to these, and extrapolate where all the Sarlona crafters will be at a minimum after the update.

    Looks like it'll be:
    Nimsie - 142/139/140
    Dangered - 139/136/138
    BgNasty - 130/123/130
    Oschkosch - 124/121/122
    Lutse - 116/111/100
    Slarden - 110/95/107
    Grymjaw - 105/105/103
    Niti - 109/105/100

    Based on the numbers I have in the OP.
    Thanks this is very helpful. I would like to tru res my crafter into an artificer which should get me to level 100 in divine without having to burn any more essences leveling. Of course I'll have to buy the artificer class since it's not available through favor rewards, but I think it will be a fun class to play and worth the money. oh yeah and the true res heart of wood thing too...

    Does anyone know if crafting levels will remain with a true res after U11? I have been told with the current release the levels remain.

    Thanks agian!

  19. #19
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Thanks this is very helpful. I would like to tru res my crafter into an artificer which should get me to level 100 in divine without having to burn any more essences leveling. Of course I'll have to buy the artificer class since it's not available through favor rewards, but I think it will be a fun class to play and worth the money. oh yeah and the true res heart of wood thing too...

    Does anyone know if crafting levels will remain with a true res after U11? I have been told with the current release the levels remain.

    Thanks agian!
    I suppose the best way to find out would be to TR on Lamma - that still isn't a 100% guarantee, but it's better than going into it blind.

    But yeah, my crafter is a TR, and it does indeed work fine as of right now, this build, etc.

  20. #20
    Pirate Cursed
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    Forum name rieal82
    Crafter name Riealcraft
    Levels 95/88/90
    Craft for othrers yes pm me or mail me in game on rieal for pricing
    Alts rieal erekeal riealn chunkypants
    Before you post about changes ask yourself "are they doing this to make the game better for everyone?"
    DDO is about working together so stop thinking what can the Devs do for me and start thinking What can i do to make the game better?

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