Forum Name : [None]
Crafter Name : Misadventure
Crafting Levels : 150/150/150
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Forum Name : Offinthewoods
Crafter Name : Nimsie
Crafting Levels : 150/150/150
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Forum Name : librass
Crafter Name : Elia
Crafting Levels : 150/150/150
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Forum Name : TheDearLeader
Crafter Name : Oschkosch
Crafting Levels : 150/146/141
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts : Aneist, Hobadash, Kiarnan, McPhail, Dalzeil
Forum Name : Gempoult
Crafter Name : Lutse
Crafting Levels : 149/141/142
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts: Rinsewind
Forum Name : Hawklynn
Crafter Name : Windkragg
Crafting Levels : 147/146/147
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts: Firekragg
Forum Name : Slarden
Crafter Name : Slarden
Crafting Levels : 147/143/143
Are you willing to craft for others? No.
Alts:YMCA, Owlander, Maxemod, Zzarn, Nukingbot
Forum Name : [None]
Crafter Name : Dangered
Crafting Levels : 147/139/141
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Forum Name : pasterqb
Crafter Name : Niti
Crafting Levels : 140/138/134
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts: Lousypher, Tygr, Elizof, Shawker, Littwo, Elathi
Forum Name : BoBo2020
Crafter Name : BgNasty
Crafting Levels : 139/139/139
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Forum Name : butchb
Crafter Name : Rama Llama
Crafting Levels : 134/122/133
Are you willing to craft for others? No.
Alts: Buhba
Forum Name : rest
Crafter Name : Tserina
Crafting Levels : 134/131/127
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
Alts: Krombie, Schadenfreud, Gustavi, Malshier, Khanstantin
Forum Name : Bat0666
Crafter Name : Batghost
Crafting Levels : 132/127/135
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
Forum Name : xMyst87
Crafter Name : Explosionbot
Crafting Levels : 118/116/116
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts: Gaii
Forum Name : lastseer
Crafter Name : Bazer
Crafting Levels : 119/113/124
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts: Lyraa
Forum Name : brent_117
Crafter Name : Wizzzbot
Crafting Levels : 114/120/107
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts: Stupidaso, Robotacus, Sorcccbot, Favhorbot, Diligafaw, Artiman
Forum name: madmaxhunter
Crafter name: Lighthardtt
Crafting levels: 113/116/114
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
Forum Name : Ilindith
Crafter Name : Distributed
Crafting Levels : 110/110/115
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
Alts: None
Forum Name : [None]
Crafter Name : Grymjaw
Crafting Levels : 105/105/103
Are you willing to craft for others? No.
Forum Name : twigzz
Crafter Name : Favoredgear
Crafting Levels : 102/105/100
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
Alts: twigz, twiggzz, Flamestarter, Tarloren, Paletwigz, Imnotugly, Tiinker, Sheanto
Forum Name : Cheesemilk
Crafter Name : Nexussix
Crafting Levels : 101/91/92
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Forum Name : Tizzle58
Crafter Name : Liljt
Crafting Levels : 100/100/100
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts: Jtezee/Jtmoney/Hennessey
Forum Name : DrStampede
Crafter Name : Stampedee
Crafting Levels : 99/93/96
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
Alts:Stampede, Stampedeee, Stampedex, Stampedes, Stampedess, Stampeded
Forum Name : HGM-Chi
Crafter Name : Yogee
Crafting Levels : 95/95/95
Are you willing to craft for others? Sure.
Alts: Yohgi, Yohgee, Yogibot, YogiSoul, YogiBrawler, Buhdee, Nomer, Yogizot, Yogstradamus, Kryzii, Yogesse, Yogster, etc.
Forum Name : rieal82
Crafter Name : Riealcraft
Crafting Levels : 95/88/90
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts: rieal erekeal riealn chunkypants
Forum Name : nibel
Crafter Name : Amossa
Crafting Levels : 85/86/86
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts: Herweg, Chapolin, Mecanico, and everyone else on my sig.
Forum Name : tim19
Forum Name : LazyTigerLily
Crafter Name : Tellyo
Crafting Levels : 85/77/81
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
Alts: Terpentine, Hajnah, Mercimary, Paltera, Boxcarr
Crafter Name : Blists
Crafting Levels : 81/92/77
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
Alts: Blightt, Blinal, Blists, Bllitz, Chantics, Dwarnn, Fllleet, Kishot, Niscle, Nisscle, Perfectheals
Forum Name: jwdaniels
Crafter Name: Uprex
Crafting Levels : 85/86/85
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes
Alts: None
Forum Name : Straton
Crafter Name : Gallar
Crafting Levels : 80/79/80
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts: Galarrd, Galardd, Gallard, Galard, Galar, Gallar
Forum Name : Jaid413
Crafter Name : Anatoria
Crafting Levels : 77/78/82
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes.
Alts: Megghan, Shantrelle, Lalali, Stonesmasher, Carandir, Eikin, Destroid, Galandonel
Forum Name :
Crafter Name :
Crafting Levels : 00/00/00
Are you willing to craft for others? Yes/No.