I like the current implementation of DoTs in the game just fine.
I like using them with my ...
Heal Specced Cleric
Heal Specced FVS
And REALLY <3 the DoTs when cast by other Clerics, FVS, Savants and Wizards when....
I am playing my ...
Horc UA
WSS Monk/Ftr/Pal
But what I really DONT get is why you have formed an opinion about DoTs like this.
Idgaf if <this character or that character> can solo/shortman <Epic/Elite Raids> using <Spells and Tactics>
A gd change to DoTs as they stand will hurt newer players while the Capped/MultiTR/EpicGeared crowd would notice little difference.
Give all players a break and quit the complaining about OP this and nerf that. Your ideas and opinions about this mechanic are just for YOUR benefit and those who want the game harder because they already have it all.