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So while I don't feel the DPS output of Niacs biting cold + Eladars stacked on most bosses is too much for the highest end of gameplay, I do feel its too much for the basic casual - just hit lvl20 fresh off the boat caster.
Adding a save will help rectify that. I kinda think casters should get another spell like improved sunder does now to help reduce the reflex save of bosses tho:
Maybe a will save type effect like solid fog, but less intrusive, and stackable.. At a high SP cost, high druation and slow cast animation so its mainly effective on bosses.
EG: Ucanny un-dodging: Will save to negate, SR applies, Lasts 6 seconds per caster level, -1 penalty to reflex saves. Stacks up to 10 times. Standard cooldown (couple seconds).
Perhaps lvl6 arcane since there arent many great lvl6 debuffs.
Not per-caster like dots, so several good DC casters could stack this up in tandem.
So for 300 SP, along with strong enough DC/Spell pen, you can ensure that your dots lands very reliably for 2 minutes, or another 2min for 30 more sp, as that will reset duration.
Tho again as I said about Divine punishment:
Just no.
Divines are not meant to have this kind of UNRESISTALBE DPS. Giving everything to one class just results in unbalance and unfun.