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  1. #1
    Founder WheelerCub's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Can't do the starter quest or buy Artificer

    I'm new to the beta server on DDO, but very familar with game betas. So I decided to downloaded the DDO client for the beta and it's riddled with problems I can't seem to get past. First, the Drow race is no longer available to me and so I'm locked out of half of my transferred characters from my VIP account. Next, I cannot buy the Artificer in game or from the Character Creation screens because I have zero Turbine Points in beta (although I have over 2k in the full version). So the game gives me the following message, "You do not have enough Points to make this purchase. Click the Add Points button to get more points, Or change the items in your cart." Nor will it let me Proceed in any other way that I've tried. Finally, I decided to create a couple new characters so that I can try to buy the Artificer with any TPs I may get from early quests, but unfortunately the game will not let me enter the starter dungeon. So the two new characters I tried using are stuck in the opening area with Jeets ~ and he doesn't give me the option to skip the tutorial either. What can I do?
    Your character's true power is the sum of all your combined abilities and how well you use them.

  2. #2
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    it's the lag monster keeping you from going into the grotto, you'll have to wait it out.

    2. as for turbine points. there is a character in the harbor that once you beat the grotto (when you can finally get to it.) you can find. his name is Sir Poincealot, he hands out on the cliff under theb ridge from the mailboxes to WW. he hands out 2k free TP a day to an account. you just need to get that one quest done, skip to the harbor, then you can get enough TP for artificer.
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
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  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    There is a NPC under the harbor bridge. Go talk to him he will give you TP, so you'll be able to buy the Arti class.

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