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  1. #1
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default remove 'Bound to Account' on some items and turn into 'Tradeable'

    I would like to see the term "bound to Account' changed. I propose we instead turn BtA items into 'Tradeable' items that players can trade amongst each other.

    These items should in no way be able to be sold in the Auction House, they would be the exact same as they are now, but rather than be BtA that players have to store on multiple character banks, they could instead be used as a form of currency, essentially creating a barter system. Lets face it, platinum has no real value in game at higher levels, even players such as myself that do not raid have either A) an abundance of platinum and a shortage of gear/ materials to make gear or B) more platinum than they could ever spend in 10 years of playing the game.

    Now, I am not suggesting that ALL BtA items should be made this way, but the majority of them. If it is a gear item that has the 'tradeable' description, once equipped it would then become Bound to Account/Character, but things like Marks from Lordsmarch quests could be 'tradeable' for example.

    I do not suggest making favor rewards 'tradeable' like silver flame potions and such, I am specifically speaking of chest drops. Rare chest drops at that. Something like dragonic runes that are easily farmed should stay as BtA, but maybe Tempest runes could be 'tradeable'

    I bring this up, because I am a premium player that owns all the current content, except a couple of classes, and I have 5 character slots per server. I also constantly plan for me, as a casual/solo player to TR/completionist someday.

    Out of my 5 character slots, I have 4 bank characters. each has a full bank (1 bank tab, level 1 or 4 only) and 1/3 to over 1/2 of their bags full of things I know I will need as I TR into each class, things I know I won't be able to buy due to the BtA restriction. So, I keep saving. And saving. And saving. Now I find myself with 1 character that has their bags full of full quivers (eventual ranger TR) and scrolls (eventual wiz/rngr/sorc/clr/FVS/??? TR) 2 with different gear, 1 with collectibles/ings, and then the one left that I can play.

    I just think being able to trade items, not sell them among players would be a benefit to the game, and the player base as a whole, especially for those hard core players that have been running the same raids 20, 40, 60, 100 times and still running for their items.
    Last edited by puget; 08-22-2011 at 03:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I do not want to store things in my shared bank, they have a habit of going AWOL. I would like to be able to trade my Lordsmarch Plaza marks to other people to get the marks I do need to clear some bank slots. Same with reaver's dragonshard essences. Etc. Etc.

    Even gear I save from farm runs for eventual TR's take up space, when I try to keep all the weapons/armor of various minimum levels I have done Eldritch rituals on for the next life that can use them, like Barb, or second fighter life, etc.

    I just think players being able to trade these things amongst one another would be a big step ahead for everyone, to be able to say 'hey I will trade 1 Stormsingers cloak and 2 Bloody Cleavers for one Mark of Resh Turakbar' would be nice.

    Like kids trading Pokemon cards. trade what you don't need for what you do, and save bank space at the same time.

  3. #3
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    My bank toons/all toons have 3-5 bank and 5 backpack tabs. and some filled gear slots.

    Your doing it wrong.

    and not BtA gear items blah blah etc. are what they are OP to random/crafted of the same lvl or required to boost an item.

    Your thoughts would allow for someone to not own or run say the lordsmarch quests, yet get the Sora Kell sets fully upgraded. as you can walk into the zone to craft and it see items you place in it not that you own the pack no quest its just box trade.

    lets not even get into epic tokens which equals a free TR w/20 never running a single epic quest.

    Did you seriously think this over. Well I am sure you did and greed of need does win out.

  4. #4
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    My bank toons/all toons have 3-5 bank and 5 backpack tabs. and some filled gear slots.

    Your doing it wrong.

    and not BtA gear items blah blah etc. are what they are OP to random/crafted of the same lvl or required to boost an item.

    Your thoughts would allow for someone to not own or run say the lordsmarch quests, yet get the Sora Kell sets fully upgraded. as you can walk into the zone to craft and it see items you place in it not that you own the pack no quest its just box trade.

    lets not even get into epic tokens which equals a free TR w/20 never running a single epic quest.

    Did you seriously think this over. Well I am sure you did and greed of need does win out.
    I thought it over quite in length. I even thought about the claim of F2P players, and honestly, is that such a big deal ? I don't really see the F2P players as somehow being way too OP that they would have to be taken into account.

    I have a feeling you did not read the title of the thread if you are tossing out epic dungeon tokens, and you should re-read it.

    I think you have something against F2P players, please do not forget that they pretty much saved the game.

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