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  1. #1
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Default +1 tomes (unbound) and Eberron dragonshard fragments. ***?

    Okay Turbine, I get that you want to make crafting the opposite of 'as advertised' pre-launch of crafting. I get you want to make a buck. I get you only want select players to craft post 10.2. I get it. Really, I do.

    What I do not get, is when I go and trade an unbound +1 tome to gather mats so I can have a person that is allowed to make the unbound shards make me a shard, and I get my 4 BOUND TO ACCOUNT purified fragments in return, I also get that you do NOT want people that gave up on this crafting mess you created to benefit in any way shape or form.

    Hey, thanks for ruining crafting for me, and making me NEVER want to return to it, you have essentially made this profession so unattainable, that tonight, I tried for the final time to be a part of it.

    Yes, I am quite angry, very, very much so. I get that you included these mats to make the shards harder to get, trust me, I understand this point. I do NOT understand your point to make it impossible for people that gave up on advancing their OWN crafting to be punished for realizing this experiment has pretty much failed so far.

    EDIT:::::::: If you want to give BOUND shards for a +1 tome, You should at least give the players the courtesy of a flag that says the same thing as looting BTA gear in a chest and WARN US that these fragments are going to be BTA. Had such a flag been in place, I would have saved/given away to a player that can use/sold the tome. As it stands now, being unable to trade window these fragments, mail these fragments, or anything else to give them to a player that can make a shard is stupid, I now have 1 more thing wasting space in my limited inventory/storage space.
    Last edited by puget; 08-22-2011 at 02:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Unreliable's Avatar
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    I do not understand all the fuss about the purified shards.

    If you need some, go buy a +1 tome off the ah for 20k plat and you get 4 purified shards.

    If you dont need any, dont melt ur +1 tomes and problem solved.

    No reason to say you need to buy astral diamons, just ''value'' them at around 5k plat each when u look thru the trade UI and see recipies that need them.

  3. #3
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unreliable View Post
    I do not understand all the fuss about the purified shards.

    If you need some, go buy a +1 tome off the ah for 20k plat and you get 4 purified shards.

    If you dont need any, dont melt ur +1 tomes and problem solved.

    No reason to say you need to buy astral diamons, just ''value'' them at around 5k plat each when u look thru the trade UI and see recipies that need them.
    The problem is for those of us that gave crafting a /pass with 10.2, and the fact that said +1 tome being traded results in BTA fragments that you cannot trade window/mail/give to another player to make a shard.

    I apologize, but my edit was apparently being made the same time you posted.

  4. #4
    Community Member Feylina's Avatar
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    can you not trade the tome to the person you want to craft you the unbound shard? quite possibly that person would have the purified's onhand and just take the tome to go swap it in at a later time. just throwin out ideas.
    I am roleplaying. My toons are zergers.

  5. #5
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feylina View Post
    can you not trade the tome to the person you want to craft you the unbound shard? quite possibly that person would have the purified's onhand and just take the tome to go swap it in at a later time. just throwin out ideas.
    I absolutely could have, and I would have had a flag come up informing that the shards I was about to recieve would be BtA. No doubt that would have been peachy as well, but I put my +1 dex tome in the window........wait while it searches.......................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...............................................AHH H there, 4 Purifieds, perfect, lets trade!...........Huh?............................. BtA????????????????????????? what in the???????????????? No. No. No way.

    Yup, no flag, no warning, notta, just an NPC that pretty much says " hey wet's twade!!!!"

    No "oh by the way" at all.

    EDIT::::: I am not against BtA purifieds, I am against not letting people know that they will BE BtA when you trade. I could have and WOULD have just saved/traded the tome and not wasted my time, nor the other guys time thinking I could get the mats to have a shard made.
    Last edited by puget; 08-22-2011 at 04:03 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Feylina's Avatar
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    ah i see.

    well consider you're performing a public service then . had you not posted this i would not have known that the purified's are bta. Now that i know i can avoid the same mishap in the future.

    you sir are a prince among men. to so selflessly test these things and bring this knowledge to our attention. the world is now a better place for the loss of your +1 tome.

    i can see how this would have been frustrating at the time though. I personally suffer from PIG (problem of immediate gratification) and would have been screaming mad at dirt in the same situation.
    I am roleplaying. My toons are zergers.

  7. #7
    Community Member puget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feylina View Post
    ah i see.

    well consider you're performing a public service then . had you not posted this i would not have known that the purified's are bta. Now that i know i can avoid the same mishap in the future.

    you sir are a prince among men. to so selflessly test these things and bring this knowledge to our attention. the world is now a better place for the loss of your +1 tome.

    i can see how this would have been frustrating at the time though. I personally suffer from PIG (problem of immediate gratification) and would have been screaming mad at dirt in the same situation.

    Well, I guess some good came out of it then. I saved you from having to Windex your monitor.

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