Episode 230 is ready! Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.
Ep 230 is actually early! We need to get ready for PAX so here's the latest episode!
This week Sig and Anne talk DDO news, Artificers for U11, Community news, and PAX Prime 2011. We also have segments Eberronian Chef and Premium Perspective!
Today’s Music is D&D by 3OH!3 (THREE-OH-THREE) and is a bonus track from their first album. 3OH!3 is an American electronic musical duo from Boulder, Colorado, made up of Sean Foreman and Nathaniel Motte. They’re famous for their song “DONT TRUST ME” and working with Katy Perry’s remixes. You can find more info at their site http://www.3oh3music.com/ and buy their albums on iTunes.
Join Us for the DDOcast @ PAX Happy Hour Meetup
- TIME: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
- WHERE: Seattle Tap House Grill, 1506 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101 (click on the map below to enlarge)
- DETAILS: Look for the Man in the Lime Green Pith hat with a yellow wooden parrot on top. We'll be in the bar section.
DDOcast Episode 230 (08-20-11)
0:37 Intro
1:45 DDO News: Artificers, New German servers!
7:29 DDOcast News: PAX 2011, Skagtraviganza, Gtalk
12:27 Sponser Break
14:16 U11's Artifcers
43:07 Eberronian Chef with Adan
45:41 Premium Perspective with ECGric
49:39 What's New in DDO with Us!
52:14 DDO Community News
54:50 Crunchy Bits Live
1:10:36 DDOcast Mail + Anne's OldSchool Monster Contest
1:14:04 Voice Mail
1:15:03 Closing
TOTAL TIME: 1:17:01
LINK for Update 11 Release Date set to Sept 12th
LINK for BUG: MyDDO characters not updating since last Maintenance Downtime
LINK for New German Server: Wayfinder (EN)
LINK for Wayfinder FAQ (EN)
LINK for New German Server: Wayfinder (DE)
LINK for Wayfinder FAQ (DE)
LINK for Myaccount.turbine.com Scheduled Downtime Monday, Aug 22nd from 9:00 to 11:00 AM EST (GMT -4)
LINK for Login Servers and Forum access Hickups
LINK for DDO Store Sales
LINK for GTalk Client
LINK for DDOCast on Justin.TV
LINK for Skagtraviganza is up! its the DDO Poetry Corner 30 Min Special with Skaggy!
LINK for U11 Artificer Notes on Lamannia
LINK for Narsil_Shard's Online DDO Character Generator
LINK for The Eberron Chronicle
LINK for Crafting with Courtney 9
LINK for Anne's MyDDO Blog: Guess The OldSkool Monster
LINK for PAX Prime 2011 Schedule
LINK for PAX Schedule Grid
LINK for PAX Gaming Schedule Grid
LINK for PAX Map 1
LINK for PAX Map 2
You can find DDOcast on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, DDOcast RSS Feed, and UStream.
Hotline for Voicemail and Live Calls: (650) 336-5424 Yes that's (650) DDO-LICH
Email: ddocast@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ddocast.com
DDO Forum Names: Theris and Sigtrent
Sig and Anne