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  1. #1
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    Default Need some opinions

    I have a Wiz/rogue... Love him, but am considering Lesser Reincarnating into a Pure Wizard.

    The decision boils down to Wizard Capstone and about 250 sp vs evasion... there are other benefits to each, but these are the ones that matter to me.

    Looking to hear from Wizards and Wizard rogues and preferably people who have played both.... Which do you think is more useful... The Evasion or the DC/SP....
    (Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    an dead wizard aint casting.
    and umd is usefull too!. casting heal / rez scrolls etc.

    my bet is on the 2 splash, but the aditional sp and dc is awesome aswell.

  3. #3
    Community Member Mrmorphling's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    IF you really want to play end game contents (harder epics, elite raids) i would strongly suggest going pure as it's really hard to achieve a good enough DC (40++) to solidly land insta death in epics and to overcome SR reliably.

    UMD can be easily attaiend by pure wizard too; you can raise no fail w/o gear switching just with a +6cha skill from GS and heal no fail (or 95%) with some more gear switching.

    Insightful reflexes is still your friend even w/o evasion, granted you'll take half but on a decently equipped wizard (around 500hp) you can survive at least 3/4 hits from any caster unless you roll a string of 1s

  4. #4
    Community Member blade_of_will's Avatar
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    Depends on your playstyle and what your dcs are looking like (also partly how many past lives you have, since that effects your feats and thus dcs). If you are heavy solo focused or like to play really agressive even in epics, you probably want a rogue splash, but if your hanging back most of the time and letting other people head into combat while you cc everything before getting close... maybe pure wizard is better. If you arent at least getting close to 40 dc in your main schools (ench/necro, or whatever it is you like), possibly worth lr'ing if you dont plan to tr soon.

  5. #5
    Community Member Alizar's Avatar
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    Lose the rogue levels and never look back! Splashing rogue made sense back before the spellpass when casters were weaklings. NOW, casters are very powerfull and building anything that doesn't enhance this power is a bad choice. If you want some survivablity then roll an archmage WF wiz.

    Also, taking rogue costs you a class feat, important spell slots (1(7) 1(8) 2 (9)), mana, spell penetration, capstone.

  6. #6
    Community Member Dwarfo's Avatar
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    endgame content that requires cc: PURE
    vale raids and **** like that: 18/2. personally go 18/2 even though i play epics every day(eDA, partycrashers, sometimes ooB) and i am currently lvling my tr'd wizzy and trying to figure out if i want the two rogue or not..dont think it will really matter cause im tring again into a sorc

  7. #7
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    Nov 2007


    ok, so it's been about a month... have been giving this a lot of thought... even tried a LR to pure wizard on lamannia...

    I was This Close " to LR into a pure wizard... then tonight I was in a Epic Big Top, We needed (really wanted) a Trapper, so I offered up my Wiz/rogue with the condition of "No promises" as I hadn't tried this toon in epics yet (other than a cursory incursion for scrolls). Not only was this toon able to get all the traps, (after an exhaustive hunt for the boxes, never done the traps before) but still managed to rack up 35 kills from wail and finger..... and was allround very effective in the quest...

    Yes the Extra DC is always good, the fact that this impure first life wizard has a standing DC of 39, 40 with ship buffs, and potential for higher (still playing with gear and other buffs), I think I can live without the capstone...
    (Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'

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