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Thread: LAG Monster

  1. #21
    Community Member Sleepsalot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Called A JOKE LOL Wow get a life here.. I did server admin for 5 years before my health got to Bad so a Clue maybe just a few more then you can assume...


    And Please read here before you have a melt down.. Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by HolyAlliance View Post
    Sleeps, wow, you have absolutely NO IDEA how anything on turbine's side operates. Why are you trying to diss the game they made that YOU'RE playing??? Secondly, I'm assuming this will be fixed before anything goes live as this is why it's on the TEST server, to TEST and see any flaws. Calm down. SLeeps, maybe you should look on eBay for a new brain

    Last edited by Sleepsalot; 08-21-2011 at 12:06 PM.

  2. #22
    Community Member kyostal's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Its back up

  3. #23
    Community Member Starchild09's Avatar
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    Aug 2009

    Talking Ugh....AGAIN?

    OK....let's address a few errors in this thread right off the bat:

    1 - This is NOT a TEST server, is is a PREVIEW server. We have NO access to their TEST server unless you are a dev at Turbine. This just allows US to PREVIEW what they have already done on their TEST server.

    2 - Attacking someone for making a joke in the forum, if I'm not HUGELY mistaken, is against the forum maybe you are the one who needs to shop ebay for said new brain.

    3 - The summoned pets should NOT have anything to do with the lag or massive failure on Turbine's part to keep this server running smoothly. That should have been something that was already tested. If they failed to do so, then they need to be searching ebay for said...okay that's just beating a dead horse already in 2 notes.

    What I'm saying is this: Taking out your aggrivation on the devs, the game, Turbine or each other is a 5 year-old mentality. Those actions speak more to YOUR character as a real-life human being than it does to Turbine's MANY shortcomings. Get over it, get a life (outside of the game) and bide your time with comething constructive while the game server is f*cked up.

  4. #24
    Community Member Sleepsalot's Avatar
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    While I agree with 90% of your post I will point out we are in Fact testing new content weather called Preview or test it amounts to the same thing really..

    It has been a very long standing IT joke if it breaks go to E-Bay and get some thing.. And to be honest I have got some awesome PC deals from there..


  5. #25
    Community Member AlexMonk's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Starchild you are my new hero. *bows deeply*

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