The feat Artificer Knowledge is supposed to gives us +5 CL on scrolls, wand, potions, and clickies. Currently it is not working on potions at all and only giving +4 CL to scrolls which it is supposed to be taken 5 times like the others.
The Artificer Capstone makes all scrolls, wands, and clickies, CL 20 base. This is great, I love the 2 minute haste scrolls among others. The Artificer Knowledge feat is supposed to let us use them as +5 CL which should mean level 20 Artificers should be using scrolls, wands, and clickies at CL 25 instead of 20.
I know this might be a little nit picky but I was under the assumption that feats, items, and enhancements stack. I put in a bug report for this as it seems logical that the feat would augment the capstone enhancement, not be overwritten by it.