With the provision that when the characters enter they are issued one standard yellow jumpsuit with black piping.
With the provision that when the characters enter they are issued one standard yellow jumpsuit with black piping.
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
I like the idea of this sort of extreme challenge type dungeon. I think you should get rewarded based on how far you make it, but not necessarily on completions. I'd like to see something like this progress to the point where completion is nearly impossible. Say 20 floors where the first 5 are cake, the next 5 are tough, the next 5 are a challenge for top geared toons and the last 5 are just an absolute insane test of skill.
Potential problems with the concept are that your proposed rewards are based on completion times so groups would be extremely focused on massive dps/massive burst heals instead of any sort of tactical approach. Burning resources would be encouraged in order to get it done faster. Not necessarily a bad thing, but keeping the rewards based on completions of each floor only is something I think should be encouraged.
I'd rather have the leaderboards show the max floor achieved and beaten by any given group instead of times on each floor. It's a tower so there never has to be an end to it. If the top floor is ever beaten, the devs can just add 5 more tougher ones on top.
Although single boss encounters are flashy, sometimes it's the additional mobs that can add challenge. Many single bosses can be beaten by a simple swarm/heal or aggro tank/secondary dps/heal method. (looking at the DQ specifically here. A good healer can make this a bit of a snore) Not overly exciting. The later proposed encounters with multiple bosses are the ones I'd find most interesting. Anything with more than one enemy adds potential tactical choices to the encounter. I'd start the multiboss encounters much earlier in the chain but make them a bit easier maybe.
My idea of later levels would be ones where timing and knowledge play a larger role than how much dps you have and how well the healers can keep up.
3 ancient dragons. One red, one black, one blue. Similar to Velah fight, but in a triangular pattern. There is no real safe area as at any given time breath from one or more of the dragons can hit behind the "rock" your healers use as a shield. You'll have to watch all 3 dragons carefully to see where the next breath is coming as the timing would be randomized. Additional mobs could be floating around debuffing the party or clearing debuffs/dots from the dragons. Keeping full dots up would be difficult if you don't keep your eyes open for the roamer.
Epic Demon Queen x2. One queen has a few fairly easy routes to victory, but 2? That's a bit trickier. I'd prefer to see her aggro fixed so that there could be the potential to tie one up while you work on the other, but even as it stands now, it would be interesting. The size of the arena could play a huge role in how easy or hard this encounter is.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
LOL. no.. no.. please.. for my sanity.. no..
wait.. I have an idea...
What if...... we could fight a boss version of Coyle!!
Would certainly be a fun last level, give him some crazy hp/DR/DMG and let us try to destroy him .. story line:
- Coyle has been brainwashed by the the Devils, they have given him special power as their last line of defense.
or.. we could not o-o
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
Those aren't the best bodd fights you can come up with.
Get us the dragons from epic tor. And scale Choltluzz waves up to epic. Those fights are so cool at level.
put that boss from elite Monastery in there with no puzzle, that would be a fun fight.
Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm
Leader of Templar
one of my original concepts for this, making an unbeatable challenge, and massive rewards if you did manage it. the main reason I scrapped this idea is that most of the DDO concept is based on if you complete something a bunch of times, you show your mastery of that quest, and are rewarded for that. So I wanted the tower to reflect that. Overall definatly a viable alternative, but not the direction I wanted it to go.
Good point, it might be worth it to scrap the completion time reward all together, and just have it tied for bragging rights on the score board.
Tied into with the unbeatable tower aspect Vs. the Completions and Mastery aspect. again, it would work, but it gets tricky to make the rewards suitable without making it possible to beat the tower. I am trying to make a tower that will have an insane challenge while having a real reason to actually be doing it, im not sure how the reward system would work, since only 6 people in game would be able to get Reward A, and you would need reward A to complete the new tower levels.
The way I am proposing this is that in the multiple boss fights, they are simply back to back bosses, not at the same time. the reason for this being that My vision of the tower isnt a tactic based fight system, but a brute force how the hell could we possibly do this fight system. The problem with Tactic based fights is that they dont exist in DDO. Abbot? heal though it. eV6: Fire? run behind a rock. they simply arent that difficult, and they make the fight easier, since the bosses themselves have to be easier because of this added mechanic.
Overall it always comes down to how well your healer heals, and how much DPS you have, if some new fight mechanics that arent so simple are implemented, that would be a nice addition to the tower. However, these mechanics would have to be present ONLY in the tower, so it doesn't quickly become norm. My idea of adding a certain aspect of skill to the tower, would be something like Goggles in the Abbot, adding that to a floor on its own would be quite interesting... infact.. I think i'll add that.
Interesting idea, but im trying to stay away from things that would have to be completely new fight mechanic to the game, trying to keep the tower as realistic as possible. However I think this Idea goes a little overboard, Possibly 2 dragons on opposite sides, I think that 3 different sides would be too difficult to maintain.
The aggro of the DQ isn't broken, it is set to be random like the aggro of Arrtrikos, or the abbot. what you suggest basically the lord of the blades. high damage output, lots of hp. not to mention without the random aggro mechanic the fight would just be a tank n spank which is what you are suggesting against
Overall Great ideas, appreciate the thought out response.
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
Regarding the multiple boss concept, I missed it in the OP, but now I get the idea of back to back fights. It's not what I'm picturing, but it has it's own type of challenge associated with it. I think the more the fights could be varied, the better it would be for group composition in general.
Theoretically, if every fight were a simple tank and spank, you'd be looking for a typical ideal group. One main tank for aggro, a couple off tanks, caster, healer and one other (bard, artificer, etc) or just a pile of casters for dot and kite. If you mix up the types of battles, then your group that's ideal for some fights requires a vastly different approach in some others. This was my thinking behind adding some tactical choices to the fights, though it can be more subtle really. This gets many different classes involved. With the bosses you proposed, I could see a 6 fvs group just completely dominating most of them. Again, that may not be the worst thing in the world, but I'd like to see fights where different classes can shine.
Even something as simple as a different terrain layout or size of the arena can alter tactics to a huge degree. Your 6 fvs kiter party won't work so well in a room that's extremely small and cramped. Things like anti magic barriers or beams can allow melee to shine and the facing and direction of these obstacles can have impact on how that room is run.
Last edited by redspecter23; 08-22-2011 at 08:48 PM.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
Anything can be murdered by 6 FVS's lol. but Id be interested in the boss fights you propose. What do you have in mind for group variation? Currently I cant think of anything in the game boss fight wise that would make class variation important.
6 WF Mele FVS's would murder anything. because they are self healing Mele with DoT's. Im not really in favor of cramped rooms, but it Definitely would be a good idea on tougher levels to stop BB kiters.
Last edited by The_Brave2; 08-25-2011 at 12:34 AM.
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
I mentioned it a bit in my edit above, but room layout is key for group performance in my mind. Obstacles to block line of sight and a fast moving boss could keep distance attacks to a minimum. This can force you to use a typical tank role to keep the boss in place at least for a while so casters can set up attacks. The use of antimagic in some parts of a room can force you to kite bosses to specific locations in order to hit reliably with your magic effects. A large open room is of huge benefit to anyone with devastating ranged attacks such as casters. A room could be full of traps, or perhaps there is a side hall with some lesser fights that leads to some disarm boxes to make the main room safer. I'd have a mob constantly resetting the traps as well to keep the rogue/artificer busy in that hall.
The problem is that many (not all) bosses can simply be tanked into place which can lead to parties simply kiting them into position then attacking. This realization is what prompted me to originally suggest multiple bosses at the same time. Other solutions to this problem could be moving traps or antimagic beams or a moving prrismatic wall in the room to keep you moving at all times. A 6 person party can hold one boss in position fairly easily, but when you have 2 to deal with, your resources can get spread out, especially combined with some other problems to deal with like traps or respawning trash.
Combinations of some of these effects could lead to some interesting encounters. Anti magic turrets roving about the room. 95% of your magic is initially negated. Careful placement can allow you to sneak in some attacks here or there, but perhaps a clever rogue can find the trap boxes to disable those turrets... temporarily. There will be technicians sent out to repair the turrets while the fight continues. All the while a prismatic wall is roaming clockwise around the room, but at some point it decides to reverse and go counter clockwise. Somebody better keep an eye on that, but there are so many obstacles that you won't necessarily see it coming from this vantage point so keep moving.
Beating elite Horoth in a wide open space can be challenging to a 6 man party. Doing the same thing with the above conditions in effect can be downright evil.
Last edited by redspecter23; 08-22-2011 at 09:10 PM.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
LoS objects, meaning the boss will move around? or moving obstacles in the room? problem with distance attacks is that they dont really need to be ranged. My caster is just as effective up next to the boss.
Anti magics zones are a good idea, as long as they appear randomly. something like a boss casting firewall, making the party move around. seems interesting.
Not sure I like the idea of having to have some1 with rogue skills in the group that wouldn't be contributing to dps for that fight. and for the lesser fights sidehall, it takes away from the boss gauntlet idea of the tower.
There nothing you can really do about the classic tank and spank other than the random anti magic zones, random aggro being the only real stop to the tank and spank. 2 bosses just requires 2 tanks, possibly one being the caster in the group with self heals.
I dont want to include trash mobs at all in the tower, simply a boss gauntlet. some more puzzles would be welcome, along with NEW boss mechanics, but most of the bosses just need to be very difficult tank n spanks.
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
I have no problem with that if it's what you're looking to do. I just personally wouldn't find it overly interesting. 10 phases of various tank and spank with some puzzles mixed in will keep people busy for a short while I suppose, but then if that's the case, I'd suggest making the scoreboard timed again, as that's where the real challenge would end up for the elite players. Trying to shave off a few seconds here or there, rather than just outright completions. I can't imagine too many scenarios where there are 6 players vs one boss that don't turn into typical tank and spank fights or dot and kite.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
The Scoreboard is still going to be timed, but no actual rewards for completing stages in specific amounts of time. just bragging rights.. or possibly some cool CS hat? iunno.
Id like some new boss mechanics but I think that goes beyond the scope of this thread and is a more general fix than simply just for the tower, id rather see the changes implemented in new quests that a wider varity of people can play them, rather than in a tower designed for the elite.
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
just an idea so you can add moar floors:
Make X number of floors a flagging quest.
Allow me to explain:
first, lets say 4 floors are one quest, where completing all of them flags you for the next 4 floors.
And so on until people are either brain dead, or we have to wait for the next update for the next 4 floors...
Seems like it would work, but again the issue of how to reward people for x amounts of floors cleared, im sure it could be figured out but no obvious answer comes to mind.
Personally id rather have something that I can keep trying untill I can complete the tower, then try to run it in record time and go for specific loot pieces. not to mention that you basically just made the abbot raid over again.
Go though some quests get flagged for another quests which you run 4 times to flag for another quest where you fight a boss.
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
added more complex loot rewards, thoughts on the weapon stats? im thinking that the eSoS will still pull ahead with higher damage mods because of the larger crit proflie, but the axe will still pull ahead with dwarven axe bonus.
Im no number cruncher so I would like to see some larger damage comparasins for these weapons so I can get a better idea of how to mod them to make it slightly better but not too much of an upgrade versus existing items.
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
Really like the idea of some sort of arena encounter like this.
Some possible other bosses:
Low difficulty:
Elite Gianthold Tor dragons (all three simultaneously) - these aren't so tough without the traps in their rooms
Baktor (wave 4 boss of epic Devil Assault)
Four Elite Shroud lieutenants, with the usual 'if two others are near me I can't die' buff
Elite Cholthuzz (Ghosts of Perdition)
Medium difficulty:
Marilith Sisters - two copies of elite Keradi (Bastion of Power)
Seeing Double - two copies of Turigulon (Epic Devil Assault)
Elite Xy'zzy, with her immunities automatically removed after three minutes. Each 15 seconds of the fight, additional mobs spawn - 1 Epic DQ1 efreeti, 1 Elite 'Watcher of Xy'zzy' beholder, or an Elite Living Meteor Swarm.
Epic Lailat (post U11 DQ2 version). Each 10% of her HP, progressively nastier packs of mobs spawn, starting with two epic Wiz-King Gnoll Taskmasters, and scaling up to the final (10%) summon of twelve epic DQ1 Cacodemons.
Epic Gianthold Tor dragons - all three simultaneously. In addition, all three must die within 15 seconds.
Elite Lord of Blades, with a twist - instead of his usual adds, every 30 seconds he summons Subverted Sentinels (the WF caster trash in epic VON5). Each time he summons them, he summons one more (so 1 at 30 seconds, 2 at 60, etc), and each Sentinel projects an aura that grants all of its allies within the aura +2% melee alacrity and +2 to all stats. Multiple auras stack without any limits.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
I like the idea of the shroud lieutenants, completly skipped that combat style while thinking of bosses to kill. Epic Choltuzz would be interesting... we could have it up higher in the tower, so the same falling down thing could apply... on one of the token levels possibly, and have a separate entrance to skip past the floors you dropped down.
Not sure if I want Baktor in the tower, the teliport system with him is buggy, unless they fixed it in u11, but he is still basically the same as all other devils.
the Marilith sisters might work, do they aggro randomly as the DQ does? A double of one monster for one fight is an interesting idea, but it seems sketchy as you cant really have 2 of the same thing, possibly his long lost brother?
Not sure I like the Xy'zzy idea, dont think standing around for 3mins killing trash before I got to kill her, perhaps give her a larger HP pool and 1 or 2 random spawning beholders, with no immunity's.
Trying to say away from waves of trash mobs honestly, but for some of the higher levels im not completly against it. the Death and destruction with Cacodemons sounds scary, lol. especially with only one healer in the raid it would become very healing intensive... would make you need 2 healers in the party, which is not completely unwarranted already,Definitely a good reason to also have a high DC necro wiz in the party with the trash mobs... good way to have class variation
Interesting concept with the trash giving buffs... I think the number for time spent would have to be looked at, since with the LoTB fight style on epic is going to be long, unsure on elite and how that would stack up.
Definatly adding the ToR dragons into the mix more, was looking for a way to do that, and what you sugest sounds reasonable, possibly make it 20-25 seconds
Last edited by The_Brave2; 08-25-2011 at 12:34 AM.
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~
IMO multiple simultaneous monsters are the way to go for tougher tiers. A single monster with really high stats doesn't pose as much threat as two monsters with lower stats, mainly because the two mobs can cast spells simultaneously.
Some other possible abilities that could be added to shake up an otherwise easy boss fight:
1) Mirror Image - Give the boss Nerezza's Mirror Image spell (Shadow Crypt boss, you'll only ever see it in action if you run the Crypt with no arcanes or divines). Basically after a set time he disappears at X% health, then 3-8 copies of him (all at X% health) appear. The copies have all of Nerezza's attacks, but do less damage, have a lot less HP, and don't need to be killed to finish the encounter.
In addition, the lower his HP are, the more clones appear.
Consider what this would be like with a boss that is durable, like Malicia.
Here's an idea for an implementation of it. Take as our boss of choice Barnzidu (Elite A New Invasion; chosen because of his mid-range durability, but remove his regeneration). At 75%, 50% and 25%, he splits in half. All copies must be slain to complete the battle, and copies split too.
2) Massive phase changes - Take Lailat's 15% hp berserk effect, or Kai-Teng's sword changing ability, and ramp it up to 11.
- Start with a base boss that's not too difficult, uses both spells and melee, and does put up a fight - let's say Turigulon (epic Devil Assault).
- From 100% to 80%, have them fight as normal.
- At 80%, give them a massive buff to spellcasting until 60% - +10 spell DCs and Superior Efficacy 9.
- At 60%, remove that buff, and give him a massive buff to melee attacks. Perhaps True Seeing, +10 Str and +25% melee alacrity.
At 40%, remove that buff, and give him a massive defensive buff. Perhaps +8 to all saves, to AC, and 50% absorb to all elements including Light.
At 20%, he starts to conserve energy - remove all of the buffs.
At 15%, he goes berserk and gets all of the buffs simultaneously.
3) A different sort of 'kill them all at the same time' fight
- Start with a trio of mobs (perhaps the Epic VON3 Pragon/Grotkin/Troll fight).
- Give them all significant regeneration, perhaps 100hp/sec each.
- Give each of them a buff as long as they are over 5% health, which prevents any ally within 200 metres of them dying.
This is similar to the Shroud lieutenants, but has a different feel to it.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Very true, only problem is balancing these fights, for instance it would be ridiculous to have the DQ along with the lord of the blades, AOE damage + Random aggro would wipe any party.
I like this idea, would be interesting for some of the lower levels, but for something like elite horoth or LoTB this fight mechanic would be near impossible for a group of 6.
I think something like this would be interesting for something like the demon from ItD, something that hits hard, but is tankable... I'll figure out exactly what level I want this on but I Definitely want to add it.
50% elemental Damage, about a -20-50% miss chance for meles to hit him, 25% attack speed, +5 Damage, 50% spell Damage... Sounds like an absolute beast for 15%. I dont see adding this to the LoTB or any higher level bosses simply becauce they are already ment for 12 man raids, so the fight will already be much more difficult than usual. This Fight mechanic would be a good transition for the first Greater Mark fight.
Seems like a better idea than the killing at the same time fight mechanic, Might do something like this in combination with the mirror image idea, have the boss split at 50% to a trio, and then have that fight mechanic that you cant kill any 1 off without doing significant damage to another before he could regenerate. Something like this along with the Elite sulu fight would be quite deadly, 3 monsters hitting with the curse debuff along with considerable DPS.
Also, id like to get some feedback on the suggested items that I have and the currency amounts/levels given. Along with some other possible rewards that would fit in nicely with the difficulty of the fights.
Also, thoughts on the amount of total levels? Im thinking that I dont want to go over 12 stages, since it would start getting tedious. Should the levels go down to 10? and trim off some of the filler fights? up to 20 and make it worth more marks?
I'll be adding some more questions to the OP
Last edited by The_Brave2; 08-25-2011 at 12:35 AM.
Zunez 40 WF Wiz ~Archmage~Alkirie 40 WF FVS ~Angel of Vengeance~Zoonez 40 Human FVS ~Evoker AoV~