how does a server bear responsibilty for a individuals choice in gearing? ive myddoed people on every server and there are lots of people undergeared and with a low to moderate understanding of builds.the games about fun not score cards or uber gear or the bestamest build ever, everyone has thier own defination of ddo fun
Each server has their own identity, mentality. And frankly? Because this instance happened on Sarlona, so I'm talking with the people I game with day in and day out. Sorry this concept has bothered you so.
And who said he needed to have the "Max Open Lock humanly possible ZOMG!?!" - I never said anything of the kind.
I noticed it was a gear issue, and I gave what I did not need to he who did. Weird notion?
Main Toons = Alphasixsix - Blackbell - Ironsack - Deltasix - Ironflute
Leader of 'Vampire Night Guard'
Euro Refugee...both in game and out.
thread is called "annoyed sarlona" and yet this happens on every server singling out a specific server as you did implies it happens mopre there than anywhere else which is incorrect.the toon in question did not ask for assistance. you presumed he needed it based on critique of his preformance,then started a thread complaining he didnt take everything you thought he needed. u then use sarcasm and overstatement to disvalidate a responce.
Community Member
Ya, all of the mail returned suggestions could be quite possible, but I think everyone is missing the big picture here. This is a recurring event, it happens to me too.
It probably happens to most of us, you go out of your way to actually help someone instead of just watching them fail miseribly and you almost get shunned for it....![]()
WTT Large Bone for Underwater Action.Hellbound Angels - Hellspewn, Hellsscion, Hellstryke, Hellsmonster, Hellsnsanity, Cowboyup, Wiskie, Theralt
Well, I will say this, last time I checked myddo, it said my main, rasmus is a halfing, he hasn't been a halfing for well over a year, so you might just not be able to trust what you read on Myddo.
Lessons from a Bard:
1 - Free Bird is not ANY form of Bardic Music.
2 - If you are out of the range of my buffs, it is not my fault.
It's up to you how to interpret your world.
You can think he's ungrateful and ignorant in returning the gear. Or, you can think that he hasn't played in awhile.
Transcend negativity, live longer and happier.
Dr. Matson Saloner
Professor Emeritus at the University of the Arcane Order
Leader, Neo Skullriders - Sarlona
I think the problem may be that many people view unsolicited advice as demeaning, couple that with the right guild tag and it may come off as "elitism." Those that know you know that you're no elitist but random pugs could misinterpret your attempt at mentoring as an insult...
Last edited by Viltijen; 09-01-2011 at 10:16 AM. Reason: spelling error