I started this guild as a solo guild but decided to add new players if they are interested. I don't expect membership to grow rapidly although it may because I will not be doing much recruiting. However, over time we should be able to build a fun group.

Guild Mission: Maximize Fun

Guild structure: Each member has a main character that is not permadeath and/or a Permadeath character.

This is a no stress guild. Come and go as you like, if you are an officer invite who you like, if you don't like someone leave them alone because someone else may like them .

General rules:

1. No fighting. Good etiquette expected.

2. Officers are responsible for informing the players they invite on guild rules and other questions.

Permadeath rules:

1. Death is permanent. If you die you must remove that character from the guild immediately. 'Lag' deaths count. Pvp deaths do not.

2. Resurrection shrines are not allowed.

3. Rest shrines may only be used once each (even on normal).

4. Ddo store not allowed

5. You may not transfer magic items or money to your permadeath character.

6. Characters may start at level 1 or may start as veteran status level 4.

7. Members of parties must be within 3 levels of each other.

8. May only group with other permadeath players within the guild.

9. No quest re-entry

Permadeath guidelines:

1. You may use any vendor or the auction house.

2. Resurrection scrolls are allowed.

3. Favor/loot runs are allowed. (but may only repeat a quest 3 times)

4. Raging or Blaming other players from group problems or deaths is not welcome.

To Join:
A. Send Hulo an in game mail message on Ghallanda (or send a tell and I will chat when not questing)
I am online everyday right now but my play times change (usually varying between all the time and sometimes).
B. Post on the website http://www.thepathoflight.guildportal.com forum (also post any questions you may have here please)
C. Once in the guild you may have up to 3 Mains/TR characters and up to 5 Permadeath characters. If I boot one of your characters from the guild by mistake just send me a message and I will reinvite them.
D. All Permadeath characters are officers and all non permadeath characters are not except Hulo.