My take on Artificers:
- They are essentially ranged bards. If you expect them to be omgikillyouall, sorry, roll a sorcerer or fvs instead.
- If you DONT spend a chunk of your mana buffing your party (at the very least 1 weapon infusion per party member) then you're being about as useful as the bard who doesn't sing songs. Yes, you still will contribute your own DPS, and you could use your mana to toss some heals or whatever, but you're seriously missing the point.
- A lot of people will seriously miss the point and not do that weapon infusion thing
- Arties have very poor crowd control, at least until capstone. Anytime you are facing enemies you can't kill by the time they're in melee range with you, you are in trouble, or when facing an enemy spell caster that will crowd control YOU while also blasting you while you try to avoid his melee friends and you desperately try to get the **** pet to intimidate so you can try to finish off the pesky caster. After capstone you have moderate CC.
This class solos well. It does not solo nearly as well as a warforged wizard, sorcerer, or favoured soul, nor is it anywhere near as powerful. It IS more powerful than a bard however it does not have it's crowd control abilities. (which are seriously underused by a lot of people anyway)
I question whether people who "walked all over easily in korthos gear" were always doing quests 1 or 2 levels over them on elite (thus walking all over vale quests on elite at level 14, f.ex) or were instead running the game on normal at level or higher than quest level, which is something ANY class can do.