What I've found is that arties are way overpowered at early levels, and then they rapidly get more in line at mid levels. I was able to basically pike my way through quests up to level 5 or so by watching my puppy run around and kill everything. Then all of a sudden, oh no we're all dying auuuugggghhhh. Had I had twinked gear (I'm playing an arty with just what I pick up along the way) I'd probably be sailing until about lvl 10 or so. I'd prefer to see the abilities match more with the level so it is a bit tougher in the early levels. Otherwise, what we end up with is arties in mid-levels that don't really know how to play their class effectively and are a mess in groups ("Dude, I will totally take this mob myself, no worries *zerg and die* *** hjeal me!!!!!!!), or people that play them from the beginning and get bored.

Still not thrilled that they can do traps as a class skill. I'd prefer that they can do them, but maybe not until a certain level or that they need to take a feat or enhancement line for them. I think that would keep the balance with rogues much better.