I'm wondering what people think- And I apologize if this has been discussed here already-my Forum Search Fu is bad...
I'm going to TR soon- human sorc (1st life) into another human sorc. It will be the one and only TR for this character.
I was initially planning to take spell pen and greater spell pen, but I won't be taking any of the spell pen enhancements (not enough AP's). My reasoning was to increase my FoD's, Wail's etc even though it is an Evocation build (Air primary with water second). I figured she would need all the spell pen help she could get. Is this a waste of 2 feats though? Even with them, is my spell pen going to be dismal to the point of not worthwhile?
Also what do people think of the sorc pastlife feat? It looks pretty lousy to me- essentially mental toughness with a few free low damage spells per rest.