Edit: Run completed. Will do more in future.
Three total tokens... Lots of seals... Something different...
In an hour's time, running a mostly-guild eVON5 (with eVON6 after of course). Will probably have a few spots free. Happy to take a few people that haven't run this before.
Gear requirements:
Standard Velah weapons (SOS, eSOS, Lit 2, Greater Dragon Bane or whatever)
An additional Adamantine weapon for Arach's Knight (need not be any good, but must be Adamantine). Cannot be the same as your Velah weapon (due to gear damage)
A third weapon for the Rust Emperor (must be Everbright, can be absolute garbage)
Ideally a backup Heavy Fortification item that you can wear in the Rust Emperor encounter.
Ideally two people with trapsmithing (54 Search)
Mass Heal spell
100 Heal scrolls OR 5 mana pots on hand (probably won't be needed)
Ideally a backup Heavy Fortification item that you can wear in the Rust Emperor encounter.
Any ONE of Necro 40+ DC or Conjuration 37+ DC or Enchantment 40+ DC (for CC-specced Arcanes)
If you want to play a DPS role instead, you need to be able to solo two Normal Shroud lieutenants simultaneously. Also, have at least ONE spell of each element, as you'll be on Arach's Hounds.
Ideally a backup Heavy Fortification item that you can wear in the Rust Emperor encounter.
Have 5 or more mana potions on hand (probably will not be needed)
The Knock spell.
Look for the LFM up at 7.55pm (or so) Australian Eastern Standard Time.