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  1. #1
    Community Member joaofalcao's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Increasing % of loot dropping for quests at lvl.


    I have found myself with big troubles find groups to do quests at apropriate level. I dont know about you, but doing a quest 8 lvl above it is no fun at all for me.

    Theres a good % of the community that runs mid or lower lvl quests for loot only. They dont care about its lvl or experience.

    Now, considering the named loot system as it is. How many friends you had that run queen 60 or more times and didnt get your torc? Named raid loot rate is quite low, isnt it?

    So, heres my suggestion. If we increase the rate of named raid/quest loot to a significant ammount if a raid/quest is done at lvl, wouldnt we solve both problems? Wouldnt we have more players doing quests at level for a higher chance of getting that long dreamed loot and actually getting it?

    Wouldnt we enjoy the game more?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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  3. #3
    Community Member
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    This is the same as your other thread, just in sheep's clothing.

    What is the problem? As far as I see it, your problem is that you don't like people running quests over level. So don't do it. Why the need to give more loot rewards to "your" way?

    Due to grind and rarity, the main reason people are left running stuff over level is that they are still in search of the loot in question, but have long since out-leveled the quest. And you would like to penalize them further for this? You will only increase the grind, and cause people to enjoy the game less.

  4. #4
    Community Member baronlager's Avatar
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    I don't know if you are in a guild or not, but that sounds like the answer to your problem. You are having difficulties finding groups to run certain quests at level with you. Join a guild, or build your current guild up, make some friends and start setting your own schedule on how often and with what group make-up you play the quests/raids. Or post your own LFMs and restrict the quests/raids to the level you feel is best suited to run the adventure. You can control a lot of your concerns directly, without recommending that restrictions be imposed on other players.
    Last edited by baronlager; 08-19-2011 at 02:20 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    (eyebrows raise)

    We haven't forgotten about the last one yet. This is just lipstick on the pig from the other day.


    And for you post tomorrow about the same thing, I'd like to preemptively /NOT SIGNED that too.

  6. #6
    Community Member Iwinbyrollup's Avatar
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    This suggestion punishes people for not getting loot as they level. And then the game becomes even more grindy, because now EVERY LEVEL would be a list of "I need to get this, then this, and then do this" all before leveling.

    Even if they upped the raid loot drop rate so that there was a guaranteed named item in the raid chest for every group member, every completion, if done at level, there would be some players who would still not be able to get the loot they want for many many runs. After all, both VoN and DQ have a good number of items so you'd still have a low chance of getting the one you want, and both VoN and DQ feature some very highly-desired items that are hard to win a roll on. Combined with the raid timer, you're talking about preventing people from leveling their characters for weeks because they're waiting on loot. Very bad idea.

    To top it off, new players will likely not know what they're looking for. Should a new player be prevented from getting a Planar Gird because they didn't know to farm it when they were at level? I know that the first time my Melee Cleric ever ran VoN, a Sword of Shadow dropped for my friend (on a rogue). She asked if I wanted it. I looked at it, thought it looked nice but unnecessary, and so she put it up for a roll (neither of us noticed the critical profile). And now, my Melee Cleric is a WF FvS. Should I be prevented from getting a SoS because I didn't know better on my first VoN run on this character and my second VoN run ever and am now past that level?

    Furthermore, flagging for raids is a somewhat involved process. So not only might it take you several raid runs to get the loot you need, thus making it take much longer to level, but you also need to be flagging as you level. This suggestion would remove a LOT of the leveling possibilities unless you decided you didn't need raid loot.

    /not signed.
    Last edited by Iwinbyrollup; 08-19-2011 at 02:55 PM.
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