I plan on TRing my Cleric to a Wizard next life, and want to make a +1/+2 Exceptional Intelligence Greensteel weapon for him to wield for levels 12-17. (I'll be switching to a ToD ring at level 18.)
My question, for more experienced Wizards, is, what else should I put on the weapon?
One obvious option is +6 Int, making it +9 total. This can be done as either triple-fire or triple-negative. Does either have a compelling reason to be preferred?
But do I even need +6 Int there? I have, and will likely be using, the Stormreaver's Napkin, which includes a +6 Int, and is min-level 13, just 1 level higher than GS weapons.
I'm also considering +6 Str on a triple-neg. Str isn't useless, but likely isn't something that I'm prioritizing slotting somewhere else.
There are many other possibilities, too. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.