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  1. #1
    2014 DDO Players Council
    SirValentine's Avatar
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    Default Greensteel Exceptional Int item

    I plan on TRing my Cleric to a Wizard next life, and want to make a +1/+2 Exceptional Intelligence Greensteel weapon for him to wield for levels 12-17. (I'll be switching to a ToD ring at level 18.)

    My question, for more experienced Wizards, is, what else should I put on the weapon?

    One obvious option is +6 Int, making it +9 total. This can be done as either triple-fire or triple-negative. Does either have a compelling reason to be preferred?

    But do I even need +6 Int there? I have, and will likely be using, the Stormreaver's Napkin, which includes a +6 Int, and is min-level 13, just 1 level higher than GS weapons.

    I'm also considering +6 Str on a triple-neg. Str isn't useless, but likely isn't something that I'm prioritizing slotting somewhere else.

    There are many other possibilities, too. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.
    Last edited by SirValentine; 08-18-2011 at 05:03 PM. Reason: Fix spelling error.

  2. #2
    Community Member jaegarnel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    I plan on TRing my Cleric to a Wizard next life, and want to make a +1/+2 Exceptional Intelligence Greensteel weapon for him to wield for levels 12-17. (I'll be switching to a ToD ring at level 18.)

    My question, for more experienced Wizards, is, what else should I put on the weapon?

    One obvious option is +6 Int, making it +9 total. This can be done as either triple-fire or triple-negative. Does either have a compelling reason to be preferred?

    But do I even need +6 Int there? I have, and will likely be using, the Stormreaver's Napkin, which includes a +6 Int, and is min-level 13, just 1 level higher than GS weapons.

    I'm also considering +6 Str on a triple-neg. Str isn't useless, but likely isn't something that I'm prioritizing slotting somewhere else.

    There are many other possibilities, too. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.
    If you already have Stormreaver's Napkin and plan on using it, I can see that the +6 int option is not so hot.

    Do you have a low lvl +6 con item too? If not, +6 con is probably your best option.
    As far as I'm concerned, con is your most important secondary stat as a wizard, while by lvl 12 strength shouldn't be much use except for extra carrying capacity, since you should have enough sp to use spells all the time by then.

  3. #3
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    Default My insight, such as it is.

    I have 6 spell caster types I play, some was wizards, some as sorcs, and some that go back and forth (via TR).

    Here is my insight to your GS hand weapon:

    A) Determine what your "wish list is".
    B) Determine your tolerance for Clickies.
    C) Cover the three bases.

    A) Your wish list is what you want all of your gear to be at end game. If you plan on TRing, it may also include gear you keep with you to level. Why is this important? First, Getting a TOD Ring that you eventually load up with +2 Int/or Charisma is going to make any Green Steel object you have with +2 int sit in the bank once you hit level 18. A Spy Glass with +1 Int from the Cove will take care of the stacking +3 if you need it.

    There are SO many variables here I can only give you the advice that has worked for me.
    1) I never put +6Con on a hand held object. A quick switch at the wrong time will kill you.
    2) A Smart, and Very Evil Dagger (Unholy, +1, +2) is only good as a weapon for a few quests.
    3) A Very Quick, and Very Evil Dagger (Dex 6, +1 Int, +2 Int) is the better way to go as it also opens up a Dex Slot and is cheap to make.
    4) Almost all Wizard builds benefit from having the Napkin (6 int, +1 all DCs) so I would never put 6 Int on the dagger.

    B) Clickies, yes or no? Will you be using a great deal of 3 min shots to boost your spell power? If so, make sure your Dagger is always in your off hand. If you find the clicky on a are going to see an Int drop, and may lose small amounts of mana if you have not spent some before the switch out.

    C) The three bases are:
    1) DC Adjustment (normally this is done by the napkin)- this relates to stats, and boni to various DC's
    2) Damage Adjustment (Potency and Clickies that bounce this up AND objects that take up your chance to Crit)
    3) Spell Pen adjustment (important for non- damage spells mostly)

    If you are committing your off hand to Int (thus DC adjustment), what items are you using in your main hand? Do you have a Greenblade? Have you been using a staff?

    D) Bonus! The Short Stop position (I call it this because, In short, you should stop doing this if you are)- Where is your Wizardry Item? Some folks still carry that in one of their hands.

    Long term, you have a huge number of calls to make, and it just gets more complex as different items are introduced.

    Good luck with what you build. I have built several items I no longer use (until next life) know that GS use and need will change over your character.


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    AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.

  4. #4
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    I would not recommending having exceptional int on tod rings, because caster bonuses are very weak. Cove is coming soon, epic spyglass got +2 int, and you can slot +1 into. For lvls 18,19, you can continue using int GS.
    I also don't recomment crafting dagger, club or sceptr, s most if caster boosting weapons tend to be daggers, clubs and scepters, meaning they all got icons looking very familliar, so it migth confuse you. You usually don't need to swing with +int GS weapon, so its not important if you'll be proficient with it.
    About what to put on tier 1:
    If you don't like +6int, try some saves, +6 to other stat or healing amp, if you're not PM or WF.
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  5. #5
    Community Member jillie's Avatar
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    I have a wizard in her third wizard life. The only things I've bothered to build in greensteel for her are a concordant opposition item with spell points and con skills on it, a spell point item with charisma skills and air guard, and a cold absorbtion scepter for tanking the shadows in part two of ToD. The mobs from 11 to 18 simply aren't hard enough to *need* the +3 exc int; I have that on a ToD ring, which I use from lvl 18 to the next TR

    As for con, I typically wear a Lion Hearted Belt-buckle I was lucky enough to pull in an DQ (Zawabe's Revenge) chest in the desert (+4 str, +4 con, Immunity to Fear, Roar (Melee attackers have to resist the Roar or become Shaken)), or go WF, and wear a Gorgon's Docent (+4 Docent, +4 Constitution, Earthen Guard, Gorgon Breath 3/day) until I get my Amrath gear back at level 18. With a 16 - 18 starting con, that's plenty at the mid-levels (if you've taken a toughness feat and some enhancements, and have a 45 HP shroud item).

    I'd recommend not putting stats on a weapon. There are simply too many lovely and extremely powerful items available for wizards from quests that include fun things like the Dreamspitter (still nice if you like doing crowd control), or the Scepter of Mad Trickery. With some grinding (OK, lots of grinding for some of these) there are items like the Staff of the Petitioner, Skiver, Greenblade ... at 16, you can use Belashyrra's Scepter, and at 18, there's Death's Touch ... besides the standby Superior Potency VI/Greater Spell Pen VI scepters, Major <element> Lore daggers and the like.

    TL;DR: Don't put stat buffs on hand-held items; there are too many ingame weapons that you'll want to increase your spell damage with.
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