You were sadly misinformed on this. You can get the Maximum of +1 DC to all schools from the Wizard Past Life "Active" Feat of which you can only take once it does not matter how many lives you spent as a Wizard. What you would end up with with 3 Wizard Past Lives is - +6 Spell Penetration and +3 Heightened Wand/Scroll DC.
Bard's "Active" Past Life Feat gets you +1 to Enchantment DC's same as wizards feat.
You still need to take the Wizard "Active" Feat to get the benifit.
So far there is only two classes that 3 lives would increase the DC's of Schools without having
to plan for the additional Feat that is available at Level 3.
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Cleric's "Passive" Past Life Feat gets you +1 to Conjuration DC's per life to a max of +3.
Sorcerer "Passive" Past Life Feat gets you +1 to Evocation DC's per life to a max of +3.
Thank you for the corrections
I DO have heighten, don't use it much though as I always have empower on and it drains my meager sp fastererer. I LOVE hypno, and keep forgetting I have it, stupid crushing despair...I seem to only be hitting 36 or so (maybe 38, can't remember) from my ship buffs... no +3 tomes, got a +2 but gonna be a bard in next life and would like to replace the 2 I'm losing by going WF... haven't done Wizard past life yet... thanks for the hypno tip though, didn't know it was a debuff too, I should prolly read what these spells do... nah, if I wanted to read I woulda finished up my 7 years of high school.