Have you not even been in game O.o ?
Will go back on quickly and see what I can do.
Can see here http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/3...shot00020l.jpg
Also helps to read description which I've got here http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/2610/...shot00012h.jpg
Last edited by Morosy; 08-18-2011 at 11:59 AM.
Went ahead and put the shots in post above. Shows that I'm getting 14 damage, first of all, which shouldn't be possible with that particular gear setup (lol I only bothered to equip a voice of the master the whole time I've been levelling) without Insightful Damage.
Also shows getting shock damage on that particular mob, which wouldn't be possible on my +2 ghost touch of lesser undead bane without Elemental Weapons.
Plus description saying it will dispel Strikes but works with other item enchantments I didn't know myself until I logged in yesterday, but it was a nice thing to see.
I see, there's a distinction between Personal and General Augmentations. I didn't know that, and this description is different from what I've seen everywhere else. I appreciate the information, and this does change my opinion somewhat.
Int + Int + Deadly Weapons might be getting a bit up there...but maybe not, just theorycrafting still...
I like how there is all this concern about crossbows being powerful now. Never thought Id see this on the DDO forums, LOL.
/waits for the nerf request threads "zomg ranged is too powerful!!"
Keep the popcorn and the picket sign crafting material on order fellas, this update has potential after all, heh.
Yeah I am trying to do the numbers here assuming that mech + insightful will not work...
dice average source
2d8 9 GS repeater base
2d8 9 PBS
2d8 9 Deadly Weapons
2d8 9 The high level rune arm from a xoriat pack presumably
7 7 enhancement bonus
12 12 Very achievable int bonus from insightful
2 2 Artificer Damage Enhancements
+GS effects
Per hit that would be 57 damage before crits and gs effects. Not too shabby for a pew pew class.
Please add corrections what not if you see mistakes which I am sure are plentiful.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
I'm not sure how you want "Adds int to damage" to stack with "replaces damage stat with int."
This is a bad comparison: Max Str is from barbs who get most of their dps from absurdly high str, and most of that is unsustainable.
Since rogues get most (at least half) of their damage from other sources (ie sneak attack), the correct comparison is "How much str can a rogue get, and how much int can a rogue get?" The rogue can hit sustainably ~50 str or 40 int; these two are much closer than the 100/50 you refer to. Doubling int would provide far more damage than is currently available to rogues via str.
PS, Max Int is nearly 60.
If we assume (for the moment) that TWF attack rate and the xbow attack rate are the same, the TWF 50 STR gets 28 damage from STR, on average, for each attack (main hand + off hand proc), while the 40 INT gets 30 damage from INT per attack. But meanwhile, the TWF gets 180% the SA damage the xbow user gets.
Of course, that initial assumption is a big one. Right now, xbow speed on Lammania seems to be higher than melee speed. I suspect that will change. But, at least, that shows that the benefit a TWF gets from STR is similar to the benefit an xbow user would get from double INT bonus.
About the max STR vs max INT comparison:
I honestly wasn't thinking about specific builds when making the comparison; just saying in game-terms it wasn't immediately ludicrous to have a double INT mod to damage as it's very different to doubling a STR mod to damage.
I agree fleetingly buffed max-STR barbs are the ones with the STR stat, and fleetingly buffed PM wizards are the ones with the INT stat (which you are totally right on pushing 60. I think I've seen a non-completionist SS with fifty-something quite high in achievements.)
But, I also totally agree if we're giving more than a cursory glance it should consider actually affected builds.
The boost of 10 damage per hit from the:
2xINT mod for a 40 INT (+30 damage per hit) vs the
1xSTR mod from a 50 STR(+20damage per hit) is big, but still well within reasonable bounds to my mind.
Especially for the poor rogues come U11!
I was honestly thinking more of an 14 Arty/6Rogue Mech I thing, without the SA to really max out the damage, when in retrospect a near-pure Rogue is definitely the kind of build that would make the most of a double INT mod to damage mechanism.
EDIT: I'm an idiot; of course STR pulls much closer/surpasses overall damage due to more TWF hits since it's still a Range vs Melee comparison. ^^Dkyle. Killin' it.
Last edited by Deathdefy; 08-18-2011 at 02:34 PM.
Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
In Von 3 the breakables in the Troll Ambassador optional room are slow to get to and unnecessary for ransack.
Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.
Whoops, you can't do this...14 Arti/6 Rogue doesn't get 6th level spells...
So now I'm back to they should stack...sure, some other Artificer might be able to Deadly Weapons you...but hey, that's what grouping is for...
And if they don't stack, well...I'm not feeling like Artificer is the repeater king anymore...I'd rather just go 2 levels for Insightful Strike and Rune Arms, 6 Rogue for Mechanic...then what? Kensai...? More Rogue?