I dislike blanket immunities. It stifle characters into either a mass hold monkey or a DC death. The rest of the schools don't get much use...conjuration for web but that is only one spell.
I don't mind seeing deathward casted because I have a chance at killing the divine before it casts it. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I may not.
I'd rather see critters buffed with FoM and Deathward and other stuff.
I'd also like to see those spells be dispellable by the players. As it is, dispel, greater dispel, and disjunction are worthless at the level you get them. Nothing really buffs but even when they do, their caster level is so much higher that we have no chance at landing it.
I'd like to see FoM added in so that wizards are not mass hold monkeys. This will add in some tactics.
Melee should also be able to land some of that tactical stuff and not rely on the arcane types tossing mass hold.
<<<<<<<Mass hold still trivializes content just as much as any mass death spell.>>>>>>>>
Weapons like curse spewers should have a better chance at landing in epics. They have such a low DC that there really isn't much point in having one. Melee types want the arcane to CC well and it would be good if the melee types also helped in that regard by lowering saves or spell resistance.