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  1. #81
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Theirs no weakest class.

    Just badly played and equipped Toons

    You could argue theirs a most powerful class Atm.

    Whats even stranger is most peoples choice of the weakest class today was undoubtedly the most powerful when i joined the game 3 years ago

    Sadly this discussion leads to more Bigotry

    Honestly their are fantastic toons of all the classes running about in DDO

    I always accept the first lot unless we require a specific such as a healer etc.

    Apart from the toughest Epics (DQ1/Wiz/Chains and then i am picky)
    Last edited by krackythehoodedone; 08-17-2011 at 12:12 PM.

  2. #82
    Community Member Candela90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    Takes of beards of dwarf women are made up by jealous elves, who aren't masculine enough to grow their own, and who got many other flaws. Theese rumors are repeated over and over by elven probaganda machines.
    The truth is, dwarven women are mostly securely kept in dwarven cities, because all other races are not worth of seeing dwarven ladies.

    PS: nie mów źle o krasnalach, bo wiem gdzie mieszkasz ^^
    But i saw this beard with my eyes
    And elves rock. At least female elves ^^
    Dwarfs are just jealous elves are higher than their width

    Ps. Nie odpisze na czarno z telefonu.
    Ale ja też wiem gdzie mieszkasz xD. A winne są nadal brokuly.

  3. #83
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Anything that is not an Artificer....
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  4. #84
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayla93 View Post
    But i saw this beard with my eyes
    And elves rock. At least female elves ^^
    Dwarfs are just jealous elves are higher than their width

    Ps. Nie odpisze na czarno z telefonu.
    Ale ja też wiem gdzie mieszkasz xD. A winne są nadal brokuly.
    1. You saw only fat gnome female with fake beard. Or maybe real beard, IDK, gnomes are not humanoids, but aberrations.
    2. Broccoli is good.
    3. Elves whine because they're to fragile, halfings whine becasue they're to small, humans whine because they're to high. Dwarves are in sweet spot. And in world where most adventurers are human female, having eyes just at exact height is very important.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  5. #85
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    I just saw the most useless class a couple days ago. I believe it was a wizard that in fact was a melee, that got it in his head that zombie form would make him immortal so he flipped con the bird and had I believe 67 hp at around lv 7 buffed.

    I think he came from wow so that might explain a few things. And I gotta give the leader credit he didn't boot em right off the bat. The guy eventually rage quit after the undead beat his ass all around that dungeon.

    Lesson learned, unlike popular belief, pale masters are not god mode. Pale masters are not easy street. Pale masters are not some kind of undead battle hardened melee. Pale masters are something that pays off near end game.

    I think that's gotta be the 10th or so idiot ive seen trying to make some kind of undead melee only to get pimp slapped and take up a slot a hireling could fill 40 times better. Something must be in the water in khyber. Melting peoples brains.

  6. #86
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    The last one to apply to the LFM.
    This about sums it up for me. Nothing further to add.

  7. #87
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    Ranger. The best ones are behind all other DPS classes. The new/silly ones deal close to 0 damage plinking a raid boss with a bow. The truly terrible ones try to manyshot horoth, have him turn around and kill the 4 or 5 squishier melees that were behind him.
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

    Leader of Templar

  8. #88
    Community Member Candela90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    1. You saw only fat gnome female with fake beard. Or maybe real beard, IDK, gnomes are not humanoids, but aberrations.
    2. Broccoli is good.
    3. Elves whine because they're to fragile, halfings whine becasue they're to small, humans whine because they're to high. Dwarves are in sweet spot. And in world where most adventurers are human female, having eyes just at exact height is very important.
    1 maybe but im still sure it was dwarf female ;p
    2. I knew dwarfs actually eat it!
    3. To all whines u should add: dwarfs whines all other races have muscles and they have fat.^^
    As about eyes in good height ... as im woman i wont comment that but i guess for men its good argument xD
    And small halflings are great! Still i prefer elves.

  9. #89
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodspeed View Post
    I just saw the most useless class a couple days ago. I believe it was a wizard that in fact was a melee, that got it in his head that zombie form would make him immortal so he flipped con the bird and had I believe 67 hp at around lv 7 buffed.
    When you flip off the Con bird, it has a tendency to dump all over you.

  10. #90
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    I am fairly new to DDO, but I have been playing D&D for a long time. I find it interesting that everybody hates on the ranger. I made one and have him set up as a melee dps, I’m level 6 and have a 24 dex and an 18 str. I use weapon finesse to give me an incredible hit rate with my rapier/short sword and any other light weapon set I have and lets me hit with my bows ( mostly to draw, not kite). Is this not how to build a ranger? I’m looking for advice more than anything, but my toon so far, has been useful in groups and has no problem doing many quest solo.

  11. #91
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boredamerican View Post
    Is this not how to build a ranger?
    Apparently not.
    Higher level quests are a different beast altogether.
    Update 5 impacted rangers considerably, toning their dual wielding down making a shallower Ranger splash less desirable.

    With higher dex than str, you'll find yourself struggling for raw damage: it's relatively easy to reach high attack rate, so you'll land your blows eventually through strike saturation.
    Problem is, if the blows themselves are weak, they'll struggle to leave a dent, especially vs high-DR targets.

    A dex rogue can make do with sneak-dmg.
    Higher hit ratio compensates lower base dmg vs sneak-vulnerable foes.
    A dex ranger can only do so much, and would benefit from dmg enhancing feats/effects.
    Power Attack works well.
    Using a two-handed weapons vs some foes works too.
    My very first char was a dex ranger; I've eventually learnt to carry an adamantine maul to use vs golems and he's been much better off.

    The usual advice here is: ranger gets dual wielding feats free - regardless of natural dex.
    This means they can make do with only dex 13, to qualify for Dodge and Tempest eventually.
    Non rangers need dex 15 to dual wield, and eventually 17 for the full line, and still have a lower off-hand proc - a DDO-specific mechanic - from not being Tempests.
    * Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boredamerican View Post
    I am fairly new to DDO, but I have been playing D&D for a long time. I find it interesting that everybody hates on the ranger. I made one and have him set up as a melee dps, I’m level 6 and have a 24 dex and an 18 str. I use weapon finesse to give me an incredible hit rate with my rapier/short sword and any other light weapon set I have and lets me hit with my bows ( mostly to draw, not kite). Is this not how to build a ranger? I’m looking for advice more than anything, but my toon so far, has been useful in groups and has no problem doing many quest solo.

    With that, what is your con? (I jest)

    Personally I'd say that rangers might be the "most worthless", or the "worst", but that doesn't mean that they are BAD.
    Their problem is that they are generalists. They do good damage, can heal in a pinch and have good spells. They also get many of their main feats for free, setting them up to be both melee and great range attackers.

    Thier problem is that everything they do can be done better by other classes, even if the other classes might lack something that the ranger has. Want range power? Arcane Caster. Heals? Divine Caster. Melee monster? Any other sort of melee class.
    Also, rangers doesn't really bring anything "new" like bards, the other "generalist class", brings.

    A well played ranger can be an asset. But they can only really do one thing at a time, which means that they'll often be outclassed by other dudes.

    They do however make good solo characters, due to range kiting (not that great in a party ), self healing, and an ability to amp up the damage by swaping to 2wf.
    Do I personally deny rangers? No, not at all, but I seldom deny anything at all.

  13. #93
    Community Member Templarion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post
    Theirs no weakest class.
    If there are three apples in a basket, each picked from a different tree. They all can taste good but I am sure you can say one of them is better than others and one of them is not as good as others.

    People can have different taste and we cannot argue much about that. But here in DDO we can start number crunching and define which class is better or worse than the others in the hands of equally skilled players.
    Last edited by Templarion; 08-18-2011 at 06:10 AM.

  14. #94
    Community Member Phemt81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodic View Post
    Its the PLAYER not the CLASS.
    No, thank you. I am not accepting you in my group with that 5 fighter 5 cleric 5 wizard 5 rogue build.

    But i'm sure you are an amazing player, sure!

    And, seriously, i tend to avoid monks and rangers.

    Monks cause they have abundant steps, renamed zerger's step for my bad experience with people playing them...

    Rangers cause i always seem to meet weak build with that class; no dps, low hp, not really useful in a group. Except when they got a rogue splash they are good trapkillers to be honest.
    How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We absolutely planned for Fighter to still have Haste Boost. It's absolutely a bug. Any similar issues that look "wrong" to any player should be bugged.
    Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!

  15. #95
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post

    Apart from the toughest Epics (DQ1/Wiz/Chains and then i am picky)
    But you would still take a ranger on those wouldnt you?

  16. #96
    The Hatchery stoerm's Avatar
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    Paladins. Not my own opinion, but the (anecdotal) evidence is:

    1) It's the class I see least of in game
    2) No threads about "OP paladins"
    3) No threads demanding to "boost paladins" - nobody even cares
    4) Turtle tanking is history

    Rangers come in close 2nd.

  17. #97
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Oh Dear.

    I am saddenned by the bigotry and lack of knowledge displayed in some of these replies.

    I don't play a Ranger,but theirs no reason for so much mistrust

    Their are some fantastic Rangers out their

    And some not so fantastic, but that goes for all classes.

    As for Monks, well you are entitled to your opinions. The good ones are awesome

    To Natural Hazard. In hard Epics i look for experienced well equipped characters/players.

    Rangers are as welcome as any other.

    Not Class specific at all. Apart from maybe Melee/Caster/Heals.

    If i have a good group i deliberately leave a spot for a newer player if i can find one

    I am lucky in that i know most on my server. I tend to get the ''usual suspects'' every time
    Last edited by krackythehoodedone; 08-18-2011 at 09:39 AM.

  18. #98
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phemt81 View Post
    No, thank you. I am not accepting you in my group with that 5 fighter 5 cleric 5 wizard 5 rogue build.

    But i'm sure you are an amazing player, sure!

    And, seriously, i tend to avoid monks and rangers.

    Monks cause they have abundant steps, renamed zerger's step for my bad experience with people playing them...

    Rangers cause i always seem to meet weak build with that class; no dps, low hp, not really useful in a group. Except when they got a rogue splash they are good trapkillers to be honest.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  19. #99
    Community Member gavijal's Avatar
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    Great , I got neg rep for making this thread... some people are just ridiculous ....

  20. #100
    Community Member DragonKiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gavijal View Post
    Great , I got neg rep for making this thread... some people are just ridiculous ....
    Of course you did. Your thread is about trolling, it's very evident by the wording "Most Usless Class in DDO". You didn't ask "Which class do you dislike" or "Which class is most often the worst played" or anything like that... so of course your going to get Neg'd for it. Doesn't take a psychic to see that coming.

    And no it wasn't me... I don't waste my time on that stuff (to the point I don't even know if I can). - Look Mom it's a Guild forum, can I have one too?

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