I like rogues. Actually im lvl 18 fvs now and never met really squishy rogue. Only one that TOTALLY didnt know how to play one (couldnt disable traps on normal beeing one level heigher tham quest level. ANY trap xD. But that was just extremly weird and rare case i think)
And rangers...theyre fine too. Sometimes just **** me off cause they keep getting agro with arrows and melees have to run after mobs and mostly ranger ran away then.
I dont like barbs. And WARF barb... i accept them when i dont have time to wait for someone else. Im not saying theyre bad. Great dmg and all but i almost always play as healer.
Barbs have high hp and are loosing it pretty fast. When its WARF healing them takes more than half sp usually.
And i never will play this class. It seems so 'grab the biggest weapom, run to all mobs and smash everything'
Not my style.
Still i accept barbs just not WARFs.
I shall echo: Ranger.
And, unfortunately, they need to up both ranged and melee output from a Ranger to make it effective. The doublestrike/TWF changes really, really owned rangers.
OP- I'd love to know your intentions when starting this thread.
Innocent question? I hope it's the last time you ask it, as you've invited all the anti bard/rogue/ranger gang to pile in with the punches, and then all the people who love those classes and play DDO just to play those classes will come along and defend them.
There is no bad/worst class. I have seen EVERY class played badly.
Interestingly despite the haters hating there has been a far amount of "any badly played character" responses...
Thats where I draw the line myself ~ I wont stop a bizzaro build like 10Sorc/10Fvs or 10Bard/1Wiz/1Sorc joining a run (I like watching a good train wreck every now and again ~ why else would I join PUG TS every TR?) but my squelch list is full of bad players...
I've even put bans on certain Guilds joining my Shroud runs because of their universally poor members that turn my normal 25 minute runs into 45+ minute horrors (its amazing how easily part2 can be repeatedly messed up by one player at times). Oh and yes I do apply a 3 strikes rule and actually try and help the players before I make this decision...
Member of Wanderlust
Paulao (TR2 IP) ~ Paulbo (TR2) ~ Paulco (TR1) ~ Pauldo (TR3) ~ Pauleo (FL) ~ Paulfo (FL) ~ Paulgo (FL) ~ Paulho (TR1) ~ Pauljo (FL) ~ Paulpo (FL)
I was going to say Art History but knowing who Kandinsky was can get you chicks.
For me, I'd have to go with Lithography.
What a grind.
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zonbLF-NMZgOriginally Posted by Turbine
Hm, i sense some sarcastic remark here. Posting from my phone so excuse me for not linking the exact SS for u but i believe it was in that (forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=209854&page=1) thread, if not i'll edit my post tomorrow. All rog shroud, elite, when the cap was 16. Enjoy.
* Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *
Clerics. They pamper people and turn them into wimps.
My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.
I do, and she's not even geared out ALL THE WAY yet.
As far as stealing aggro, a decent end-game rogue has at least 50% threat reduction, while a decent "tank" will have at least 50% threat generation. Therefore, if a rogue pulls aggro from a barbarian, it's probably a fluke (or a LitII proccing like crazy from the rogue).
Going to have to go with the ranger on this one as well.
The rogue hate cracks me up. I am always amused/annoyed by the general perception of rogues. I guess it comes from the fact that it is so easy to make a very bad rogue (same with rangers, really), but a well played rogue is insane on damage in most situations. Sure, rogue would be on the bottom of my list versus undead, but when a ToD or Epic Chrono or whatever is looking for ranger, monks, fighters, pallys, barbs dps but has grayed out rogue, I find it idiotic. After having played every class to cap a few times, I can say without a doubt, that in most situations my rogue will out dps any other class (except a savant in power unload mode).
Using the fact that a rogue doesn't peel agro as an argument that they are not doing as much damage as someone else is just plain not understanding the class. Most rogues, and by most I mean anyone who knows what they are doing when they build their rogue, take hate reduction enhancements, gear and skills. A capped rogue should have to do 40%+ more dmg to peel, and then should be able to drop that using diplo/bluff to continue their high dmg rate with no agro. Many rogues have gear to increase that % to be even higher. And often times, "tank" types will be using agro increasing gear/skills.
As far as survivability, it is true that rogues have fewer HPs than other melees, but improved evasion and agro shedding abilities make it so that this isnt an issue for the well played rogue.
My absolute favorite point in those no rogue lfms, is often they have 1 rogue in them . . . the group leader. At least that group leader is letting everyone know that they have no idea of the potential of their class.
Leader of Lost Legions
Imo rangers, but its not like "Rangers are useless, or if you play ranger u must be noob!!!111" its more like if i have to point one class at the bottom it will rangers, since:
- The PrE are either unfinished, cutoff, or related to suboptimal part of game mechanic.
- They do not bring anything freesh to the table, no insane dps or trapskils, not many very important buffs, no bag of hp.
- The ranger capstone is so sad that its no longer fun. Its even worse than cleric one.
The good point is that you can still pick party of mostly ragners and it will run smoothly, but if devs wonders where to put their love rangers are the shot.
note: im hardly ever picky in actual play, save the situacion i want something for runes or better hlz, or want more arcanes so i can pike and write in the forum.
just my 3 plat.
Community Member
yes its tough to be a 'healer with a fighter splash'Not just one particular knowledgeable party leader, quite a lot of them. Though all classes tend to discriminate, i think ive gotten the most from 1) Warforged FVS and 2) Pure clerics.
Back on topic,
I've heard also some Monk hate
Last edited by darkniteyogi; 08-16-2011 at 07:46 PM.