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  1. #1
    Community Member gavijal's Avatar
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    Default Most useless class in DDO?

    I know there is no useless class, but what class you accept last when you create LFM?

  2. 08-16-2011, 02:27 PM

  3. 08-16-2011, 03:14 PM

  4. #4
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by teh_meh View Post
    Hi, I'm Maarl. I'm Canadian. And my rogue sustains 640 HP while often in the 700's. I'll be pleased to kick your face in any day of the week. And since you like slandering rogues, I'll bring Merloc. His rogue is stank nasty and you'll never walk the same again.
    What's that you say ay? Not sure what that's all aboot.

  5. 08-16-2011, 06:11 PM

  6. #6
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    No supprise I see a lot of ranger hate.

    Keep hating please, maybe the devs will give the rangers some much needed love.

    To those of you good ranger players out there, who have soloed, and tanked, what ever keep quiet please, we want the devs to buff rangers not nerf them again.

    Haters going to hate, good players going to ignore and keep on playing.

  7. #7
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    No supprise I see a lot of ranger hate.

    Keep hating please, maybe the devs will give the rangers some much needed love.

    To those of you good ranger players out there, who have soloed, and tanked, what ever keep quiet please, we want the devs to buff rangers not nerf them again.

    Haters going to hate, good players going to ignore and keep on playing.
    Thats the thing, I run a ranger as my 'main.' Well, its slowly being pushed out by one of my casters, but thats another story.

    Rangers are the ugly ducklings. Yeah, mine can HP tank any of the bosses 'cept Lailat and elite Horoth. Yeah, she can solo a lot of content.

    She still sucks in comparison to what other classes bring.


    I'll continue to play her, but the class's potential is a lot lower than it used to be. Was OP before, now its under-powered. Needs a nudge.

    Full STR to offhand would do nicely.
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  8. #8
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gavijal View Post
    what class you accept last when you create LFM?
    The last one to apply to the LFM.
    Last edited by Memnir; 08-16-2011 at 03:20 PM. Reason: clarity
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  9. #9
    Community Member uthanak69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    The last one to apply to the LFM.
    This. I don't care what classes they are.

  10. #10
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    The last one to apply to the LFM.
    This about sums it up for me. Nothing further to add.

  11. #11
    Community Member Emizand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by memnir View Post
    the Last One To Apply To The Lfm.

  12. #12


    I always accept anyone who applies, but I'm always a bit reluctant when a rogue applies. Besides what everyone says about the highest DPS with 0% fort and 100% SA, and all the blablabla, I've never seen a rogue grab aggro from a barb in a raid, and they die pretty fast due to lower HP.

    Yes, I know all rogues do not have a low HP but how many end game players & epic oriented players play with a rogue? That should answer your question.

    Sithali-1 ~ 31/31 Lives ~ Completionist
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  13. #13
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symerith View Post
    I always accept anyone who applies, but I'm always a bit reluctant when a rogue applies. Besides what everyone says about the highest DPS with 0% fort and 100% SA, and all the blablabla, I've never seen a rogue grab aggro from a barb in a raid, and they die pretty fast due to lower HP.

    Yes, I know all rogues do not have a low HP but how many end game players & epic oriented players play with a rogue? That should answer your question.

    Wow. Did u start ddo yesterday? LOL.

    I very often see rog's rip agro from barbs. Granted neither is built right(the barb too weak, rog no hate reduct) and i run epics with mine before I TR'ed, soloing many epics. I Still don't get the 'no endgame player plays rog'

    Rog is the 'best' class hands down in ddo, since they can gobble up a splash or 2 of any other class and gain so much, have amazing synergy with almost every other class, are (at least till artificer here) the only ones able to dance inside traps while removing that threat from the other party members, the only ones who can be built as tank, as support, as dps, as whatever the player chooses(no other class has that flexibility)

    Yes there are SOME rogs who haven't gotten past lv 10 who are squishy. But anyone who 'knows' the class will surprise you. Open up your world and accept rog's when they join. Sure some will make you sign when they die to a kobolds sneeze, but some will also impress you.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post

    Wow. Did u start ddo yesterday? LOL.

    I very often see rog's rip agro from barbs. Granted neither is built right(the barb too weak, rog no hate reduct) and i run epics with mine before I TR'ed, soloing many epics. I Still don't get the 'no endgame player plays rog'

    Rog is the 'best' class hands down in ddo, since they can gobble up a splash or 2 of any other class and gain so much, have amazing synergy with almost every other class, are (at least till artificer here) the only ones able to dance inside traps while removing that threat from the other party members, the only ones who can be built as tank, as support, as dps, as whatever the player chooses(no other class has that flexibility)

    Yes there are SOME rogs who haven't gotten past lv 10 who are squishy. But anyone who 'knows' the class will surprise you. Open up your world and accept rog's when they join. Sure some will make you sign when they die to a kobolds sneeze, but some will also impress you.
    Among the 20-40 best power gamers and epicly geared players on my server, I don't think any of them has a rogue. Why? Because it's so easy to make an evoker or nuker that is able to do sooo much more than a rogue.
    Any WF FvS built correctly can tank, offensive cast, heal & melee. And the rogue? Disable traps that can be avoided in 90% of the content.

    In my opinion, monks have more syngergy. 2 more feats, better saves vs trapsmithing & SA.
    Anyway, as I said, I agree a rogue correctly built can outDPS a barb but SERIOUSLY, that is THEORY, how many rogues with more than 350 HP do you see out there? Take the time to myDDO some of these "ubber" rogues and you'll laugh quite often.

    End game content = higher fort = the end of rogue's paradise.

    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    ... the only ones who can be built as tank, as support, as dps, as whatever the player chooses(no other class has that flexibility)
    I laughed here.
    WF FvS are far superior to those rogues. Granted, less DPS meleeing but then you have DP, BB, etc.
    A rogue that can tank better than a WF with immunities & 35 DR?

    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    Yes there are SOME rogs who haven't gotten past lv 10 who are squishy. But anyone who 'knows' the class will surprise you. Open up your world and accept rog's when they join. Sure some will make you sign when they die to a kobolds sneeze, but some will also impress you.
    Laughed again. You said SOME, the correct version is TOO MANY.

    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    But anyone who 'knows' the class will surprise you.
    And you'll be surprised by the low number of people who 'know' the class.

    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    Open up your world and accept rog's when they join. Sure some will make you sign when they die to a kobolds sneeze, but some will also impress you.
    As I said, I always accept anyone, even though it's a rogue, but I'm better of with a barb. At least, I'm not worried about the HP bar dropping to 0 in a few seconds.
    And yes, I know a FEW rogues who really are excellent players.
    Last edited by Symerith; 08-16-2011 at 03:54 PM.

    Sithali-1 ~ 31/31 Lives ~ Completionist
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  15. #15
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    Default I'm THAT rogue

    Quote Originally Posted by Symerith View Post
    Among the 20-40 best power gamers and epicly geared players on my server, I don't think any of them has a rogue. Why? Because it's so easy to make an evoker or nuker that is able to do sooo much more than a rogue.
    Any WF FvS built correctly can tank, offensive cast, heal & melee. And the rogue? Disable traps that can be avoided in 90% of the content.

    In my opinion, monks have more syngergy. 2 more feats, better saves vs trapsmithing & SA.
    Anyway, as I said, I agree a rogue correctly built can outDPS a barb but SERIOUSLY, that is THEORY, how many rogues with more than 350 HP do you see out there? Take the time to myDDO some of these "ubber" rogues and you'll laugh quite often.

    End game content = higher fort = the end of rogue's paradise.

    I laughed here.
    WF FvS are far superior to those rogues. Granted, less DPS meleeing but then you have DP, BB, etc.
    A rogue that can tank better than a WF with immunities & 35 DR?

    Laughed again. You said SOME, the correct version is TOO MANY.

    And you'll be surprised by the low number of people who 'know' the class.

    As I said, I always accept anyone, even though it's a rogue, but I'm better of with a barb. At least, I'm not worried about the HP bar dropping to 0 in a few seconds.
    And yes, I know a FEW rogues who really are excellent players.

    Myddo krimsonrane (main) or krimsonrayne (alt). I'm THAT end game powerplayer rogue you seem to think is theory.
    Krimsonrayne -Ultimate Lord of Shadows on Orien server.
    Using -Ethan Hunt build -Assassin III, 900+ HP versatile, survivalist, high dps, str build.
    Build presented in video format. Long Live R.O.G.U.E.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusParthas View Post
    Myddo krimsonrane (main) or krimsonrayne (alt). I'm THAT end game powerplayer rogue you seem to think is theory.

    dont i know it! i dont worry about Krim when i am the healer for Epic/high level stuff. it is nice, as i will admit, the Rogues then Rangers tend to be the ones i worry the most about.

    they can be good, but they are usually squishy.. (granted there are exceptions)

    I LOOK for LFMs with Krim in them, if we fail the quest it isnt because of Krim

    Krim is a rare breed, he is a great rogue in end content and backs it up with a great personality, never taking anything personally, and having a great sense of humor even if we happen to fail. (we usually beat the quest, though)

    i will take just about anyone when left to my own devices as party leader. everyone deserves a change or 3 to show what they can do. my own Pally (first toon, PnP doesnt translate well for the pally in DDO) taught me that.

    i will take just about anyone as long as certain things are filled in depending on the quest, i am not going to take a second Bard when i have one already; i dont care if i get Wizzy or a Sorc as long as my CC is filled in, etc.. Then again, i dont often lead parties *shrugs*
    All Entertainment Value. the Heals are free, its the killing that will cost you
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symerith View Post
    Among the 20-40 best power gamers and epicly geared players on my server, I don't think any of them has a rogue. Why? Because it's so easy to make an evoker or nuker that is able to do sooo much more than a rogue.
    Any WF FvS built correctly can tank, offensive cast, heal & melee. And the rogue? Disable traps that can be avoided in 90% of the content.

    In my opinion, monks have more syngergy. 2 more feats, better saves vs trapsmithing & SA.
    Anyway, as I said, I agree a rogue correctly built can outDPS a barb but SERIOUSLY, that is THEORY, how many rogues with more than 350 HP do you see out there? Take the time to myDDO some of these "ubber" rogues and you'll laugh quite often.

    End game content = higher fort = the end of rogue's paradise.
    Wrong. I'm THAT rogue.

    I laughed here.
    WF FvS are far superior to those rogues. Granted, less DPS meleeing but then you have DP, BB, etc.
    A rogue that can tank better than a WF with immunities & 35 DR?
    Wrong again. I'm THAT rogue

    Laughed again. You said SOME, the correct version is TOO MANY.

    And you'll be surprised by the low number of people who 'know' the class.

    As I said, I always accept anyone, even though it's a rogue, but I'm better of with a barb. At least, I'm not worried about the HP bar dropping to 0 in a few seconds.
    And yes, I know a FEW rogues who really are excellent players.
    Right. Way too many rogues suck. But if you see the right rogue or you know of one, your better off with him over ANY barb. Odds are he'll outkill everyone, save the party multiple times, scroll heal when the divine runs out of sp, res the party when the far too divine dependent melee dies and eliminate major threats before you even know they're there.
    Then when the uber tank barb dies, they'll save the raid by grabbing agro and TANKING for you.
    Always myddo every rogue who applies before turning them down.
    Across all servers you might find a dozen rogues who are far superior to anything you've ever heard of before.
    Enjoy them if your server has one. They're a benefit to any raid or quest.
    Krimsonrayne -Ultimate Lord of Shadows on Orien server.
    Using -Ethan Hunt build -Assassin III, 900+ HP versatile, survivalist, high dps, str build.
    Build presented in video format. Long Live R.O.G.U.E.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    Rog is the 'best' class hands down in ddo ...
    Ever see a 6 person party with mostly or all rogues? That would be awesome.

    EDIT: 6 rogue party each with casting clickies. FUN--I want that in my life.
    Last edited by ocifferdave; 08-16-2011 at 04:21 PM.

  19. #19
    Community Member xSeverinax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ocifferdave View Post
    Ever see a 6 person party with mostly or all rogues? That would be awesome.
    Yep, a 10 rogue shroud, 1 healer and a bard who didn't fight but buffed the party. There is a huge thread about it on here somewhere, it happened on the Thelanis server, there are screne shots and a video of it as well.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by xSeverinax View Post
    Yep, a 10 rogue shroud, 1 healer and a bard who didn't fight but buffed the party. There is a huge thread about it on here somewhere, it happened on the Thelanis server, there are screne shots and a video of it as well.
    That probably was a beautiful thing to be a part of. *tear* I'll look it up! thx

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