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  1. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkniteyogi View Post

    to die the most, the rogues.. i find rogues the least useful except in those elite quests with traps. they're more situational, but generally, more useless than the others imo. Sometimes i get surprised to see them leading the kill counts though.. So my impression may be wrong.
    It is.

  2. #162
    Community Member JasonJi72's Avatar
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    All classes and builds not capable of using stealth.
    Jyn... Kender... Thelanis

    *Insert clever comment here*

  3. #163
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    Artificers, until they get the spells that turbine took away from going from lama to live.

  4. #164
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    I usually accept whoever hits my LFM first also, however the class I am most inclined to NOT take if I do not know them is Barbarian - particularly if the group appears to be shaping up to be a BYOH type group where we do not have a healer.

    (I ran an elite Chains of Flame today, and decided to turn down a Barbarian applicant because I felt they would not flourish well in our group which, after some futile struggles to find a healer, ended up running with 2 artis, a wiz, a sorc, and a ranged ranger.)

    Ironically, Barbarians, while the class I most dislike while generally questing, is also one of the most desired in raids.
    Vlyxnol - Incarnate - Cannith
    "As a tank I feel that plate armor is necessary for my survivability but I also feel that other players need to see my belly button."

  5. #165
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonJi72 View Post
    All classes and builds not capable of using stealth.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  6. #166
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    I have the unique ability to make any class/build/race in DDO useless

  7. #167
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZzpxpzZ View Post
    I usually accept whoever hits my LFM first also, however the class I am most inclined to NOT take if I do not know them is Barbarian - particularly if the group appears to be shaping up to be a BYOH type group where we do not have a healer.

    (I ran an elite Chains of Flame today, and decided to turn down a Barbarian applicant because I felt they would not flourish well in our group which, after some futile struggles to find a healer, ended up running with 2 artis, a wiz, a sorc, and a ranged ranger.)

    Ironically, Barbarians, while the class I most dislike while generally questing, is also one of the most desired in raids.
    While I like the DPS Barbs can do, they are guaranteed to be the guy who joins an LFM and tells the party leader: "now we just need a healer!"

    Ftrs too though. But at least some of them have AC.

    They are also the most likely to drop group when things do not go their way.

    It's funny how the most mentioned class in this thread is Rgrs, yet I would gladly take a full group of Rgrs into any quest.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  8. #168
    Community Member stretchcore's Avatar
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    1.Forum Trolls.
    2.Most kiters who can't put out enough dps to make it worth chasing mobs down instead of protecting the casters.
    3.People who think zerging means training through the whole dungeon ignoring DA until it goes red.

    In fact, there's an easy solution to all three of these, now I think about it.
    Ignore them.
    1. Gets bored and does something else instead, rest of forums advance at normal speed through topics.
    2. Gets left behind/killed kiting the same mob while rest of party advances at normal speed through dungeon.
    3. Gets red alerted, dies, alert settles down eventually, rest of party advances at normal speed through dungeon.

  9. #169
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tirisha View Post
    um.... any class that doesn't have a substantial SP bar.... duh



  10. #170
    The Hatchery
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    Who do I take in my parties? The first 5/11 to apply, except possibly saving a spot for healer/CCer in harder epics/raids.

    Seriously. I don't find a Token run of Partycrashers very fun if it's a "perfect" 1 healer/1 ccer/4 DPS party. A few days ago, I had a full party of DPS only. I, on my rogue, was doing a lot of heal scrolling (when I wasn't assassinating or CCing with Limbchopper/Epic Timeblade), but everyone had a method self healing. No CCing, so a lot of kiting took place. And it was FUN. Why have a perfect party each time? Add some randomness, see just how awesome your class is when you have to utilize different aspects of it.

    IMO every class has a purpose, especially when played by a good player. Rangers could use some balancing, though, but even they can rock when played correctly.

    Re: Rogue misconceptions.

    I have a rogue. Epicly geared out, at 477 HP without buffs I have more HP than many PUG fighters/monks/paladins, etc. 497 ship, 517 rage, 557 madstone, 597 double madstone... etc. 497 unbuffed when I get a Litany. This HP is augmented by Improved Evasion and a high reflex save, making me practically immune to spike damage from spells.

    I have stolen aggro from very competent barbarians, who may or may not have had aggro increasing effects, on bosses like Garos, Malicia, etc, and I have -20% threat from an item and -30% from enhancements. But I'm able to reassert my sneak attacks with bluff.

    Of course, my rogue is anything but typical, but Rogues are extremely high DPS, even on raid bosses (normal), and also have high UMD. Any rogue can exceed 400 HP, which, with improved evasion, is more than enough for non-tanking.

    If you see a 250 HP drow rogue with no fort, you're seeing a bad player, not a bad class.

  11. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusParthas View Post
    Myddo krimsonrane (main) or krimsonrayne (alt). I'm THAT end game powerplayer rogue you seem to think is theory.

    dont i know it! i dont worry about Krim when i am the healer for Epic/high level stuff. it is nice, as i will admit, the Rogues then Rangers tend to be the ones i worry the most about.

    they can be good, but they are usually squishy.. (granted there are exceptions)

    I LOOK for LFMs with Krim in them, if we fail the quest it isnt because of Krim

    Krim is a rare breed, he is a great rogue in end content and backs it up with a great personality, never taking anything personally, and having a great sense of humor even if we happen to fail. (we usually beat the quest, though)

    i will take just about anyone when left to my own devices as party leader. everyone deserves a change or 3 to show what they can do. my own Pally (first toon, PnP doesnt translate well for the pally in DDO) taught me that.

    i will take just about anyone as long as certain things are filled in depending on the quest, i am not going to take a second Bard when i have one already; i dont care if i get Wizzy or a Sorc as long as my CC is filled in, etc.. Then again, i dont often lead parties *shrugs*
    All Entertainment Value. the Heals are free, its the killing that will cost you
    To Squeak or not to Squeak, that is the question. For a Dictionary of Squeaks; Listen Carefully =]

  12. #172
    Community Member Quetzacoala's Avatar
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    Well, it seems rangers and rogues are getting a lot of hate here, which brings me to an interesting dilemma. I have crafted two GS scimitars on my level 20 favored soul in preperation to TR into an elf tempest... but it seems rangers are gimped?

    Is there any good elf tempest build you can direct me to?
    Quote Originally Posted by DeafeningWhisper View Post
    I agree with the feathered marsupial.

  13. #173
    The Hatchery stoerm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quetzacoala View Post
    Well, it seems rangers and rogues are getting a lot of hate here, which brings me to an interesting dilemma. I have crafted two GS scimitars on my level 20 favored soul in preperation to TR into an elf tempest... but it seems rangers are gimped?

    Is there any good elf tempest build you can direct me to?
    People have an aversion to con-dumpped dex rangers who refuse to melee. Tempests are ok.

  14. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ugumagre View Post
    Druid. They just do NOTHING. Its annoying .
    oh yea, those bastards, they arent even here!

  15. #175
    Community Member Furbitor's Avatar
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    Clearly the most useless class is Paladin.

    Yes this worthless dolt who levels in Paladin knows only one way to play, soloist.

    Even in a raid full of good classes, the paladin is playing his toon like he is all alone.

    never buffing others his blue bar can't be bothered.... healing ablility? "I can hit myself with FOUR LOH!!!" yes, yes you idiot.... but why not use just one of those LOH on the incapped cleric, laying over there?.... Oh, he can't heal himself..... Durrrrrrrr stupid healer!!!

    For years, the primary line of action for a Paladin was the use of his cha based Diplomacy skill... sending mobs away from his +5 mithral fullplate to attach the robe weilding squishies......

    yes yes.. I heard they finally got intimidate.... But IT WASNT THAT WAY FOR A LONG TIME.

    Always harping about their smites.... . I hit it !!!! I hit it!!!! See my 240 point smite!!!!!


    I swear, to chose the paladin class is like to self -induce a lobotomy.

    Paladins are wannabe fighter, who dont have crits...
    paladins are wannabe healers, who mebbe only heal themselves...
    paladins are wannabe WOW players, who dont have enough sense to stop playing Hello Kitty Online: Island Adventure!

    Silver flamers....... sigh

    Putting a paladin in a party is like putting a hole in the bottom of the boat of a party. You are forever trying to plug the hole and everything is being shoved through it, leaking every resource you got.

  16. #176
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furbitor View Post
    Clearly the most useless class is Paladin.

    Yes this worthless dolt who levels in Paladin knows only one way to play, soloist.

    Even in a raid full of good classes, the paladin is playing his toon like he is all alone.

    never buffing others his blue bar can't be bothered.... healing ablility? "I can hit myself with FOUR LOH!!!" yes, yes you idiot.... but why not use just one of those LOH on the incapped cleric, laying over there?.... Oh, he can't heal himself..... Durrrrrrrr stupid healer!!!

    For years, the primary line of action for a Paladin was the use of his cha based Diplomacy skill... sending mobs away from his +5 mithral fullplate to attach the robe weilding squishies......

    yes yes.. I heard they finally got intimidate.... But IT WASNT THAT WAY FOR A LONG TIME.

    Always harping about their smites.... . I hit it !!!! I hit it!!!! See my 240 point smite!!!!!


    I swear, to chose the paladin class is like to self -induce a lobotomy.

    Paladins are wannabe fighter, who dont have crits...
    paladins are wannabe healers, who mebbe only heal themselves...
    paladins are wannabe WOW players, who dont have enough sense to stop playing Hello Kitty Online: Island Adventure!

    Silver flamers....... sigh

    Putting a paladin in a party is like putting a hole in the bottom of the boat of a party. You are forever trying to plug the hole and everything is being shoved through it, leaking every resource you got.

    I would have to say many of your complaints are operator complaints not class complaints.

    So I respectfully disagree.
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
    Go for the eyes Boo!

  17. #177
    Community Member Furbitor's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=KoboldKiller;4095697]I would have to say many of your complaints are operator complaints not class complaints.

    So I respectfully disagree.[/QUOTE

    Yes.. I see your point. But I say its the operator who choose the Class, not the observer, so the operator and class become one once the hit the create button.

    I do point out a great player can probably do good with this worthless class.., but why?

    Any other class out there is far superior in almost every way...

  18. #178
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoboldKiller View Post
    I would have to say many of your complaints are operator complaints not class complaints.

    So I respectfully disagree.[/QUOTE

    Yes.. I see your point. But I say its the operator who choose the Class, not the observer, so the operator and class become one once the hit the create button.

    I do point out a great player can probably do good with this worthless class.., but why?

    Any other class out there is far superior in almost every way...
    Because it's a game people play for enjoyment and some like what a Paladin can do and can bring to a party.

    A paladin is not as worthless as you seem to believe. They bring several buffs, healing, decent DPS and great saves giving them very good survivability.

    There is more than having a billion HP's and swinging a big axe.
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
    Go for the eyes Boo!

  19. #179
    Community Member Furbitor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furbitor View Post

    Because it's a game people play for enjoyment and some like what a Paladin can do and can bring to a party.

    A paladin is not as worthless as you seem to believe. They bring several buffs, healing, decent DPS and great saves giving them very good survivability.

    There is more than having a billion HP's and swinging a big axe.

    Joke of the day!!!! HAHAHAHA Cool!!! I love it!

  20. #180
    Community Member Savras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
    People have an aversion to con-dumpped dex rangers who refuse to melee. Tempests are ok.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quetzacoala
    Well, it seems rangers and rogues are getting a lot of hate here, which brings me to an interesting dilemma. I have crafted two GS scimitars on my level 20 favored soul in preperation to TR into an elf tempest... but it seems rangers are gimped?
    Im in the same situation as well. I'm planning to TR into a ranger. To make matters worse, its a ranged focused ranger. The reason why people dislike pew pews is because they kite. Whats stopping them from just standing there and spam attack instead, especially with the new PBS?

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